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RoaDMaP LEEDS RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT PILOT Research data Management Workshop Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "RoaDMaP LEEDS RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT PILOT Research data Management Workshop Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 RoaDMaP LEEDS RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT PILOT Research data Management Workshop Welcome!

2 Why are we here? Objectives: Attendees will be better equipped to advise grant applicants on data management planning and costs Attendees will have had the opportunity to feed into the requirements for a research data service (code for “we want to pick your brains”) Who are you? One thing you want to get out of today?

3 RoaDMaP LEEDS RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENT PILOT What do I need to know about research data management? The return! Rachel Proudfoot, RoaDMaP Project Manager

4 What we covered.. 1.What are data 2.Introduction to research data management 3.Why researchers would / wouldn’t share data drivers benefits 4.Developments at Leeds 5.Data Management Planning roles Referrals Feedback.. Questions are good..

5 All manner of things that researchers produce in the course of their work What is research data?

6 Leeds Research Data Survey 2012 Top 10 research data formats FormatNumber Documents (e.g. text, Microsoft Word, PDF), spreadsheets:164 Statistical data sets (e.g. SPSS, Stata, SAS):82 Books, Manuscripts (including musical scores):74 Laboratory notebooks, field notebooks, diaries:72 Questionnaires:68 Photographs / other images:68 Interviews (including transcripts):67 Laboratory instrument data (e.g. from microscopes, chemical analysers, monitors etc.): 58 Computer software (e.g modeling / simulation, schemas):57 Models, algorithms, scripts:49

7 How do you decide if something is data? EPSRC “ Research data is defined as recorded factual material commonly retained by and accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings; although the majority of such data is created in digital format, all research data is included irrespective of the format in which it is created.” Australian National Data Service: What is research data? “..ask the question ‘what needs to be kept to validate the results of research?’ This may provide a different response, and allows the researcher, rather than the institution, to focus what needs to be kept.” “..what is needed for validation and re-use, rather than on the intrinsic attributes of research data”... (metadata and documentation)

8 “the active management and appraisal of data over the lifecycle of scholarly and scientific interest” Data management is part of good research practice What is research data management CREATING DATA PROCESSING DATA ANALYSING DATA PRESERVING DATA GIVING ACCESS TO DATA RE-USING DATA UKDA

9 What is involved in research data management? -Data Management Planning (DMPs) -Creating data -Documenting data -Storing data -Sharing data -Preserving data -Recognising your own ‘data’

10 Why? Society Government Research Funders University Individual

11 Why? Society Government Research Funders University Individual research is a public good should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible social and economic benefits

12 Why? Society Government Research Funders University Individual Common principles on data policy public good institutional and project specific data management policies and plans metadata legal, ethical and commercial constraints It is appropriate to use public funds to support the management and sharing of publicly-funded research data

13 Why? Society Government Research Funders University Individual Research Data Management Policy (July 2012) The management of Research Data reflects our: commitment to research excellence recognition of our duty to our funders appreciation of the value of our data - to us and to others Research Data Steering Group (2011) Chair: PVC for R&I Innovation, Prof David Hogg Research Data Working Group Chair: Pro Dean for Research, PVAC, Prof Mick Wallis

14 Why? Society Government Research Funders University Individual (Piwowar, 2007, PLoS)

15 Sharing leads to impact Data sharing builds communities -Stronger networks -More collaboration -Better science Only way to tackle ‘grand challenges’

16 So others can validate the results Desire for the ‘data behind the graph’ to promote research integrity and scrutiny

17 Why can’t data be shared?

18 Because of ethical concerns Ensure researchers have anonymised data and considered all relevant options e.g. to use secure data services to restrict how data can be accessed/reused. Most research data can be successfully shared under certain conditions, if consent has been provided. UK Data Archive offers great advice and guidance on dealing with sensitive data.

19 To keep a competitive advantage Researchers fear being ‘scooped’ and want to make sure that they make the discoveries from their data Funders allow embargo periods to give researchers time to publish before sharing data

20 Due to commercial constraints Because it’s not worth it Sharing data costs money and requires effort If data are of a poor quality, are not well-documented, or aren’t useful /understandable to others, it may not be worth sharing Weigh up the cost and benefits

21 RoaDMaP / Leeds RDM Policy (handout) RoaDMaP- JISC project (Jan 2012 – June 2013) Requirements analysis Support and training Storage (a bit) Data repository Data management planning Embedding and sustainability

22 Questions so far? Next... Data management planning

23 KRISTAL / DMP / RDRA Risk Review Dashboard - dashboard - PI to complete tab dashboard KRISTAL tick box – links to page on DMP with options / guidance Q. RDRA - how does this work at the moment? Lessons learnt? NB We want to reach researchers who aren’t applying for a grant.

24 Potential model ESSL Support for DMPs provided by Tim Banks, Faculty IT Manager 2-3 hours for first one 1 hour average DMP created in DMPOnline, shared with PI. Filled in collaboratively. Model: Faculty Research Office creates plan? (Project Title) Shares with IT staff, PI?

25 Group discussion 1. Read DMP – tick if activity, tick if likely to need costing over and above institutional infrastructure

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