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1 Reforms at basic school and secondary school level in Estonia Laine Randjärv Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Estonian Parliament 10 March 2016, Riga

2 Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020 The Strategy 2020 has five main objectives:  changed approach to learning – learning is based on the individuality, interests, experience and potential of each student;  competent and motivated teachers and heads of schools;  better alignment of educational provisions with the needs of the labour market;  a digital revolution in lifelong learning;  equal opportunities and increased participation in lifelong learning.

3 Defining the responsibility of the state and the local government  School Network Programme 2015 – 2020  The responsibility for basic education lies with local governments, the responsibility for secondary education with the state  School places for students with serious educational special needs are ensured by the state; students with less serious special needs are integrated into normal schools  The state pays educational support to owners of schools

4 School Network Programme 2015 – 2020  Establishment of state run secondary schools in county centres (at least 15 schools)  Optimisation and updating of the basic school network  Reorganisation of school network for students with special educational needs (reducing the number of schools by 1/3)  Ensure adequate conditions in basic schools to integrate students with less serious special needs

5 Investments in School Network Program 2015 – 2020: EUR 241 million -Reorganisation of secondary school Network -Reorganisation of basic school network -Updating the infrastructure of schools for students with special educational needs -Supporting inclusive education

6 Decreasing population

7 The number of students and schools -Primary or basic school - Secondary school - Basic school students - Secondary school students

8 The state pays educational support to owners of schools -Labour costs of teachers 182.7 MEUR (81%) -Labour costs of directors and directors of studies 14.2 MEUR (6%) -Teaching aids 7.5 MEUR (3%) -Additional training for teachers and heads of schools 1.8 MEUR (1%) -Investment component 2.6 MEUR (1%) -School lunch 17.4 MEUR (8%)

9 Change in the approach to learning  Individuality of every student taken into account and supported  Support services must be accessible to schools and students  Drop-out rate must be reduced

10 Factors to help reduce dropout rate  Curricula that take into account the individuality of students  Access to support services  Better skills of teachers in identifying special needs in children  Schools must immediately intervene when learning problems appear, repeating a year is not acceptable

11 Reducing dropout rate - 1st school level - 2nd school level -3rd school level -Secondary school

12 Access to support services  In 2014, average gross monthly salary of support specialists in municipal schools was EUR 793 (EUR 1,025 salary for teachers)  35 local governments out of 208 spend nothing on support services in their schools  Local governments spent EUR 7.2 million on support services, i.e. an average of EUR 55 per student (EUR 26 in Tallinn, EUR 55 in Tartu)

13 Competent and motivated teachers  Initial training  Induction year (non-mandatory introduction to school life and teaching during the first year of teaching career; mentorship by an experienced teacher; at the end of the year teachers will compile a development portfolio)  In- service training (national teacher training priorities are set yearly for central in-service training; central in-service training is free, provided by universities, private or third sector organisations; a private teacher training market also exists)

14 Teachers in general education in 2014/2015, and goals for 2020  Number of teachers : 14,329  Average age of teachers: 47.4  Share of teachers < 30 years of age: 9 %; goal for 2020: 12.5 %  Share of female teachers: 86 %; goal for 2020: 75 %

15 Competent school leadership  Role of director in signing work contracts with teachers  Teachers’ workload is agreed in the work contract between the teacher and the director (how many lessons per week, but also administrative duties)  Teachers’ workload is 35 hours a week (usual national standard is 40 hours a week)  35 hours should also include preparing for lessons, correcting tests and homework, tutoring, and other duties of a teacher

16 Teachers’ gross monthly salary

17 Increase in teachers’ salaries

18 Digital focus  Incorporating digital culture into learning process » better integration of IT into curriculum » support teachers in using technology in teaching » e-assessment methodology and tools – level tests for digital skills  Supporting digital learning resources in schools » Interoperable software solutions, commercial and non-commercial study materials  Digital infrastructure in schools, use of personal digital devices (BYOD) for studying

19 Success stories  Estonia’s high 2012 PISA world ranking and in particular in Europe. 19

20 Our success stories  Estonia has a very low school drop-out rate – just 0.2%  91% of our teachers meet the qualification requirements  74% of the Estonian heads of school have a master’s degree  School leaders have 96.5% to 100% discretion over their school’s personnel policy and budget  Every county has a learning and career counselling support system in place 20

21 Thank you for your attention!

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