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Assessments and iPads Tuesday, 12:30 pm Room E115 Wednesday, 9:15 am Room E115.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessments and iPads Tuesday, 12:30 pm Room E115 Wednesday, 9:15 am Room E115."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessments and iPads Tuesday, 12:30 pm Room E115 Wednesday, 9:15 am Room E115

2 A Little Background Information Gail Singsank I have been teaching in the Watertown-Mayer School District for 18 years. I started as a Middle School math teacher for ten years, then moved to fifth grade when we built a new Elementary School. I was part of the original Apple Cohort, which implemented the training model we utilized to introduce the new technology to our staff and students. Pat Hittle I have been at Watertown- Mayer Elementary for 34 years, the last 5 as Dean of Students. I helped to facilitate the iPad implementation and rollout to 1600 students and staff in the fall of 2013. I have led our Elementary School in the implementation of 1:1 iPads for the last two years.

3 Our Favorite Assessment Products:  Kahoot! (Free)  Socrative (Free)  Study Island (Subscription)

4 Kahoot!  Teacher Created:  Get a free account at  Create, edit, get, share quizzes  Engage Students:  They log on to in their web browser.  You must project the quiz, students respond on their device.  Be prepared for competitive craziness!

5 Socrative  Management:  The teacher app may be downloaded or quizzes can be created/managed at  The student app must be downloaded.  Create, edit, get, share quizzes  Student Response System:  They enter your room number to begin a quiz.  You may download a report after quiz is finished.

6 Study Island  Create and Manage a Class:   Math and ELA topics are aligned with MN and Common Core Standards.  Online standards mastery and test prep  Provides formative or summative assessment after lessons have been taught and topic has been practiced.  Lesson plans and resources are available for each topic.

7 Study Island  2013 – 2014 Teacher Manual  This provides a fantastic overview and step- by-step directions for implementation.  Link to PDF: e/d/0BzoXPBKCOzvsU2hjZndGdFRNbWNldm9le E52VWtsYnpHTnFJ/edit e/d/0BzoXPBKCOzvsU2hjZndGdFRNbWNldm9le E52VWtsYnpHTnFJ/edit  My NWEA MAP Learning Path:  Students are automatically assigned topics based on their RIT band for each strand.  Students may be grouped by learning paths for intervention delivery.

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