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AMERICAN AND BRITISH MONEY. Pronouncing a tongue – twister: Money is honey if honey is money Free speaking English: Is money power or garbage?

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2 Pronouncing a tongue – twister: Money is honey if honey is money Free speaking English: Is money power or garbage?

3 100$ 10$ 50$ Vocabulary 5£ 10£ 20£(1991, 93) 20£ (1999) 50£ 100£ 1$ 20$ 5$5$5$5$ adopt – принимать basic – основной bob- шиллинг circulation – обращение copper – медный crown – корона decimal – десятичный equal – равный farthing – фартинг florin – флорин halfpenny – полпенса ha’penny – полпенса issue – выпускать shilling – шиллинг sixpence – монета в 6 пенсов the (pound) sterling – (фунт) стерлинга threepence – монета в 3 пенса worth – стоимость

4 £ QUIZ £ QUIZ £ What is the basic unit of money in GB? When did the British adopt the decimal system? How many shillings were in the pound until 1971? What is the translation of the pound? How many pennies were in one shilling? How many grams were in a coin? The pound

5 ? 2. How much is the dollar worth? 1.What is the basic unit ofWhat is the basic unit of money in the USA? 3. Where does the dollar circulate? 4. When was the dollar adopted in the USA? 5. Were the first dollars issued in copper? 6. Do gold coins circulate now? $ Quiz $ Dollar 7. When was the dollar adopted in Canada? 8. When did Australia and New Zealand adopt the dollar?

6 A song “Money, money” I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay, Ain`t it sad, And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me, That`s too bad, In my dreams I have a plan, If I got me a wealthy man, I wouldn`t have to work at all, I`d fool around and have a ball... Chorus: Money, money, money, Must be funny, In the rich man`s world, Money, money, money, Always sunny, In the rich man`s world, Aha-ahaaa, All the things I could do, If I had a little money, It`s a rich man`s world, It`s a rich man`s world.

7 Explain the meaning of the expression To be bad money To be in the money To coin the money Easy money For my money Hard money Soft money To sink money Dirty money To put one’s money on a scratched horse To have a lot of money To invest money in a wrong way To make much money Gold, silver, copper money To invest money into a bad job Money which somebody got without hard work Paper money In my opinion Salary of workers, making dirty job

8 MONEY IS EVERYWHERE 1.Money begets money.  Деньги к деньгам идут  Деньги к деньгам идут. 2.Money has no smell.  Деньги не пахнут. 3.To roll in money  Денег куры не клюют. 4.Time is money.  Время – деньги. 5.Money doesn’t grow on trees.  Деньги на улице не валяются. 6.Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.  Деньги, истраченные на образование, никогда даром не пропадают. 7.No bees no honey, no work no money.  Кто не работает, тот не ест.

9 If the weather is sunny, So you’ve got to little money. When you travel England around, Then you need not ruble, but pound. If you fly to system solar, You will surely need the dollar

10 Hometask Find some information about our ruble.

11 What emotions do you feel? I feel…

12 Good work!!!

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