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Evaluating Growth Patterns. Setting the Stage  Welcome/Introductions  Structure for the day  Materials review R A M Materials Reports Activity M A.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating Growth Patterns. Setting the Stage  Welcome/Introductions  Structure for the day  Materials review R A M Materials Reports Activity M A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating Growth Patterns

2 Setting the Stage  Welcome/Introductions  Structure for the day  Materials review R A M Materials Reports Activity M A 2

3 Activate Prior Knowledge  Measures of Academic Progress™ (MAP) as an adaptive growth measure  Student RIT scores  MAP™ growth reports  Instructional level A 3

4 Sustaining the Momentum  Consider how you will implement what you’ve learned in the:  Next month  Next semester  Next year M 4

5 Terry Planner My Building 11/10/2009 Schedule meeting to plan for sharing/ teaching other teachers key concepts: Bringing Context to the Data / Explore the Growth Projection Calculator Measures of Success / Proficiency benchmarks and Growth targets Schedule meeting with my principal to discuss this info and plan Me Paula Principal Workbook from this workshop Finding available time/Schedule over lunch 11/17/09 Other teacher leaders, grade/ department heads and me Workbook from this workshop Sustaining the Momentum document Hectic schedules/ be persistent and prioritize– this is important! 11/19/09 Other teacher leaders, grade/ department heads and me Sustaining the Momentum Planning Document 5

6 Accountability vs. Answerability  External locus of control  Lack of ownership  Punitive  Invites collaboration  Ownership  Clear expectations 6

7 Supporting Data Analysis  Accessing and evaluating data  Developing collegial conversations  Structuring answerability 7

8 Topicsfor Today Topics for Today  Evaluate growth data  Examine growth at many levels  Build action plans 8

9 Intended Accomplishments  Understand what growth norms tell us  Use growth targets and proficiency benchmarks appropriately  Evaluate growth data  Identify strengths and areas of concerns A M Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 1 9

10 Taking Stock Each of my students is achieving to her/his highest potential. 1 2 3 4 5 Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neutral Somewhat Agree Agree A 10

11 Measures of Success  Proficiency benchmarks  Growth targets Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 1 M 11

12 237 Performance Standards A Targets 267 Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 1 M B

13 Bringing Context to the Data  Physical Growth vs. Academic Growth  Typical Growth  Normative Data  RIT Point Growth Norms  Growth Projection Calculator Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 2 M 13

14 Key Growth Reports  Achievement Status and Growth (ASG) Summary Class Report  Online Individual Student Progress Report  Student Goal Setting Worksheet Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook pp. 2-3 M 14

15 State Scale Alignment Studies  NWEA aligns state’s proficiency benchmarks to the RIT scale   Click on Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 4 M 15

16 Percentile Representing “Proficient” or “Meets Standards” Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook pp. 4-6 M A

17 Average Score Quadrant IV Quadrant III Quadrant IQuadrant II Growth Index & Average Score Grade 5 Mathematics Proficiency Line Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 7 M High growth Low proficiency status Low growth Low proficiency status Low growth High proficiency status High growth High proficiency status Source: NWEA Individual Growth and School Success Report, April 2004

18 Average Score Quadrant IV Quadrant III Quadrant IQuadrant II Growth Index & Average Score Grade 5 Mathematics Low growth Low proficiency status Low growth High proficiency status High growth High proficiency status High growth Low proficiency status Proficiency Line NCLB Success High Growth Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 7 M A

19 Growth Indicators  RIT Point Growth  Growth Index  Percentage of Students who Met or Exceeded their Target RIT  Overall Percentage of Target RIT Met or Exceeded Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 8 M 19

20 Growth in Context Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook pp. 9-10 M A

21 Principles for Observing Data  Start with observation  Avoid assumptions of causality  Brainstorm factors to investigate  Target growth for all  Set targets that are based on data  Design a plan  Take action Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 11 M 21

22 Using Your Own Data  Look for:  Patterns/trends  Outliers  Group norms  Comparison to growth norms A R Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook pp. 11-13 M 22

23 Analyzing Growth  Individual student  Class  Grade level  School A R Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook pp. 14-24 M 23

24 Sharing Data and Resources  Exploring the Class Roster Report  Using Dynamic Reporting Suite  Sharing Online Individual Student Progress Reports Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 25 M 24

25 Answerability  Identify successes  Identify challenges  Improvement areas  Dialogue with stakeholders 25

26 Building Internal Capacity Find Time:  Early release days  Use substitute teachers creatively  Streamline “administrivia” Learn More:  Professional development  Curriculum & data planning teams  Study groups  Data coaches 26

27 Leading High Performing Learning Communities  Mission driven  Culture and ownership  Answerability  Expert use of data  Staff development  Effective instruction  Quality student assessment  Dynamic learning environment  High quality curriculum  Strategic use of resources Culture and Ownership ANSWERABILITY Mission: Growth and Learning for Every Student

28 Sustaining the Momentum  Consider how you will implement what you’ve learned:  Understand what growth norms tell us  Use growth targets and proficiency benchmarks appropriately  Evaluate growth data  Identify strengths and areas of concern A Evaluating Growth Patterns Workbook p. 25 M 28

29 Thank you for your attention and hard work. Help Us Learn From You  Please complete the evaluation form and leave it in the designated location. M A

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