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How I developed my Research Career Renata Phelps School of Education am trying very hard to develop.

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Presentation on theme: "How I developed my Research Career Renata Phelps School of Education am trying very hard to develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 How I developed my Research Career Renata Phelps School of Education am trying very hard to develop

2 My Background….  Shelving books in library (1989)  Research Assistant Position (1995)  Managing Online Project (1998)  Started Tutoring (1998)  PhD Scholarship (2000-2003)  Lecturer - Permanent Position (2004)  ARC Linkage grant (2004-2007)

3 Ten Tips

4 Tip 1 – Collaborate and Co-Publish  working with peers on research projects  get involved in working with colleagues  Role of research assistance  co-publish  mentoring  Be prepared to work “under” & “with” others  Choosing own research projects versus working on other people’s

5 Tip 2 – Integrate Research with Work  Synergies and efficiencies  e.g. researching your teaching  Can benefit organisation  Action Research


7 Tip 3 – Develop Good Organisational Skills  Organising Literature  Writing Iteratively  Advanced Word Porcessing Skills  Data Analysis Software  Endnote WATCH THIS SPACE!

8 Tip 4 – Get on the “Cutting Edge”

9 Tip 5 – Build relationships with Organisations/ business

10 Tip 6 – Be Prepared to take Knock-Backs  Submitting to Refereed Journals  Research Grants Have to be in it to win it!

11 Tip 7 – Build on Previous Research

12 Tip 8 – Write, Write Write…  Don’t say it all in one paper “One idea, one paper”  Research Grants

13 Tip 9 – Make the Most of Support

14 Tip 10 – Try very hard to balance work and lifestyle 

15 1 – Collaborate and Co-Publish 2 – Integrate Research with Work 3 – Develop Good Organisational Skills 4 – Get on the “Cutting Edge” 5 – Build relationships with Organisations 6 – Be Prepared to take Knock-Backs 7 – Build on Previous Research 8 – Write, Write, Write… 9 – Make the Most of Support 10 – Balance Work and Lifestyle

16 How I developed my Research Career Renata Phelps School of Education am trying very hard to develop

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