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Subject Verb Agreement A verb must agree with its subject in a number.

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1 Subject Verb Agreement A verb must agree with its subject in a number.

2 Agreement in numbers The rule The simple thing to remember about subject verb agreement is that singular subjects require singular verbs. Likewise, plural subjects require plural verbs.

3 Singular subjects Marla works cooperatively with her classmates. Subject: Marla Singular Verb: works She listens carefully. Subject: She Verb: listens

4 Plural Subjects The players work together well as a team. Plural Subject: Players Plural Verb: Work They listen carefully to the coach. Subject: They Verb: listen

5 Verb Phrases In a verb phrase, it is the first helping verb that agrees with the subject. Example: Lou has volunteered for the team helpline. Singular helping verb: Has Callers have asked for help. Plural Verb: have asked

6 Contractions Doesn’t and Don’t Use the contraction doesn’t with all singular verbs except: I and you. Tiffany doesn’t attend folk concerts. Singular verb: does + not = doesn’t Use don’t with all plural subjects and with the pronouns I and you. You don’t like to shop. Pronoun You: do + not = don’t

7 Compound Subjects A compound subject is made up of two or more subjects joined by a conjunction such as and, or, or nor.

8 Subjects joined by and Compound subject whose parts are joined by and usually takes a plural verb. Career counselors and employers match people with the right jobs. Sometimes a compound subject joined by and refers to a single thing or idea, so a singular verb is used. Law and order appeals strongly to Veronica.

9 Subjects joined by Or or Nor When parts of a compound subject are joined by or or nor, the verb should agree with the subject closest to it. Neither outdoor work nor office tasks suit Matt very well. Neither office tasks nor outdoor work suits Matt very well.

10 Predicate Nouns In a sentence containing a predicate noun, the verb should agree with the subject, not the predicate noun. One interesting topic is dreams and their meaning. Dreams are the voice of the subconscious.

11 Prepositional Phrases The subject of a verb is never found in a prepositional phrase. Don’t let the words that come between a subject and a verb fool you. This book by two psychologists describes personality traits. Some theories of personality development are complex.

12 Indefinite Pronouns as Subjects Indefinite pronouns: Pronouns that do not refer to a definite, or specific, person, place, thing, or idea.

13 Indefinite Pronouns When used as subjects, some indefinite pronouns are always singular, some are always plural, and others can be singular or plural depending on how they’re used.

14 Indefinite pronouns

15 Indefinite Pronouns Singular indefinite pronouns take singular verbs. Everyone wonders how twins get along. Anything about twins fascinates me. Plural indefinite pronouns take plural verbs. Many of my friends know a pair of twins. Several are twins themselves.

16 Singular or Plural The indefinite pronouns all, any, most, none, and some can be either singular or plural. If a noun is singular, use a singular verb; if it is plural, use a plural verb. Most of this book deals with twin research. *Most refers to book* All of the studies have been conducted by scientists. *All refers to studies*

17 Collective Nouns Collective nouns name groups of people or things. Common collective nouns: group, class, team, staff, jury, family, committee

18 Collective Nouns When a collective noun refers to people or things acting as a group, it takes a singular verb. The choir performs each year in the talent show. (The choir members are acting together). When a collective noun refers to people or things acting as individuals, it takes a plural verb. The choir come from three different schools. (The choir members are acting as individuals).

19 Singular Nouns Some nouns that end in s or ics look plural but are actually singular. When used as subjects, they take singular verbs. Singular nouns with plural forms: measles, news, politics, mathematics, physics, etc. Politics attracts people with strong leadership qualities. The weekend news features local personalities.

20 Titles Titles of works of art, literature, and music are singular. The Outsiders is a very popular young-adult novel.

21 Measures and Amounts Words and phrases that express weights, measures, numbers, and lengths of time are often treated as singular. Measures and Amounts MeasuresThree cups Forty miles Three pounds is the approximate weight of an adult humans brain. AmountsTwo hours Eight dollars Five hours is a long time to wait for lunch.

22 Measures and Amounts A fraction can take a singular or plural verb, depending on whether it refers to a single part or to a number of items. One-tenth of a brain’s cells are lost during our lifetime. One-half of the cerebrum controls the body’s left side.

23 Practice

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