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Bixby High School 2011-13 Goal Update February 11, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Bixby High School 2011-13 Goal Update February 11, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bixby High School 2011-13 Goal Update February 11, 2013

2  Recap of Goals: ◦ 1. Increase EOI Scores ◦ 2. Increase ACT test scores and test takers ◦ 3. Increase AP passing test scores and test takers ◦ 4. Remediate students in ACE remediation classes by 50% minimum per semester

3  All EOI’s above 90% ◦ English II 97% ◦ English III 96% ◦ Algebra I 94% ◦ Geometry95% ◦ Algebra II91% ◦ US History92% ◦ Biology93%


5  CCSS Curriculum Maps  Common Writing Rubrics  9-12 Writing Portfolios (min. 4 samples)  Peer Classroom Observations  Common Assessments (13-14)  Common Grading Policies (13-14)  Common Late Work Policy (13-14)  Alignment of Class Documents and Books with History Classes (13-14)

6  Pacing Guides  Common Semester Exams  Common Benchmark Exams  Algebra I Common Chapter Assessments  Algebra I Review and Retest Night (Decelle, Roden and McFarlane)  Peer Classroom Observations  Common Assessments (13-14)  CCSS Alignment Process started

7  Common Grading Policy  Pacing Guide  Common Semester Exams  Common Benchmark Exams  Peer Classroom Observations  Common Chapter Assessments (13-14)

8  Common Grading Policy(U.S. History)( All others 13-14)  Pacing Guides  Common Semester Exams  Common Benchmark Exams  Textbook use sequence with OC³ Standards  Document Based Questions  Begun work on essential elements, pacing guides for all subjects, and common chapter assessments for all subjects

9  Increase ACT Composite Score to 22.3. Long term goal is 23.0.  Increase the number of ACT test takers to 70%. Currently 306 Seniors so goal is 214.

10  ACT Information distributed to students and parents 3-4 times a semester through email with registration dates, deadlines and ACT prep information.  ACT Dates distributed in Curriculum Guide, Posters around BHS, and in Counselors Website.  All Seniors who had not tested by September 2012 were called in and given ACT information.  All Juniors who have not tested will be called in and given information by Spring Break.

11  Counselors discuss ACT individually with Juniors during enrollment meetings.  Coffee with Counselors held periodically to distribute information to parents about ACT as well as FAFSA, Tulsa Achieves, and other college information  Free E2020 ACT prep Course- 27 currently enrolled  USA Test Prep ACT Review- 41 English, 24 Math, 25 Reading, and 8 Science taken so far.  Shmoop ACT Prep- 12 currently enrolled

12  Increase AP exam pass rate to 65%.  Increase the number of AP exams taken by 10% from 2012. Goal is 360.

13  Address course rigor though PLC’s.  Created AP training schedule and facilitated summer 2013 sign- up for all AP instructors.  Identified potential test takers and anticipated scores.  Instructors encourage exam enrollment.  Exploring grading training for AP instructors to increase applicability of classroom exams.  AP night held in conjunction with enrollment night. Approximately 125 attendees.


15  ACE Remediation sections in school day  Utilization of WorkKeys  Summer School two sessions in 2012 and 2013  USA Test Prep  Tutoring at BLC  Mentoring

16  Biology 1 st Semester- 5 enrolled- 1passed EOI; 1 no score; 1 Alternate score  English II and III- 7 enrolled- No scores yet  U.S. History- 2 enrolled- 1 project; 1 taking work keys English and will not need test  Algebra I- 3 enrolled- All 3 obtained alternate scores  Algebra II- 1 enrolled- Passed EOI  Spring 2013 enrollment- 21 in Math, 8 in English, 2 in History, 1 in Biology

17  28 Academic Scholars submitted  A National Merit Semi- Finalist (Riley Frost)  6 Academic All- State students submitted 17 qualified  183 Students took PSAT  142 BHS students utilizing On-Line Virtual HS Courses  81 1 st semester and 70 2 nd semester concurrently enrolled students  66 Pre- Engineering students  Tulsa Tech- 58 AM and 48 PM

18  2012 ACT College Readiness Award Winner – Bixby High School  Spartan Post On-line newspaper and Spartan TV  2013 Elective and Activities Fair  Enrollment night  SPUD activities  National Signing Day Ceremony  Winter Sports  STUCO Convention November 2013

19  Kate Creekmore and Scott Bein  Accreditation recommended but not conferred until June 2013  Two required actions: (1) Develop a formal structure to meet the emotional, social, and post- secondary needs of all students and (2) Create a comprehensive communication plan that targets all stakeholders through written, social media, electronic and verbal communications.  Committee very impressed by Bixby High School and Bixby Public Schools.

20 Every Student…Every Day!


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