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Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service NON-EXHAUST PARTICLE EMISSIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service NON-EXHAUST PARTICLE EMISSIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service NON-EXHAUST PARTICLE EMISSIONS

2 Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service JRC Science Hub: NON-EXHAUST PARTICLE EMISSIONS Current Status at the PMP IWG Theodoros Grigoratos and Giorgio Martini Sustainable Transport Unit Institute for Energy and Transport Joint Research Centre

3 3 The progress report created by the PMP IWG was presented in the GRPE meeting of the 11/06/2015 The Chairman of GRPE requested a summary report as result of the information collection phase to be discussed within GRPE and WP29 The GRPE will take a decision on what the next steps should be (extend the mandate of the PMP to the development of a test procedure for measuring brake emissions could be an option) The deadline for this summary report is June 2016. Content and format of the report has been agreed at the F2F PMP of March and will be finalized during the next telco

4 4 Following the GRPE-69-23 Informal Document the PMP IWG has identified and focused its work on non-exhaust particle emissions on 4 WI namely: WI-1: Investigation of “normal” driving patterns WI-2: Compilation and monitoring of on-going projects related to non-exhaust particle emissions WI-3: Networking and exchange of information with experts in the field WI-4: Development of a set of recommended measurement techniques and sampling procedures

5 5 An analysis based on activity data collected in the framework of the WLTP project has been conducted Parameters relevant for both brake and tyre/road wear have been calculated including distributions of speed, acceleration, deceleration, number of braking events, etc. Results show that a unified approach in the definition of “normal” driving conditions is more appropriate compared to several different region depending definitions The final report was released in March 2016 and is available at the PMP IWG dedicated webpage

6 6 Real world data provided by industrial partners are being processed with the aim of comparing them to the data derived from the WLTP database Depending on the GRPE decision as well as on discussions within the PMP IWG, there could be the possibility for this data to be used for the definition of a brake related driving cycle Depending on the GRPE decision this could be the first step for the development of a standardized method at least for measuring particle emissions from brakes

7 7 So far, information on several research projects – mostly related to brake wear – have been presented to the F2F meetings. Also the results of the TIP project on tyre/road wear were discussed in detail A document that contains information related to the projects for keeping the group informed has been created and updated regularly Several experts from different origins (industry, research institutes, universities) have already been following the activities and contribute with their knowledge to the work done by the PMP IWG A list of experts who participate in the PMP IWG has been created and is available at the PMP website

8 8 All methods that have been employed in the literature for wear particles generation and sampling have been listed and discussed within the PMP IWG As far as brake wear particles are concerned there are at least two different methods for the generation and sampling of the particles Regarding tyre/road wear particles it seems that currently existing laboratory sampling methods fail to distinguish between particles coming from the tyre and the road surface As far as on-road methods are concerned, despite that there are experimental setups capable of measuring wear emissions under real world conditions the systems present difficulties and high uncertainties

9 Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service JRC Science Hub: NON-EXHAUST PARTICLE EMISSIONS Steps for Building a Standardized Method for Brake Wear Particles Theodoros Grigoratos and Giorgio Martini Sustainable Transport Unit Institute for Energy and Transport Joint Research Centre

10 10 BUILDING A COMMONIZED METHOD FOR BW PARTICLES Selection/development of a Braking Test Cycle Selection of the Appropriate Methods for Particles Generation and Sampling Test Rig Configuration Instrumentation for the Characterization of Brake Wear Particles Metrics and data processing / Calibration

11 11 STEP 1 - ADOPTION OF A BRAKING TEST CYCLE WLTP Database Analysis (Concluded) Comparison with Existing Industrial Cycles (Deadline: December 2016) Development of a New Braking Cycle if necessary at least a first version (Deadline: June 2017??) Preconditioning – 1000 miles – Should we go for a mixed cycle or only urban oriented Duration of the cycle – possible repetitions of a cycle – Possible round robin Testing and Validation of the New Cycle (Deadline: December 2018??????)

12 12 STEP 3 - TEST RIG CONFIGURATION Comparison of Existing Configurations (i.e. open vs. closed, sampling box vs. hose) (Deadline: June 2017?) Selection of Functional Parameters (i.e. Temperature Tolerance, Inertial Load, Speed Variation, etc.) (Deadline: June 2017?) Selection of Testing Parameters (i.e. Temperature, RH, Load, direction of cooling air, etc.) Questions on the definition of testing parameters. Possible round robin?? Testing and Validation of the Selected Configuration

13 13 STEP 3 - INSTRUMENTATION FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF BW Comparison of Existing Methodologies (Deadline: January 2017?) Selection of the Parameters to be Considered. Both mass and number to be considered Could classification of materials be a possibility? Selection of the Most Suitable Methods for the Chosen Sampling Configuration. Calibration procedure? Testing and Validation of the Selected Methodologies Data processing method

14 14 Stay in touch JRC Science Hub: Twitter and Facebook: @EU_ScienceHub LinkedIn: european-commission-joint-research-centre YouTube: JRC Audiovisuals Vimeo: Science@EC

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