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MSc in Software Engineering and Database Technologies Diploma in Software Engineering WorldClass On-Line Learning Environment Citrix Remote Desktop & Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "MSc in Software Engineering and Database Technologies Diploma in Software Engineering WorldClass On-Line Learning Environment Citrix Remote Desktop & Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSc in Software Engineering and Database Technologies Diploma in Software Engineering WorldClass On-Line Learning Environment Citrix Remote Desktop & Applications October, 2015

2 Worldclass Contents Discussion Live Chat Dropbox Grades Notification (from profile) Citrix

3 ‘Live’ Chat Scheduled ‘synchronous’ (live) support sessions and ad-hoc live communication; not used in all modules

4 Dropbox Every course is set up with a Dropbox and associations from it to the Grade Book. Every facilitator is REQUIRED to use the Dropbox and the Grade Book for all graded assignments rather than email or any other external method.

5 Grades This is the Grade Book associated with Dropbox. It’s a one-page view of your progress.

6 Guidelines for use of Worldclass Use it to access all Regis University's web-based services including your Regis Online Course(s), you will need a RegisNET account. If you do not have a RegisNET account, you will need to apply for one through Regis WebAdvisor: Login in to WorldClass course at least daily, check discussion forum daily. Regular participation and interaction with the rest of the class is an important, graded part of your work… this is what makes the ‘community of learning’ concept work Use course structure to help you work Use ‘chat’ tool for mutual support with your fellow students! / scheduled live chat sessions with facilitators may also occur

7 Notifications Personalize your Notifications so that you will be automatically notified about new Discussion messages, News updates, and a summary of activity for your courses

8 Support Technical support: – –Hours of operation, including holidays: Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Local Time Colorado. General support: –email Aisling Monahan,

9 Citrix Citrix is a thin client technology that allows access to the ARN (Academic Research Network) from nearly any location. It allows students remote access to the applications they need for their coursework. (N.B. Oracle Database) NB: Port 1494 must be open for outgoing connections (Firewall)

10 Citrix Client You must download and install the Citrix client (Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac OSX) Linked from the IT Online Student Launchpad

11 Applications Several of your MScSIS modules use applications that are available on Citrix Removes licencing and client installation issues

12 Activity Log in to Worldclass from Select your first module, which should already be live (MCT611 or MCT609 if you’re a new student) Browse the resources available for this module, from the top-level menu: –Discussion Forums –Content –Chat Room Post your introduction in the forum Respond to at least one other introduction

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