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Headteacher Briefing Opal Brown Principal Adviser – Primary 3 rd July 2013 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES.

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Presentation on theme: "Headteacher Briefing Opal Brown Principal Adviser – Primary 3 rd July 2013 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Headteacher Briefing Opal Brown Principal Adviser – Primary 3 rd July 2013 CHILDREN’S & ADULTS’ SERVICES

2 Updates - new primary floor from September – up from 60% to 65% in reading, writing and maths Access and Achievement Report – Unseen Children - schools judged outstanding and not doing well by their poorest children will be re-inspected - government to review assessment in Reception and KS1 with a view to publishing progress measures at the end of KS1 - more strategic approach to the appointment and use of NLEs - All post-16 providers to report on progress and outcomes of all YP previously eligible for FSM

3 Gap Closing Patterns – low attainers – variations between schools and between subjects - FSM some of the best performing schools have the biggest gaps Most effective settings – - improve the quality of teaching - have robust tracking systems - use researched based, high impact interventions: monitored and evaluated - strong leadership - partnership working - High expectations and aspirations

4 Opportunities - Successful Teaching and Learning course (OTP style) available in the autumn. …plus outstanding schools can apply to train facilitators in September – contact Opal - NLGs – next round opens 13 th September - our chair of governors network established - LA courses – School-to-school Consultancy; Good to Outstanding; Curriculum Development…

5 Contact Opal Brown Principal Adviser 3 - 11 020 8825 8797 07545412217

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