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Study on the Design for Consumer Health Knowledge Organization in China Institute of Medical Information Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Jul. 10th,

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Presentation on theme: "Study on the Design for Consumer Health Knowledge Organization in China Institute of Medical Information Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Jul. 10th,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study on the Design for Consumer Health Knowledge Organization in China Institute of Medical Information Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Jul. 10th, 2014 Li Hou

2 Backgrounds Objective Methods Results OUTLINE Outlook 2

3 BACKGROUNDS  Public concer their health 3

4 BACKGROUNDS  Website\Internet become the main method for public to access information Figure :The quantity of Chinese netizens and Internet penetration 4

5 BACKGROUNDS 5  With the rapid development of biomedical, there are more and more professional medical terms in biomedical field, such as “ Alzheimer‘s Disease \ Amnesia ”  Health knowledge service platform use professional terms to describe disease or organize health knowledge

6 RELATED WORK 6  Knowledge organization system covers a variety of organizational information framework terminology, dictionary, classification and ontology  Biomedical terminology construct  SNOMED CT, ICD  application scenarios : are used to be the exchange standards in different Clinical Information System  Lack one knowledge organization system suitable for the understanding of consumer

7 OBJECTIVE  Bridge the “knowledge gap” between the technical terms used by healthcare professionals and the health terms by consumer techinal terms by healthcare professionals health terms by consumers insomnia sleeplessness neoplasm cancer Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome aids 7 essential hypertension High Blood Pressure Consumer Health Knowledge Organization System

8 Backgrounds Objective Methods Results OUTLINE Outlook 8

9 METHODS 9  Disease 、 drug 、 symptoms, diagnostic tests, hospitals, doctors  Narrow down the research object : Disease,drug Collecting Data  Disease Data : disease name in consumer health knowledge platform,disease name from books  Drug Data : Drug name in CFDA,Drug name in books Designing Idea  Extract the concept of diseases and pharmaceutical:Concept C  Organize other relevant terminology by concept, add attribute for every concept denoted by: A c  Form the semantic network of health data:K = {C, A c } Determining areas of focus

10 CONCEPT DESIGN Standard Disease Concept CMeSH Term Synonyms Drug Concept generic medicament Term Synonyms 、 Brand name Coding rule ——Drug Coding rule ——Disease Define elements Naming rule Concept Code : CUI : C+0000000 Term Code : AUI : AA+0000000 SAUI Code 1 from book SA+1+000000 2.From Website: SA+2+000000…… Naming rule Concept Code : CUI : C+0000000 Term Code : AUI : AB+0000000 SAUI Code : 1 from CP : SB+1+000000 2.From Website: SB+2+000000…… Element and AB. : Unique identifier for concept(CUI) Unique identifier for term(AUI) Source asserted atom identifier(SAUI) Language(LAT) String 10

11 CONCEPT ELEMENT Concept table element Abbreviation Unique identifier for concept CVc_CUI Unique identifier for term CVc_AUI Source asserted atom identifier SAUI Original source table Unique Identifier CODE Language LAT String STR Concept type TTY Note TreeNumber TreeNum Original source table concept ID ( optional ) SCUI 11

12 CONCEPT EXAMPLE Disease Drug CVc_CUI CVc_AUISAUISTRCATLATTTYSABNoteTreeNum C00000001AA00000001SA1000001 高血压 ACHPFCHealthMeshC14.907.409 C00000001AA00000002SA2000001 原发性高血压 ACHSYCHealthBookC14.907.409 C00000001AA00000003SA1000002High Blood pressure AENSYCHealthMeshC14.907.409 C00000001AA00000004SA1000003HypertensionAENSYCHealthMeshC14.907.409 C00000001AA00000005SA2000002HBPAENABCHealthBookC14.907.409 C00000002…… CVc_CUICVc_AUISAUISTRCATLATTTYSABNote C00000078AB00000001SB1000001 利巴韦林 BCHINCHealthCP C00000078AB00000002SB2000001 利巴韦林颗粒 BCHDFCFDA C00000078AB00000003SB3000002 同欣 BCHBNSOGOU C00000078AB00000004SB3000003Ribavirin Granules BENSYCHealthCP …… 12

