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Mycosporine-like Amino Acids (MAAs) may serve to photoprotect phytoplankton from UV radiation  Water soluble compounds  Exhibit Absorption maxima from.

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Presentation on theme: "Mycosporine-like Amino Acids (MAAs) may serve to photoprotect phytoplankton from UV radiation  Water soluble compounds  Exhibit Absorption maxima from."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mycosporine-like Amino Acids (MAAs) may serve to photoprotect phytoplankton from UV radiation  Water soluble compounds  Exhibit Absorption maxima from 310 to 360 nm  Aminocyclohexenone or aminocyclohexenimine conjugated to amino acid or amino alcohol Found in dinoflagellates, prymnesiophytes, red algae, & cyano NH COOH OCH 3 O OHHO Mycosporine-Glycine max = 310 nm

3 Model Calculations of Sunscreen Factors MAA UV +PAR Jtot Jo statistical a*ps ( ) Sunscreen Factors Ranged from roughly 40-60% Moisan & Mitchell 1998

4 The Absorption Characteristics of Phaeocystis antarctica Moisan and Mitchell (1998) Ru Morrison, UNH

5 Questions?  Are there differences between MAA content between taxonomic groups?  What determines MAA variability?  How does MAA variability relate to other UV absorbing constituents e.g. CDOM (Mannino) and detritus.

6 Field Samples Of Phaeocystis, Dinoflagellates & Diatoms HPLC Analysis Packaged a*ph (lambda) P/S & PP Pigments UV- MAAs Packaged Pigment Spectral Analysis Spectral Reconstruction\ Deconvolution French Press Method Analysis of pigment Packaging w.r.t. markers Forward Model Hydrolight to Test algorithms Inverse Model application Using Developed algorithms

7 Approach  3 cruises in April, May June 2007  Collected optical, physiological, & chemical data  Processing IOP & AOP data  Approach of utilizing cultures to develop MAA standards


9 _____________________________________ Cruise I: April 2007 Phaeocystis and co-dominated with diatoms such as small chains of Skeletonema Cruise II: May 2007 ( Dinoflagellates (Ceratium, Protoperidium, and heterotrophic dinoflagellates) and Diatoms Cruise III: June 2007 Mixture of Dinoflagellates and diatoms _____________________________________ **Confirmed from net tows and epif. quan. cell counts.

10 Colonial Phaeocystis Dominated

11 Diatom-Dinoflagellates Dominate

12 Diatom Dominated









21 Assessing Pigment Package Effects What is the significance of packaging? Is packaging spectral? We founds significant variability in UV region due to packaging? Problem: Models are not spectrally corrected





26 Major marker pigments Ubiquitous Chl a Unambiguous Alloxanthin Peridinin Prasinoxanthin Shared e.g. Fucoxanthin Chl b Zeaxanthin Violaxanthin

27 Future Directions  Understand how UV MAAs are expressed at the surface of the ocean as a remote sensing target  Can they be seen in remote sensing reflectance?  Can we assess physiological variability to constrain algorithms in order to increase accuracy and robustness?

28 J “Jimmy Buffet’s Cheeseburger in Paradise” (Moisan 2008)

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