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9/28-29 2.4 ECONOMIC OVERVIEW WARM-UP: Elements of Culture VOCAB & STATISTICS: Economic Indicators UpFront Magazine GROUP WORK: My Material World SM GROUP.

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Presentation on theme: "9/28-29 2.4 ECONOMIC OVERVIEW WARM-UP: Elements of Culture VOCAB & STATISTICS: Economic Indicators UpFront Magazine GROUP WORK: My Material World SM GROUP."— Presentation transcript:

1 9/28-29 2.4 ECONOMIC OVERVIEW WARM-UP: Elements of Culture VOCAB & STATISTICS: Economic Indicators UpFront Magazine GROUP WORK: My Material World SM GROUP PRESENTATIONS: Material World HW: My Material World (DUE A= Th 10/16, B=F 10/17)

2 CULTURE REVIEW Elements of Culture? What 9 key Elements of Culture? 1- Language 2- Religion 3- Technology 4- Food 5- Shelter 6- Clothing 7- Creative Expression 8- Education 9- Government

3 ECONOMIC INDICATORS Statistics that give you clues about a country’s economic strength, healthcare, education & population trends.

4 URBAN POPULATION The percentage of a country’s population living in urban areas. Urbanization is on the rise as people move to cities in search of work. Clue to how industrialized/traditional a country is.

5 POPULATION % UNDER 15 Percentage of the total population that is 15 or under Hints how likely it is whether a country could is politically stable – older folks don’t tell to start uprisings, riots, civil wars or revolutions

6 LITERACY RATES The percentage of people who can read and write in a country The percentage of people who can read and write in a country Tells you how well educated a country is and if they have high-skilled workers or not Tells you how well educated a country is and if they have high-skilled workers or not Also shows how much/ little equality there is between men & women Also shows how much/ little equality there is between men & women

7 LIFE EXPECTANCY The number of years on average a person from that country could expect to live. The number of years on average a person from that country could expect to live. Another way to see how strong/weak a country’s health care is. Another way to see how strong/weak a country’s health care is.

8 PER CAPITA GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) NOT Total value of all the goods (stuff) and services (help) produced by an average person in a country over a year (NOT how much they earn). This tells you if a country has high-skilled or low-skilled workers.

9 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX A measure of economic and social well-being on a scale of 0 to 1 (1 is highest). HDI factors include healthcare, education & income levels. Combines all the other data into one number that’s easy to compare levels of development, economics and social well-being.

10 LEVELS of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Categories that show where a country is in terms of their standard of living & economic well-being

11 LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Little economic production Little economic production Few factories Few factories Weak infrastructure (transportation, communication, education & health systems) Weak infrastructure (transportation, communication, education & health systems) People struggle to meet their basic survival needs. People struggle to meet their basic survival needs.

12 NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES In the process of rapid growth & industrialization (increasing number of factories) In the process of rapid growth & industrialization (increasing number of factories) Economy weak in most areas – only strong in few a few (mostly exports) Economy weak in most areas – only strong in few a few (mostly exports) Gaps in their infrastructure Gaps in their infrastructure (no clean water, but has the internet) Although people’s basic needs are met,living conditions are rather simple. Although people’s basic needs are met,living conditions are rather simple.

13 MORE DEVELOPED NATIONS High production levels and high standard of living High production levels and high standard of living Many strong areas of their economy Many strong areas of their economy Well established infrastructures Well established infrastructures


15 USA 81% Urban Population $52,800 Per Capita GDP 19% Under 15 99 / 99 Literacy Rate 76 / 81 Life Expectancy 0.914 HDI MORE DEVELOPED

16 MATERIAL WORLD Look up the ECONOMIC INDICATORS of your country to help you. o First Impression? o Family Size? o Urban or Rural? o Electricity? o Indoor Running Water? o Health Care? o Education? o Wealth? o LEVEL of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (Less Developed, Newly Industrialized, or More Developed)

17 5 th Groups Flor, Fernando, Mark Joseph, Monica, Diamond Jose, Francisco, Chris Marie, Elvis, Matthew Mary-Ellanor, Eduardo, Roberto A. Roberto O., Thomas, Jaydyn EJ, Stormy, Alicia Madi, Vance Luis, Karla, Lucy Drake, Jus, Jullian

18 7 th Groups Diego, Osvaldo Jose, Carlos Alan, Isac Alexis U.R., Josue Alex C., Savannah, Elias Tyler H., Alex E. Heaven, Blake C. Hunter, Britney Julio, Stephanie Trinidad, EJ, Marissa Tyler L., Blake G. Miguel, Traci Joey, Rajah Jordan E., Jordan H. Mary, Bethanie

19 RUSSIA 74% Urban Population $18,100 Per Capita GDP 16% Under 15 99% / 99% Literacy Rate 65 / 76 Life Expectancy 0.778 HDI NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED

