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 There are two different articles in Spanish, the definite article and the indefinite article.

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Presentation on theme: " There are two different articles in Spanish, the definite article and the indefinite article."— Presentation transcript:

1  There are two different articles in Spanish, the definite article and the indefinite article.

2  The definite article in English is “The”. It pertains to a specific object.  Example: the pencil, the paper

3  There are two indefinite articles in English “A” and “An”. These articles apply to a non-specific object.  Example: A pencil (in a group of pencils), An apple (in a group of apples)

4  In Spanish, both types of articles must agree in gender and in number.  If they do not agree in gender and in number, Mrs. Garza is going to know you don’t know what you are doing.

5  The Definite Article – “The” MasculinoFeminino SingularElLa PluralLosLas

6  The Indefinite Article – “A” “An” MasculinoFeminino SingularUnUna PluralUnosUnas

7  All nouns in Spanish carry an article with them, either definite or indefinite.  On your vocabulary quizzes, you will be required to write either article for credit for the vocabulary quiz question... FYI.





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