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Unit 8 WORDS to KNOW Based on and organized for use with Hampton Brown’s High Point curriculum, Basics level. Designed by Adriana T. Ibarra for the LANGUAGE.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 WORDS to KNOW Based on and organized for use with Hampton Brown’s High Point curriculum, Basics level. Designed by Adriana T. Ibarra for the LANGUAGE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 WORDS to KNOW Based on and organized for use with Hampton Brown’s High Point curriculum, Basics level. Designed by Adriana T. Ibarra for the LANGUAGE ACQUISITION BRANCH LAUSD

2 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 Last week I saw a movie. saw saw

3 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 was a I was sitting in the front row. sw

4 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 were A lot of kids from school were there. were

5 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 their Some kids came with their mothers and fathers. r h ei t

6 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 said “Look, there’s Sofia,” I said to my dad. as d i

7 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 began They shut off the lights, and the movie began. e b g an

8 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 about b The movie was about some kids in the 1950s. t ou a

9 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 dance I watched them dance to old music. ance d

10 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 thought My dad thought the music was great. g u t o h t h

11 High Point Basics Unit 8, T149 again a We want to see that movie again next week. g ina

12 began was were their saw about dance said thought again

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