20 UNITED KINGDOM (ENGLAND, SCOTTLAND, WALES) 80% Urban Population $37,300 Per Capita GDP 18% Under 15 99% / 99% Literacy Rate 79 / 83 Life Expectancy 0.892 HDI MORE DEVELOPED

21 MALI 35% Urban Population $1,100 Per Capita GDP 48% Under 15 43/ 25 Literacy Rate 55 / 54 Life Expectancy 0.407 HDI LESS DEVELOPED

22 SOUTH AFRICA 62% Urban Population $11,500 Per Capita GDP 29% Under 15 94 / 92 Literacy Rate 58 / 61 Life Expectancy 0.658 HDI NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED

23 BHUTAN 1.5% Urban Population $7,000 Per Capita GDP 30% Under 15 65 / 39 Literacy Rate 67 / 68 Life Expectancy 0.584 HDI LESS DEVELOPED

24 JAPAN 91% Urban Population $37,100 Per Capita GDP 13% Under 15 99 / 99 Literacy Rate 80 / 86 Life Expectancy 0.890 HDI MORE DEVELOPED

25 HAITI 53% Urban Population $1,300 Per Capita GDP 35% Under 15 53 / 45 Literacy Rate 61 / 65 Life Expectancy 0.471 HDI LESS DEVELOPED

26 THAILAND 47% Urban Population $9,900 Per Capita GDP 18% Under 15 96 / 92 Literacy Rate 71 / 78 Life Expectancy 0.722 HDI NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED

27 MEXICO 78% Urban Population $15,600 Per Capita GDP 28% Under 15 95 / 92 Literacy Rate 71 / 77 Life Expectancy 0.756 HDI NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED

28 CUBA 77% Urban Population $10,200 Per Capita GDP 17% Under 15 99 / 99 Literacy Rate 76 / 80 Life Expectancy 0.815 HDI NEWLY INDUSTRIALIZED

29 MONGOLIA 2.3% Urban Population $5,900 Per Capita GDP 28% Under 15 97 / 98 Literacy Rate 64 / 72 Life Expectancy 0.698 HDI LESS DEVELOPED


31 KUWAIT 98% Urban Population $42,100 Per Capita GDP 23% Under 15 95 / 92 Literacy Rate 73 / 75 Life Expectancy 0.814 HDI MORE DEVELOPED

32 INFRASTRUCTURE Facilities and systems serving a country – utilities (electricity, clean water, sewage, waste disposal, etc.), – transportation (roads, railroads, ports, etc.), – communication (phones, internet, etc.), – healthcare (health clinics, hospitals, laboratories, etc.) – education (K-12, college, job training, etc.) The basic building blocks for a country to have a strong economy they need these

33 SUBSISTANCE ACTIVITY When a family only produces the food, clothing and shelter for their own needs This is the MAIN economic activity throughout less developed countries

34 COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE Large scale farming/ranching, to sell for a profit, often beyond the local area Found in both newly industrialized and more developed countries.

35 COTTAGE INDUSTRY Small scale production, often done in one’s home, for sale in the local area Found everywhere, but more common in less developed countries

36 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRY Large scale production, usually in a factory, to be sold beyond the local area Found in both newly industrialized and more developed countries.





41 USA


43 Why has the world population increased so quickly in the modern era? MODERN MEDICINE Improved Sanitation Increased Agricultural Production Technological Advances & Industrialization

44 What are 2 ways to stabilize the world population? 1.Education girls/ increased career choices for women/ improved status for women 2.Improved economy & healthcare so families feel confident all their children will survive to adulthood

45 URBANRURAL Couple in Singapore Couple in a Malaysian Village

46 URBAN URBAN – characteristics of living in a city

47 RURAL RURAL 1) 1) characteristics of living in the country 2) 2) related to agriculture

48 DENSE DENSE – packed tightly together, crowded

49 SPARSE SPARSE – few, spread out

50 PER CAPITA INCOME The average income a person would make in a country Tells you how wealthy/poor an average citizen is

51 INFANT MORTALITY RATE Number of infants who die per every thousand births in that country. Number of infants who die per every thousand births in that country. Gives you insight into how strong/weak a country’s healthcare system is. Gives you insight into how strong/weak a country’s healthcare system is.

52 PERCENTAGE of POPULATION INCREASE Birth Rate – Death Rate (w/o factoring in immigrations) for the most recent year available Birth Rate – Death Rate (w/o factoring in immigrations) for the most recent year available Shows how fast/slow a country’s population is growing... usually countries that grow faster are less developed and countries that grow slower are more developed

53 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP) Total value of all the goods (stuff) and services (help) produced in a country over a year Total value of all the goods (stuff) and services (help) produced in a country over a year. Tells you whether a country’s economy is going up or down. Tells you whether a country’s economy is going up or down.

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