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When constructing a ship, a primary factor is what is the intended “main purpose”, or NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1.

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Presentation on theme: "When constructing a ship, a primary factor is what is the intended “main purpose”, or NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 When constructing a ship, a primary factor is what is the intended “main purpose”, or NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

2 One primary factor in constructing a ship is its ability to change course and speed rapidly. This is known as NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

3 This is the word used to describe all the offensive weapons a ship possesses to fight. NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

4 Defensive features such as compartmentalization and armor fall under the category known as NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

5 The degree of a ship’s ability to operate in all kinds of weather is called its NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

6 Factors affecting the comfort and living conditions are known as NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

7 Maneuverability One primary factor in constructing a ship is its ability to change course and speed rapidly. This is known as NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

8 When constructing a ship, a primary factor is what is the intended “main purpose”, or Mission NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

9 Defensive features such as compartmentalization and armor fall under the category known as Protection NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

10 This is the word used to describe all the offensive weapons a ship possesses to fight. Armament NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

11 Factors affecting the comfort and living conditions are known as Habitability NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

12 The degree of a ship’s ability to operate in all kinds of weather is called its Seaworthiness NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

13 This is the length of time a ship can cruise at a given speed NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

14 This factor, ______________, is affected by the ship’s weight, shape, and the power of its propulsion plant. NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

15 This term refers to a ships ability to return to an upright position after a roll in heavy seas NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

16 What is the nautical term for a stairway? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

17 What is the nautical term for a bathroom? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

18 What is the nautical term for a ceiling? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

19 This factor, ______________, is affected by the ship’s weight, shape, and the power of its propulsion plant. Speed NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

20 This is the length of time a ship can cruise at a given speed Endurance NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

21 What is the nautical term for a stairway? ladder NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

22 This term refers to a ships ability to return to an upright position after a roll in heavy seas stability NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

23 What is the nautical term for a ceiling? overhead NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

24 What is the nautical term for a bathroom? head NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

25 What is the nautical term for the right side? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

26 What is the nautical term for the left side? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

27 What is the nautical term for a wall? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

28 What is the nautical term for the outer layer (skin) of the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

29 What is the nautical term for hallways? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

30 What is the nautical term for the ceremonial entrance to the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

31 What is the nautical term for the left side? port NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

32 What is the nautical term for the right side? starboard NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

33 hull What is the nautical term for the outer layer (skin) of the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

34 What is the nautical term for a wall? bulkhead NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

35 quarterdeck What is the nautical term for the ceremonial entrance to the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

36 passageways What is the nautical term for hallways? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

37 What is the nautical term for the front of the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

38 What is the nautical term for the back of the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

39 What is the nautical term for a drinking fountain? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

40 What is the nautical term for a mop? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

41 What is the nautical term for a floor? USS Wisconsin BB-64 NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

42 What is the nautical term for lengthwise? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

43 What is the nautical term for the back of the ship? stern NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

44 bow What is the nautical term for the front of the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

45 swab What is the nautical term for a mop? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

46 scuttlebutt What is the nautical term for a drinking fountain? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

47 Fore and aft What is the nautical term for lengthwise? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

48 deck What is the nautical term for a floor? USS Wisconsin BB-64 NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

49 What is the nautical term for crosswise? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

50 What is the nautical term for the widest part of a ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

51 What is the nautical term for alongside? CV-67 USS John F. Kennedy NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

52 What is the nautical term for behind? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

53 What is the term for the distance from the water line to the keel, or how deep it sits in the water? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

54 What term is given to the solid steel fence-like structure along the gunwale of the main deck? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

55 beam What is the nautical term for the widest part of a ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

56 athwartship What is the nautical term for crosswise? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

57 What is the nautical term for behind? astern NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

58 What is the nautical term for alongside? abeam CV-67 USS John F. Kennedy NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

59 What term is given to the solid steel fence-like structure along the gunwale of the main deck? bulwark NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

60 What is the term for the distance from the water line to the keel, or how deep it sits in the water? draft NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

61 What is the nautical term for the drains along the gunwale? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

62 Where is the stern of a ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

63 What is the name of the area where the main deck meets the side hull of the ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

64 What is the name of the distance from the waterline to the main deck? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

65 What phrase describes a ship’s soundness or lack of leakage? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

66 What is the nautical term for the kitchen area? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

67 Where is the stern of a ship? back NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

68 What is the nautical term for the drains along the gunwale? scuppers NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

69 What is the name of the distance from the waterline to the main deck? Freeboard NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

70 What is the name of the area where the main deck meets the side hull of the ship? Gunwale NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

71 What is the nautical term for the kitchen area? the galley NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

72 What phrase describes a ship’s soundness or lack of leakage? Watertight integrity NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

73 What is the name of the area Main Deck Forward? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

74 What is the name of Main Deck Aft? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

75 What term is given to all parts of the ship above the main deck? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

76 Which of the following is NOT one of the three primary propulsion plants used by US Navy ships? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

77 Which of the following propulsion plants has the greatest endurance or range? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

78 Which power plant involves fuel oil heating water in a boiler to produce steam that drives a turbine? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

79 What is the name of Main Deck Aft? Fantail NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

80 What is the name of the area Main Deck Forward? Forecastle NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

81 Which of the following is NOT one of the three primary propulsion plants used by US Navy ships? diesel NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

82 What term is given to all parts of the ship above the main deck? superstructure NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

83 Which power plant involves fuel oil heating water in a boiler to produce steam that drives a turbine? Steam turbine NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

84 Which of the following propulsion plants has the greatest endurance or range? nuclear NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

85 Which plant has a “spark-ignition,” a compressor, combustion chamber, and power turbine, and can be ready to go within minutes? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

