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U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 1 LO: Students will be able to discuss the conditions of slavery in the South before the Civil War. APK:

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 1 LO: Students will be able to discuss the conditions of slavery in the South before the Civil War. APK:"— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 1 LO: Students will be able to discuss the conditions of slavery in the South before the Civil War. APK: Students, you already know that slavery had a big impact on the society and economy of the South. But slavery also a big effect on the individuals who experienced it. Today will we look at slavery from a much more personal perspective. Here are some everyday words we will use to discuss this topic: It is important we can use them accurately. 1 Plantation- large farm in the South, usually operating on slave labor 2 Racism- hateful actions against people based on their race (Racist-someone who mistreats others only because of their race.) 3 Segregation- the social separation of groups of people, especially by race 4 Discrimination- choosing one group over another because of a persons’ race or identity.

2 U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 2 Concept Development: Slavery had a big impact on individuals who experienced it. It affected people’s living conditions, their legal status, and their quality of life. Living Conditions of slaves: 5 Rebellion: violently rising up against something Most slaves lived in segregated 3 huts on the plantation. They were provided enough food to survive and with two sets of clothes per year. They worked in the fields, harvesting crops, or as a servant of the house. Slaves were sometimes physically mistreated. Harsh punishments were used to maintain control and discourage rebellion 5 or running away. Whipping,or lashes on a slave Belled slave collar

3 U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 3 Concept Development: Slavery had a big impact on individuals who experienced it. It affected people’s living conditions, their legal status, and their quality of life. Legal Status of Slaves Slaves were legally the property of their owners, or masters. They belonged to them and could be bought and sold as if they were not human beings. There were also Slave codes- laws in the South regarding how masters should treat and control their slaves and how slaves should treat their masters Examples of slave codes in some southern states: Slaves cannot gather in groups of more than 3. Slaves cannot learn to read or write. Slaves must have permission to travel to another plantation. Slaves cannot own or carry a weapon. Pair-Share: Why might slave owners not want their slaves to be able to gather in groups or own weapons? Pair-Share: Which codes would have prevented slaves from communicating with each other? Why might slave owners have not wanted them to do this?

4 U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 4 Concept Development: Slavery had a big impact on individuals who experienced it. It affected people’s living conditions, their legal status, and their quality of life. Emotional Impact of Slavery 6 Oppression- feeling of being weighed down or held back by severe or unfair force Slaves were the property of their owners and could be bought and sold apart from families. They often did not know what had become of their family members. Like all of the things we learned about slavery, this added to a feeling of oppression. 6 Pair-Share: What reasons did slaves have to feel oppressed? Which do you think would have been the hardest to deal with emotionally? Why?

5 U.S. History 8 Liberty Middle School – EDI 2014 5 Closure / Exit Ticket: Describe the living conditions and legal status of a slave in the American South. Give examples and use the vocabulary we learned today. Living conditions:_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Legal status:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ________________

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