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10 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

11 After the Civil War, President Lincoln wanted the Union to be?

12 Restored as fast as possible.

13 Lincoln’s plan was to offer amnesty to all confederates who would?

14 Swear allegiance to the United States

15 Radical Republicans believed that reconstruction should be used to force what on the South

16 Political and Social Reform

17 Differences on how to handle Reconstruction led to Andrew Johnson being?

18 Impeached

19 During the very early days of Reconstruction, this man was assassinated.

20 Abraham Lincoln

21 The 14 th and 15 th Amendments passed during Reconstruction resulted in?

22 Increased individual rights for African Americans

23 What was the Impact of the 14 th Amendment on the power of state governments?

24 It allowed the National Government to place more restrictions on state governments

25 Constitutional Amendments adopted during Reconstruction were intended to…

26 Provide legal and political rights for African Americans

27 The Radical Republicans wanted the Southern States to ratify this Amendment before they could be readmitted?

28 The 14 th Amendment

29 The addition of the 13 th, 14 th and 15 th Amendments were added during this era?

30 The Reconstruction Era

31 This group terrorized African Americans in the South after the Civil War

32 The Ku Klux Klan

33 During Reconstruction, Southern States attempted to deny equal rights to African Americans by creating the….

34 The Black Codes

35 The poll tax and the literacy test were attempts at…

36 Denying African Americans the right to vote

37 The poll tax, the literacy test and the actions of the Ku Klux Klan were all attempts to limit the effectiveness of these Amendments

38 The 14 th & 15 th Amendments

39 This court case upheld the law that separate public facilities based on race were legal. The idea of segregation (separate but equal) was based on this court case.

40 Plessy vs. Furguson

41 In the ten years following the Civil War, former slaves earned a living by becoming…

42 Share Croppers

43 This government agency helped former slaves by providing food, clothes and education.

44 The Freedmen's Bureau

45 This group in Congress wanted to use Reconstruction as a way to force political and social reforms in the South

46 Who were the Radical Republicans?

47 These denied African Americans the right to vote by creating a poll tax, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses

48 The Black Codes

49 The label or nickname applied to the former Confederate States after Reconstruction because they consistently supported the Democratic Party

50 The “Solid South”

51 Freed slaves had to be careful of this terrifying group of individuals

52 Who is the Ku Klux Klan

53 A majority of former slaves became…..

54 Sharecroppers

55 *True or False The passage of several Constitutional Amendments immediately gained African Americans equal rights

56 False

57 After the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by this man at Ford Theatre.

58 John Wilkes Booth?


60 What year did the Reconstruction Era Start?

61 1865

62 The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Furguson decided that….

63 Separate but equal facilities on the basis of race was allowed. This case created racial Segregation

64 This region of the country won the Civil War

65 The North

66 This Southern General surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse to end the Civil War

67 Robert E. Lee

68 This decision by the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that slaves were property and that Congress could not pass a law depriving residents of their property.

69 The Dred Scott decision?

70 These 2 men differed as to the best way that African Americans could effectively achieve equality

71 Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois?

72 Which headline would have appeared during Reconstruction a.“Jim Crow Laws End” b.“Former Slaves Made Citizens” c.“Supreme Court Issues Dred Scott Decision” d.“Emancipation Proclamation Issued

73 b. “Former Slaves Made Citizens

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