86 Where are most ships built? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

87 What is the term for the centerline I-beam that serves as the backbone of the hull? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

88 What is the first step in ship construction? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

89 What is the most common way to launch a ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

90 Who chooses the name of a Navy ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

91 Where are most ships built? In a dry dock NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

92 Which plant has a “spark-ignition,” a compressor, combustion chamber, and power turbine, and can be ready to go within minutes? Gas turbine NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

93 What is the first step in ship construction? Laying the keel NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

94 What is the term for the centerline I-beam that serves as the backbone of the hull? keel NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

95 Who chooses the name of a Navy ship? SECNAV NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

96 What is the most common way to launch a ship? Dry dock launched NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

97 Before a ship is ready to join the fleet it undergoes a training cruise where? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

98 CVN NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

99 AO NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

100 BB NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

101 CG CG-63 USS Cowpens NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

102 DD NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

103 CVN Nuclear aircraft carrier NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

104 Before a ship is ready to join the fleet it undergoes a training cruise where? Guantanamo Bay NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

105 BB Battleship NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

106 AO Auxiliary Oiler NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

107 DD Destroyer NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

108 CG Guided Missile Cruiser CG-63 USS Cowpens NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

109 FFG USS Stark FFG-31NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

110 LHA NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

111 SSBN NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

112 YP

113 LPD NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

114 DDG NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

115 LHA Landing Helicopter Assault NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

116 FFG Guided Missile Frigate NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

117 YP Yard Patrol Craft NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

118 SSBN Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine - Nuclear NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

119 DDG Guided Missile Destroyer NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

120 LPD Amphibious Transport Dock NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

121 To use civilian terms aboard a ship marks you as this, someone who knows nothing of the sea? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

122 Girders attached to the keel that run athwartship and support a watertight skin or shell plating that form the sides and bottoms of the ship are called these types of frames. NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

123 Girders running parallel to the keel that run fore and aft which also support a watertight skin or shell plating that form the sides and bottoms of the ship are called these types of frames. NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

124 A partial deck at the bow about the main deck is called the ______ deck NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

125 A partial deck at the stern and above the main deck is called a _______ deck NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

126 What term is used to describe the officers dining room aboard ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

127 Girders attached to the keel that run athwartship and support a watertight skin or shell plating that form the sides and bottoms of the ship are called these types of frames. Transverse NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

128 To use civilian terms aboard a ship marks you as this, someone who knows nothing of the sea? A landlubber NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

129 A partial deck at the bow about the main deck is called the ______ deck Forecastle deck NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

130 Girders running parallel to the keel that run fore and aft which also support a watertight skin or shell plating that form the sides and bottoms of the ship are called these types of frames. Longitudinal frames NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

131 What term is used to describe the officers dining room aboard ship? The Wardroom NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

132 A partial deck at the stern and above the main deck is called a _______ deck poop deck NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

133 What is the most common use for the forepeak and after peak tanks? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

134 Where is the national ensign flown while at sea? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

135 Who places a naval ship in commission? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

136 During the commissioning of a ship, the prospective commanding officer reads aloud the orders from the Navy Department to command the ship and then gives the first order. What is the first order? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

137 If the first letter designator of a major Navy vessel is T, what type of ship is this vessel? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

138 When a number of ships are built in the same design they make up a class. What determines the name of the class? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

139 Where is the national ensign flown while at sea? The gaff NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

140 What is the most common use for the forepeak and after peak tanks? Ship trimming NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

141 During the commissioning of a ship, the prospective commanding officer reads aloud the orders from the Navy Department to command the ship and then gives the first order. What is the first order? Bring the ship to life and set the watch NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

142 Who places a naval ship in commission? A senior officer representing the CNO NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

143 When a number of ships are built in the same design they make up a class. What determines the name of the class? The name of the first ship built in that class. NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

144 If the first letter designator of a major Navy vessel is T, what type of ship is this vessel? Military Sealift Command NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

145 What part of the propulsion system actually drives the ship through the water? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

146 When you are in the rigging, you are _______ NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

147 All compartments aboard the ship are identified by standardized compartment ______ that locate them and indicate their use NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

148 Complete decks below the main deck are numbered in sequence from the ________ deck down NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

149 Above the main deck, the decks are usually called levels. first level number is NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

150 What name is given to all the structures above the main deck? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

151 When you are in the rigging, you are _______ Aloft NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

152 What part of the propulsion system actually drives the ship through the water? Propellers NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

153 Complete decks below the main deck are numbered in sequence from the ________ deck down a. First b. Second c. Third d. Sixth NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

154 All compartments aboard the ship are identified by standardized compartment ______ that locate them and indicate their use Numbers (and Letters) NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

155 What name is given to all the structures above the main deck? The superstructure NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

156 About the main deck, the decks are usually called levels first level number is a. 00 b. 01 c. 02 d. 04 NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

157 What is usually the highest structure above the main deck? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

158 What is the top of the mast called? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

159 This is a slender vertical extension above the mast from which the ship's commission pennant is flown NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

160 What is flown on the bow when a Navy ship is at anchor or moored? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

161 Where is the national ensign flown when a Navy ship is anchored or moored? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

162 What are the three ways to launch a ship? NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

163 What is the top of the mast called? The truck NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

164 What is usually the highest structure above the main deck? The mainmast NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

165 What is flown on the bow when a Navy ship is at anchor or moored? The Jack NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

166 This is a slender vertical extension above the mast from which the ship's commission pennant is flown The pigstick NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

167 What are the three ways to launch a ship? Drydock launch side launch float off launch NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

168 Where is the national ensign flown when a Navy ship is anchored or moored? On the Flagstaff at the stern of the ship NS3 Naval Skills Ship Construction Unit 1 Chapter 1

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