13 ATTRIBUTE DESIGN 13 Define : Attribute is to describe the concept, additional information about the atoms or the relationship Elements: unique identifier for term, unique identifier for string, unique identifier for attribute, attribute name, abbreviated source name,The name of the column in CONCEPT TABLE…… Formula : Description of the attributes table may be different in different sources A C = {a1, a2, a 3.... an}

14 ATTRIBUTE TABLE 14 Attribution Descriptive elementAbbreviation Unique identifier for conceptCVc_CUI Unique identifier for termCVc_AUI Unique identifier for stringCVc_SUI The name of the column in CONCEPT Table that contains the identifier to which the attribute is attached, e.g., SAUI, SCUI, CUI, AUI STYPE Most useful source asserted identifier, or a Metathesaurus-generated source entry identifier CODE Unique identifier for attributeATUI Source asserted attribute identifierSATUI Attribute nameATN Abbreviated source name (SAB) SAB Attribute value described under specific attribute name on the Attributes Name page ATV

15 ATTRIBUTE EXAMPLE Disease Medicine CVc_CUICVc_AUISTYPECODEATUISATUIATNSABATV C00000001AA00000001AUI000020001AT0000078 Source_CODEPsB34503345 C00000001AA00000001AUI000020001AT0000064 Source_NamePsBPopular Science Book C00000001AA00000001AUI000020001AT0000053 PsB_disease_namePsB 高血压 C00000001AA00000001AUI000020001AT0000012 PsB_categoryPsB 疾病 C00000001AA00000001AUI000020001AT0000014 Source_TTYPsBPF C00000001AA00000002AUI000020003AT0000078 Source_CODECMeSH5345 C00000001AA00000002AUI000020003AT0000064 Source_NameCMeSH C00000001AA00000002AUI000020003AT0000014 Source_TTYCMeSHSY C00000001AA00000002AUI000020003AT0000032 CMeSH_nameCMeSH 原发性高血压 C00000001AA00000002AUI000020003AT0000033 CMeSH _categoryCMeSHDisease C00000001AA00000002AUI000020003AT0000034 CMeSH _treenumberCMeSHC14.907.409 CVc_CUICVc_AUISTYPECODEATUISATUIATNSABATV C00000078AB00000001AUI00000002AT0000045 Source_CODECFDA34503345 C00000078AB00000001AUI00000002AT0000046 Source_NameCFDA C00000078AB00000001AUI00000002AT0000047 CFDA_Product_NameCFDA 利巴韦林颗粒 00000002AT0000014 Source_TTYCFDADF C00000078AB00000002AUI00000003AT0000045 Source_CODESOGOU23142456 C00000078AB00000002AUI00000003AT0000046 Source_NameSOGOU C00000078AB00000002AUI00000003AT0000057 SOGOU_UserSearch_NameSOGOU 同欣 C00000078AB00000002AUI00000003AT0000014 Source_TTYSOGOUBN 15

16 EXPERIMENT 16 select 1,077 disease name that consumer concern mostly as the concept select 1,267 generic medicament as concept of drug Extract the Subject Headings of disease in CMeSH, Extract generic medicament in “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” map the 1,077 disease name to relative disease name inscience material map 1,267 generic medicament to trade name in CFDA Crawl relative disease name in science material Crawl relative trade name in CFDA disease and drug concept has its unique value on the basis of the designing scheme. Generate Concept Table and Attribute Table

17 Backgrounds Objective Methods Results OUTLINE Outlook 17

18 RESULT  Construt two table : one is Concept Table, the another is Attribute of Concept Table  Map the common terms to the professional concepts by the synonymy relationship in CMeSH  Construct one consumer health knowledge organization system including 1,077 concepts of disease and 25,704 terms of disease, and 1,267 concept of drug, 16,180 terms of drug Design one knowledge representation method to organize various medical concepts and terms 18

19 OUTLOOK 19  Complete consumer health knowledge organization system  construct one thorough consumer health knowledge organization system  include all kinds of health topic : symptom 、 Clinic diagnose…  Improvement the knowledge service  Apply this consumer health knowledge organization system in the knowledge service platform  Track topic of consumer concers  Carry out personalized knowledge service

20 Thank You ! 20

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