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The story of how Texas joined the United States- Part 1.

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1 The story of how Texas joined the United States- Part 1

2 Objectives for the Day Know what parts of the Mexican Constitution of 1824 angered the Texans. Explain the events that lead the Texans to victory in the Texas Revolution. Explain the effects of the Texas Revolution.

3 Do Now: The Texas Revolution Mexican policies (Mexican Constitution of 1824) angered the Texans. Why were the Texans angered? Directions: Write a paragraph or draw an illustration that explains why the Texans decided to rebel against the Mexican Government. * Complete the assignment on separate sheet of paper. Word Bank: Catholicism, Slavery, Prevention of immigration into Texas, Turtle Bayou Resolutions. * You will have 10 minutes to complete this task.

4 Recap: As a class we will review the following: *Scholars will think, pair, share by reading or explaining their drawing to their partner. *Ask one scholar to explain their illustration. Ask one scholar to share their response with the class. * Scholars will pass down their papers following the return papers procedure.

5 Summary of why the Texans Rebelled against the Mexican Government The Texans were angered by the Mexican Constitution of 1824; because it forced Texans to convert to Catholicism, it prevented immigrants (their relatives in the United States) from moving into Texas, and most importantly it forbade the institution of slavery. Read this over and over for 1minute and then see if you can memorize it with a partner by practicing it for 2 more minutes. Teacher will be looking at your do now and then will return the paper with a check for the grade. If you do not receive a check for the grade then you will have to redo during the independent practice portion of the assignment.

6 Guided/ Independent practice Now rewrite the summary on why the Texans decided to rebel against the Mexican government for the next two minutes on the paper that was returned to you. Guided Practice: Strategy- Listing as a class: - Create a list of events that lead to a Texan victory in the Texas Revolution. (5min) -Write each reason into a complete sentence. (10 min) -Sentence stem: The ______________ help lead to Texan Independence because…. (this is where you will add your own analysis in your own words why this event was significant to Texan Independence).

7 Independent practice: Summary of why the Texans won: The Texans were able to defeat the Mexican Army because the concept of Manifest destiny inspired more Anglo settlers (Americans) to move into Texas, the defeat at the Alamo inspired a stronger commitment from Texans, and the surprise attack at San Jacinto lead to the capture of Santa Anna in the final battle of the Texas Revolution. Read to remember for 1min, Practice for two minutes with a partner.

8 CFU Questions 1) Explain why the Texans were victorious in the Texas Revolution. -Hint: Rewrite your own version of the summary. 2) In the _______Santa Anna was captured. 3) The __________inspired more people to fight in the Texas Revolution against the Mexican government.

9 Effects of Texas Revolution Created their own state constitution at the convention of 1836 which… Allowed slavery, Did not prohibit immigration Protected individual rights. Economic effects: The Texas economy was ruined because the government was in debt. Exit ticket: Summarize the effects of the Texas revolution.

10 Homework Explain the reasons Texans decided to join the United States and describe the effects of Annexation on Texas. Directions: You are to write a 1 page response to this question: Your goals for this paper: 1)Type 12 pt. font (Times New Roman) so that you can make corrections more easily. Submit electronically to save on paper. 2)Write a clear and concise thesis. 3)Have separate paragraphs. 4)Edit and revise at least once. 5)Have at least one direct quote (from an acceptable resource). Remember how to cite this in your paper 6)Have a conclusion.

11 The annexation of Texas (Part II) Objectives: 1)Explain the specific events that lead to the Annexation of Texas. 2)The annexation impacted various groups of people.

12 The Texas Rangers

13 1836- The Republic of Texas In 1836 Texas became an independent country after the Texas Revolution.

14 Problems of The Texas Republic The decision to join the United States was caused because of the Republic of Texas’s inability to solve the problems in the young government. The Republic of Texas faced many problems which eventually led to the annexation of Texas. 1) In debt because of the Texas Revolution. 2) Their currency was losing value because many people did not believe that the government could pay them back their money. 3) Mexico did not recognize them as a country.

15 Annexation as a solution to Texas’ problems Texas became part of the United States in a process called annexation. Most Texans favored annexation because most were from the United States. The U.S. agreed to pay Texas’ debt which was over 1 million dollars. The U.S. would be able to provide military support in case of an attack by the Mexican government.

16 Effects of the Annexation of Texas Relationships between the Texan settlers and the Native Americans worsened as more Anglo- Americans moved into Texas. The annexation of Texas solidified the idea that as the United States expanded, that slavery would expand westward as well.

17 Guided Practice: Critical Thinking Questions Critical thinking questions: 1) How did annexation help Texans? 2) In what ways did annexation have a negative impact on the Native Americans? *Remember to use your cards in this discussion*

18 Independent Practice: Complete the following left-brain activities on the annexation of Texas in your notebook. Perspective Pieces: Draw a picture that represents a northerner or Union Member (Republican). Draw another picture (facing the Union member) of a Southern Democrat This page will basically look like a poster in which you explain how each side felt about the annexation of Texas.

19 Homework 1) Write a paragraph that explains why northerners (Union) opposed the annexation of Texas and 2) Write another paragraph that explains why southerners supported the annexation of Texas. 3) Write a third paragraph in which you explain why you agree and disagree with each perspective. Directions: Type 12 pt. font (Times New Roman) so that you can make corrections more easily. Submit electronically to save on paper. Write a clear and concise thesis. Edit and revise at least once. Have at least one direct quote (from an acceptable resource). Remember how to cite this in your paper Have a concluding sentence.

20 Exit ticket: Explain what events/ motivations led to the annexation of Texas and describe how those events impacted the lives of Texans and Native Americans. You will turn this in as you exit the classroom.

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