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2015 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN Barbara Noyes Pulling Rutland Regional Planning Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN Barbara Noyes Pulling Rutland Regional Planning Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN Barbara Noyes Pulling Rutland Regional Planning Commission

2 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Agriculture What types of agricultural uses do you want to encourage and where do you want them?

3 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Agriculture 2014 Town Survey 93.2% of respondents wanted more agricultural land use Up from 88.6% in 2004

4 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Agriculture “The Town should recognize agriculture as a traditional part of the local economy.” “Encourage the continued use of agricultural lands for food production and other agricultural purposes.” “Tax stabilization for agricultural land.” (suggested implementation measure) (current Town Plan)

5 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Agriculture Encourage the availability of locally produced food. Expand support of CSAs, farm stands, farmers markets, farm to school programs, community gardens. Discuss agricultural impact on the environment. Accepted Agricultural Practices (mandatory water quality restrictions) and Best Management Practices Program (voluntary measures for state financial assistance). (state Enhanced Consultation)

6 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Agriculture Sample language: “Support farming operations and diversification and farm energy projects with the same degree of importance as the Town supports its local industries and other businesses.” (Middlebury) “Emphasize investment in ventures and activities that support a sustainable local economy, with particular consideration given to local foods and renewable energy.” (Bennington) “Encourage full- or part-time agricultural activities that would supplement regular income such as growing food, flowers or animals, horse farming, and maple sugaring…Agritourism should be encouraged to promote the viability of agriculture… provided it does not negatively impact the health, welfare or safety of nearby residents.” (Pomfret)

7 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Agriculture What types of agricultural uses do you want to encourage and where do you want them?

8 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development What types of new industry do you want and where do you want them?

9 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development 2014 Town Survey Slightly less support for commercial and light industrial (compared to 2004 survey). 70% want less commercial and 75% want less light industrial (compared to 88/87% in 2004). Marked decrease in support for heavy industrial (compared to 2004 survey). 82% now want less (compared to 51% in 2004).

10 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development “The Town should work to attract new industries and businesses, which will meet environmental standards and will not impact heavily on housing needs and the local school system.” “Nurture economic activity that provides satisfying and rewarding job opportunities while maintaining high environmental standards.” (current Town Plan)

11 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development Clear priority for balancing an improving economy and maintaining environmental standards. More discussion of unemployment or lack thereof. (state Enhanced Consultation)

12 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development and Village Center Designation Include in the Town Plan: Evidence that the Plan includes the intention to apply for village center designation and the Town Plan explains how the designation would further the Plan’s and state goals.

13 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development and Village Center Designation Sample language: “(Clarendon), like other Vermont communities, will need to be active in managing economic growth to ensure the future of its tax base and quality of life. Economic growth should be targeted for certain areas of the town and discouraged in others to promote a vibrant village center, maximize existing infrastructure, utilize multi-modal transportation means and preserve the rural, working and forest lands that surround the town.” (Proctor)

14 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development and Village Center Designation Sample language: “Maintain State of Vermont Village Center Designation to relieve development pressure on areas outside of the historic village area.” (Proctor) “The State of Vermont Village Center Designation presents development opportunities, such as giving the town priority consideration for state funding awards and making available tax credits to property owners in the designated area.” (Proctor)

15 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Economic Development What types of new industry to you want and where do you want them?

16 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Natural Resources How would you describe the state of the town’s natural resources (water quality, air quality, wildlife habitat, mineral resources)? Is more protection needed?

17 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Natural Resources “Negative impacts on natural resources – including air, water, land and wildlife in various forms – will be minimized, and, wherever possible, mitigated. Much of the community will remain distinctly rural. High ridgelines, such as Suzie Peak and Herrick Mountain in neighboring Ira, and steep slopes will be protected and left undeveloped.” (current Town Plan)

18 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Natural Resources No air quality protection included. No floodplain protection included. Minimal future land use planning to maintain or improve quality of natural resources. (state Enhanced Consultation)

19 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Natural Resources How would you describe the state of the town’s natural resources (water quality, air quality, wildlife habitat, mineral resources)? Is more protection needed?

20 CLARENDON TOWN PLAN 2015 Next Informational Meeting May 18 Transportation (including airport), energy, housing, child care, education, recreation, community facilities and public utilities. at RSVRA

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