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Lakeland Board of Commissioners August 7 th, 2014 Lakeland Prep Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Lakeland Board of Commissioners August 7 th, 2014 Lakeland Prep Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lakeland Board of Commissioners August 7 th, 2014 Lakeland Prep Presentation

2 The Case for Additional Facilities

3 Lakeland School System is in a unique situation in Shelby County.

4 Lakeland residents have twice expressed their desire for a municipal school system.

5 Two reasons for breaking away from Shelby County Schools were mentioned repeatedly: 1)Desire for local control. 2)Desire for community schools.

6 While we are fortunate to have an outstanding educational partnership with Arlington Community Schools, we will not have local control or community schools for all of our students until we have a K-12 system.

7 We are the only Shelby County municipality in this situation.

8 Where Do Lakeland Students Attend School?

9 Where Does State and County Funding Go for Lakeland Students?

10 Where Does State and County Funding Go for Lakeland Students?

11 Where Does State and County Funding Go for Lakeland Students?

12 How are Local Funds Generated for Municipal School Systems?


14 Where Do City of Lakeland Municipal Funds Go?

15 Where Do City of Lakeland Municipal Funds Go?

16 Where Do City of Lakeland Municipal Funds Go?

17 What are the current enrollment numbers at schools where Lakeland students will attend?

18 Why a combined 6-12 facility? Why not start with a middle school and build the high school later?

19 -Current interest rates are extremely reasonable now and expected to rise. -Parents are making decisions now about where children will go to school. -K-12 system provides stability for parents now. -Guarantees Lakeland School System will remain independent.

20 About the Middle/High School Model

21 Benefits include smaller, more personalized classes. Closer relationships with faculty and staff. Budgeting efficiencies with shared facilities.

22 Campus can be designed to effectively separate middle and high school students, while allowing for sharing of many spaces.

23 There are currently 17 6-12 schools in Tennessee. This model is unusual among local public schools, but common in local private schools and public schools outside of our area.

24 What would it cost to build a new 6-12 Middle/High School?


26 Total Cost for New Facility: $50 Million

27 We believe, for this cost, we can provide a facility that reflects the high expectations and aesthetic values of our community.

28 What would it cost the City of Lakeland to finance $50 M in municipal bonds?

29 Bond Consultants PFM have advised that an additional property tax increase of.55 would finance a municipal bond without cutting City services.

30 Municipal Tax Rates with Additional.55 Property Tax in Lakeland

31 Impact of Additional.55 on Property Taxes for Lakeland Homeowners


33 What if we do nothing?

34 Questions?

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