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Competitive Advantages MicCin. Competitive Advantages Definition 1 Definition 2 Definition 3 Avoid at all cost for this project: Offering competitive.

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Presentation on theme: "Competitive Advantages MicCin. Competitive Advantages Definition 1 Definition 2 Definition 3 Avoid at all cost for this project: Offering competitive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competitive Advantages MicCin

2 Competitive Advantages Definition 1 Definition 2 Definition 3 Avoid at all cost for this project: Offering competitive price. Cost does not influence audience’s choices that much.

3 MicCin MicCin wants you to be a movie connoisseur, not one of the crowd. MicCin is a microcinema that projects moving images in abandoned factory lofts in a yet-gentrified part of a hip town. It is neither a movie palace nor a living room. It is a place where you can experience raw human emotions with another thirty people: not too many to feel alienated, not too few to feel cozy. Oldies, indies are our niche; biggies, not so much. Think popcorn with pink sea salt, not artificial butter flavor.

4 MicCin Production Differentiation What are some differences between MicCin and its competitors (such as arty theatres---Brattle, Kendall, Coolidge Corner)? Film selection. Size and space. Concession (!) NOT price.

5 MicCin Fixed and Variable Cost Fixed cost: What needs to be there even if there is no audience and employee. Variable cost: What has to be there if there are audience and employees. This cost will increase if there are more audience members. Network effect: For most cases, say “no”. Facebook won’t be fun if you are the only one using it. But Breaking Bad is still a good show even if you are the only one on earth who watches it.

6 MicCin Fixed and Variable Cost Fixed cost: What needs to be there even if there is no audience and employee. Variable cost: What has to be there if there are audience and employees. The cost will increase if there are more audience members. Network effect: For most cases, say “no”. Facebook won’t be fun if you are the only one using it. But Breaking Bad is still a good show even if you are the only one on earth who watches it.

7 MicCin Economy of Scope In most cases, no; the only exception is your company already has deals with other companies. For example, you are a film production company and you already have deals to make t-shirts, plush toys, lunch boxes, underwear, etc. etc. to sell your (superhero) characters.

8 MicCin Proprietary Technology Yes. Projectors need to be upgraded regularly according to industry standard. There are only a few companies that manufacture the projectors. (Especially the case of 3D films, that’s why we are not showing them).

9 MicCin Special Resources Think of it as “human resources” and “natural resources”. Will MicCin do well in a town with no university? Will MicCin do well in a town where there is no abandoned factory lofts that cost a dozen a dime?

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