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Mid-18 th Century Wars Continental and Global Conflicts.

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1 Mid-18 th Century Wars Continental and Global Conflicts

2 War of Jenkins Ear 1739 1740-1748 The war of Austrian Succession “Diplomatic Revolution” 1756 1756-1763 The 7 Years War American Revolution 1775-1783

3 Why? European Powers looking for continental dominance Conflicts about global trading It was in no one’s interest to maintain peace or prevent war Rarely affected civilian populations (biggest difference with 20 th century warfare)

4 Continental Conflicts War of Austrian Succession: Prussia vs. Austria, later Britain and France joined in Seven Years War -Prussia vs alliance of Austria, France, Russia.. Global Conflicts War of Jenkins Ear: opening shot. Britain vs. Spain about West Indian trade Seven Years War: France and Britain over North America, West Indies and India. American Revolution: Brought in the French to aid American colonists

5 War of Jenkins’ Ear (began in 1739) Started over issue of Spain’s allegation of British abuse regarding the Treaty of Utrecht provision that allowed Britain to send one ship of merchandise to Central America per year Spanish officials boarded a British ship suspected of smuggling goods into Latin America and cut off ear of Captain Jenkins, a British officer. Jenkins kept his ear in a jar of brandy and presented it to Parliament 7 years later In response, King George II went to war with Spain. Conflict expanded into the War of Austrian Succession in 1740.

6 War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) Cause: Frederick invaded and annexed Silesia, part of the Austrian Hapsburg empire – Frederick violated Austria’s Pragmatic Sanction (1713) whereby the Great Powers recognized that Charles VII’s daughter, Maria Theresa, would inherit the entire Hapsburg empire Prussia efficiently defeated Austria Result: Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle: – Prussia gained Silesia (and doubled Prussia’s population in the process) Prussia was now recognized as the most powerful of all the German states and as one of Europe’s “Great Powers

7 War of Austrian Succession (1740- 1748) Involved battles between England and France in North America and India. Spain fought effectively in keeping its empire intact The Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) essentially preserved the status quo in the colonial empires

8 Seven Years’ War: Continental Part Cause: Maria Teresa sought to regain Silesia from Prussia and gained Russia and France as allies. – Goal of Austria, Russia and France was to conquer Prussia and divide its territories among the winners Bloodiest war in Europe since the Thirty Years’ War of the 17 th century. – World war that also included England and France’s struggle for North America – Prussia outnumbered by its enemies 15 to 1 – Prussia suffered 180,000 dead and severe disruptions to its society – Berlin was twice captured and partially destroyed by Russian troops – Prussia was on the verge of a catastrophic defeat

9 Russian Czar Peter III (an admirer of Frederick) pulled Russia out of the war in 1763) This saved Prussia from almost certain defeat Peter was assassinated and replaced by Catherine II as a result

10 7 Years War - Colonial Wars Britain and France were the two main adversaries in the colonial wars for empire Between 1701 and 1783 both countries engaged in a series of wars over the issue of maritime trade and colonial expansion France had the largest army on land and was working to build up its naval forces France sought to support Spain The Netherlands and Spain were in relative decline In effect, these wars were world wars since they involved fighting in Europe, the high seas and the New World.

11 Seven Years’ War (French & Indian War: 1754-63) Began in the disputed Ohio Valley of North America when a young American officer, George Washington, engaged a French force protecting Ft. Duquesne (modern-day Pittsburgh) in 1754. French forces (and their Amerindian allies) fought British and American colonial forces for control of North America. This war became part of the larger Seven Years’ War in Europe

12 William Pitt, Britain’s new prime minister, changed Britain’s war strategy in the middle of the war by focusing more attention on North America. Britain’s Royal Navy defeated France’s navy in various engagements on the high seas France planned to invade Great Britain but devastating naval losses ended such an attempt British trade prospered as a result France’s trade dropped to 1/16 of its prewar level France’s sugar trade with its West Indian colonies was choked off Britain took control of French posts near Calcutta and Madras in India When Spain entered the war on France’s side, Britain seized Cuba and the Philippines from Spain

13 Treaty of Paris (1763) Most important peace treaty of the 18 th century and most important since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Prussia permanently retained Silesia France was completely removed from North America – France lost Canada to Britain as well as all its colonial possessions east of the Mississippi River. – As compensation for Spain’s support in the war, France gave the Louisiana territory (including New Orleans) to Spain France had to accept British domination in India, especially Bengal (although it was allowed to keep its posts there) – This later proved significant as India became Britain’s most important colonial possession in the 19 th and early 20 th centuries Spain ceded Florida to Britain in return for Cuba and the Philippines Britain thus became the world’s dominant colonial empire

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