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Notes. What are Cornell Notes? – a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes Who Created them? – Created in the 1950s by Walter Pauk, an education.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes. What are Cornell Notes? – a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes Who Created them? – Created in the 1950s by Walter Pauk, an education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes

2 What are Cornell Notes? – a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes Who Created them? – Created in the 1950s by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. Pauk advocated its use in How to Study in College. Why Use Cornell Notes? – Cornell Note taking may be of added benefit in cases where students are required to synthesize and apply learned knowledge, while the guided notes method appeared to be better for basic recall. (Wichita State 2008)


4 Let’s Create C-Notes! On the right, write down 5+ things you observe in the photo on the right. (use numbers & bullets). These will be notes taken in class as you teach the information.

5 The left column… May be used for main ideas to aid organization or to jot questions. Write 2 sentences beginning with – I wonder why... – I wonder how … – I wonder if...

6 Cross out “I wonder” and replace with… Level 2 – Classify-Compare- Sort – Explain-Contrast- Infer – Analyze- Distinguish between Level 3 – Evaluate- Predict- Hypothesize – Judge- Imagine- Speculate – Generalize- If/Then- Forecast You may need to switch the wording around to make the question sound right.

7 I wonder why the teacher looks mad. – Explain why the teacher looks mad. I wonder how the student misunderstood the teacher’s lesson. – Infer how the student’s misunderstanding occurred. – Explain how the student misunderstood the lesson. I wonder if the student is a troublemaker. – Explain how you know that the student is, or is not, a troublemaker. I wonder if the student paid attention in class. – If the student paid attention in class, would he understand the lesson better? – Compare this student to a student in your own class.

8 The Summary In the last 5-7 lines, you will summarize your notes. Draw 20 lines: 5 lines across, 4 deep. Writing one word on each line, write a summary of what you saw in the picture. – You must use all 20 spaces (no more, no less) and must create a complete sentence(s). It’s tricky!

9 Tips Give notes; then assign questions and summary for homework. Have the kids fold the paper so only Questions are visible; use as a study guide. Train the kids to record Questions asked by their teacher and peers to create a study guide. Steal Questions from your students for tests!!!

10 Math Variations Summary at the top – Because it often explains the process behind solving problems. 3 column notes – 1 st = problem – 2 nd = work out – 3 rd = steps in words (only 1 st time taught)

11 Like anything else, it takes practice. Questions???

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