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Keeping Healthy ASICS - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Healthy ASICS - A healthy mind in a healthy body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Healthy ASICS - A healthy mind in a healthy body

2 Healthy living  SLEEP  Teenage Body Clocks are a Nightmare!  Try to keep to the same bedtime and getting up time throughout Easter, school Half term and Study Leave

3 Healthy Eating  You are what you eat  Fill up on rubbish …and you will feel like rubbish

4 Healthy Eating  Breakfast:  Porridge and fruit  Whole grain cereal with fruit and milk  Whole grain toast with jam (marmite is full of Vitamin B)  Scrambled egg on wholemeal toast  Boiled egg and wholemeal soldiers  Baked beans on whole meal toast  2 hours before the exam …around 7 – 7.30

5 Healthy Eating  Lunch:  Tuna and salad wholemeal sandwich  Tuna and salad wholemeal baguette  Chicken and salad baguette  Chicken and salad wholemeal wrap  With fruit – NOT fruit juice … whole pieces of fruit  AROUND 1 &1/2 – 2 HOURS BEFORE THE EXAM

6 Healthy Eating  Evening Meal:  Wholegrain rice and chicken curry  Wholemeal pasta spaghetti bolognese  Wholegrain rice and chilli  Chicken, salad and jacket potato  Fish pie and vegetables  Fish and chips  Jacket potato and beans  Jacket potato and tuna

7 Healthy Eating  TRY TO AVOID  SWEETS …CHOCOLATE … BISCUITS … CRISPS …. CAKE…CANNED DRINKS  All are high sugar or high salt quick fixes  Try to snack on…  Walnuts … Brazil nuts … Apples … Bananas …. Oranges…Rice cakes …water …flavoured water … squash …or mugs of tea (real or herbal)  All good slow release energy …and all are Brain Foods

8 Healthy Living  Try to fit in 2X 30 minutes exercise slots every day  …A walk  … a walk on the beach  … a swim  … a game of tennis  … a football game  …catch some surf  …exercise DVD – loads on You Tube!

9 Healthy Mind and Healthy Body  This is your peak performance time !  Peak knowledge  Peak skills  Peak performance

10 Down time ….  Half of June = 15 days  All of July = 38 days  All of August = 31days  SO a total of 84 days of nothing!!!! – make it worth it !!!

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