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Monday, February 29 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on March 18) ✓ Perfect Tense Verbs- Pg. 56 Objective: I can identify and use perfect.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, February 29 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on March 18) ✓ Perfect Tense Verbs- Pg. 56 Objective: I can identify and use perfect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, February 29 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on March 18) ✓ Perfect Tense Verbs- Pg. 56 Objective: I can identify and use perfect tense verbs. I can apply my knowledge of my topic and research to form three essential questions for my performance task. I can apply my knowledge of editing and revising to complete “Detective Dog on the Job.” Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil

2 Motivational Monday Finding Humor: Willing to laugh appropriately; Look for the whimsical, absurd, ironic and unexpected in life; Laugh at myself when I can.

3 62: First Words in Quotations Example:

4 DOL Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is independent!

5 Perfect Tense Verbs

6 Perfect Tense- places an action or condition in a stretch of time leading up to the present To form the present, past, or future perfect tense, add the present, past, or future form of “have” to the past participle. ▫ Present Perfect Tense ▫ Past Perfect Tense ▫ Future Perfect Tense

7 Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense- places an action or condition in a stretch of time leading up to the present has or have + past participle I have rafted. You have rafted.Singular He/ she/ it has rafted. We have rafted. You have rafted.Plural They have rafted.

8 Past Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense- places an action or condition before another past action or condition Had + past participle I had rafted. You had rafted. Singular He/ she/ it had rafted. We had rafted. You had rafted. Plural They had rafted.

9 Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense- places an action or condition before another future action or condition Will + have + past participle I will have rafted. You will have rafted.Singular He/ she/ it will have rafted. We will have rafted. You will have rafted.Plural They will have rafted.

10 Perfect Tense The tense of the helping verb “have” shows the verb’s tense. So, how am I going to use this?!? ▫ Timing the events in your narratives

11 Add verbs to this narrative in the tense indicated in parentheses. Choose verbs from this list: climb, travel, see, return, take The ride through the Grand Canyon was the best trip I ever (present perfect). Before it was over, we (past perfect) nearly 280 miles in just eight days. We (past perfect) up the rocks along the waterfalls and jumped into the pools below. We (past perfect) mule deer and bighorn sheep as well as fossils of sea creatures millions of years old. I hope that by the time I graduate from college I (future perfect) to the Grand Canyon.

12 Share 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

13 Answers… 1. Have taken 2. Had traveled 3. Had climbed 4. Had seen 5. Will have returned

14 Complete the sentence using the past perfect tense. ⌘ Mrs. Ramirez _______ her cats to the vet yesterday. (take) ⌘ ANSWER: had taken

15 Complete the sentence using the present perfect tense. ⌘ Mrs. Martinez __________ taking dance lessons. (be) ⌘ ANSWER: has been

16 Complete the sentence using the future perfect tense. ⌘ Mr. Smith _______ Spanish in one year. (learn) ⌘ ANSWER: will have learned

17 Complete the sentence using the past perfect tense. ⌘ Mrs. Tanner ___________ her son candy before the baseball game. (buy) ⌘ ANSWER: had bought

18 Complete the sentence using the present perfect tense. ⌘ I ___________ five miles just to get to the party. (run) ⌘ ANSWER: have run

19 Complete the sentence using the future perfect tense. ⌘ Mrs. Rivers ___________ many different cars in her lifetime. (buy) ⌘ ANSWER: will have bought

20 Complete the sentence using the past perfect tense. ⌘ Mrs. Matthews __________ her sandwich before her ice cream arrived. (eat) ⌘ ANSWER: had eaten

21 Complete the sentence using the present perfect tense. ⌘ We ___________ around the block five times. (walk) ⌘ ANSWER: have walked

22 Complete the sentence using the future perfect tense. ⌘ Mrs. MacQueen _______ many grades by the time she retires. (teach) ⌘ ANSWER: will have taught

23 “Detective Dog on the Job” Use Strategies!

24 Tuesday, March 1 Do Now: Get out Performance Task Packet and a Pencil Homework: ✓ Perfect Tense Verbs- Pg. 56 Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil

25 Wednesday, March 2 Do Now: SSR Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on March 18) Objective: I can demonstrate my knowledge of reading strategies and comprehension skills by completing MAP testing.

26 MAP TESTING Login : Password : qwertyqwerty Do your best! Take your time! I believe in you!

27 Thursday, March 3 Do Now: SSR Objective: I can create an expository composition with an effective hook, thesis, body paragraphs, transitions, figurative language, word choice, and extension. Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on March 18) ✓ Perfect Tense Verbs- Pg. 56

28 Tricky Tuesday Write two riddles using your Unit 12 vocabulary words!

29 Expository Writing

30 Friday, March 4 Do Now: SSR-10 min Homework: ✓ HAVE A WONDERFUL SPRING BREAK! Objective: I can create an expository composition with an effective hook, thesis, body paragraphs, transitions, figurative language, word choice, and extension. I can demonstrate my knowledge of punctuation by writing sentences that contain dialogue. Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil

31 63: Silent E Example:

32 64: Words Ending in y Example:

33 65: Words Ending in Consonants Example:


35 66: I Before E Example:

36 DOL- Complete the Week Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is independent!

37 Kahoot- Perfect Tense Review 55181e69764e

38 Commas Review Video- b19DbTRJMUJCSjQ/view?usp=sharing b19DbTRJMUJCSjQ/view?usp=sharing Expert Group Activity: Each person will create a mini poster with the rule and TWO examples! You have 10 minutes! You MUST be an EXPERT on your topic and ready to teach a small group of students! 1. Complex Sentences 2. Adjectives in a series 3. Dialogue (You will need THREE examples- one for each usage) 4. Introductory words and phrases 5. Compound Sentences

39 Expository Writing

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