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------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 10772 Record number 10772-4 JCB call number B601 H564h 1-SIZE vol. 6 (copy 2) Image title.

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1 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 10772 Record number 10772-4 JCB call number B601 H564h 1-SIZE vol. 6 (copy 2) Image title [Title page] Place image published [Madrid] Image publisher [Juan de la Cuesta] Image date [1615] Image function added engraved title page Technique engraving Image dimension height 24.5 cm. Image dimension width 15.7 cm. Page dimension height 29.2 cm. Page dimension width 19.9 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Spanish Description Title page with four portrait medallions--Alonso de Alvarado, Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, Rodrigo Orgonez, and Sebastian de Belalcazar [or Benalcazar], and six vignettes showing the battles of Salinas, Abancay, Benalcazar, and at Cuzco. Also shows the prison of Atahualpa, Inca king of Peru, and the treaty between Almagro and Alvarado. Includes native Americans and scenes of warfare, cannons, fortifications, dwellings, and horses. In the center is the Spanish royal coat of arms (of Castile and Leon). Source creator Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625 Source Title Historia general de los hechos de los Castellano en las Islas y tierra firme del mar oceano... Decada sesta Source place of publication Madrid Source publisher Por Iuan de la Cuesta Source date M. DC. XV. [1615] notes The portraits are of conquistadors of Peru. The Spanish under the leadership of Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca territory by 1533 when the Inca leader Atahualpa was executed, although the last of the Incas, Tupac Amaru, was not executed until 1571. In the process the Spanish also set off a series of internecine wars among the conquerors. Belalcazar first led the Spanish into Ecuador. Once there he and Alvarado fought against Diego de Almagro at the battle of Salinas near Cuzco. Orgonez took part in the battle of Abancay in which he captured Alvarado. Quesada founded New Granada. Time Period 1601-1650 Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1915. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 Commentary Add a comment geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject Area Portraits Subject headings Peru--History-- Conquest, 1522-1548 Subject headings Indians of South America

2 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 8274 Record number 8274-1 JCB call number J575 B825c / 2-SIZE Image title [left] Mexico, Regia & Celebris Hispaniae Novae Civitas. [right] Cusco, Regni Peru In Novo orbe Caput. Place image published [Antwerp] Image publisher [G. van den Rade] Image date [1575] Image function plate 58 Technique etching, engraving Image dimension height 27.1 cm. (platemark) Image dimension width 47.6 cm. (platemark) Page dimension height 40.7 cm. Page dimension width 53.3 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description Bird's-eye views of Mexico City and Cuzco. The view of Mexico City or Tenochtitlán includes causeways, dikes, the central plaza with temples and the statue of an idol, people boating, outlying settlements around Lake Texcoco, and three native Americans in Source creator Braun, Georg, 1540 or 1-1622 Source Title Civitates orbis terrarum Source place of publication Antwerpiae [Antwerp] Source publisher Apud Aegidium Radeum Source date MDLXXV [1575] notes This is the first example of a systematic atlas of cities and was meant to complement Ortelius's Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Georg Braun was a priest and geographer. Although neither print is signed, the engravers are known to be Frans Hogenberg (1538-1590) Time Period 1492-1600 References Braun, Georg, Civitates orbis terrarum, 1572-1618... With an introduction by R. A. Skelton, Amsterdam, 1965. Provenance/Donor Acquired in 1912. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Geography, maps, city views and plans Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Cuzco (Peru) Subject headings Mexico City (Mexico)

3 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 35313 Record number 35313-2 JCB call number J590 B915v GVL6 / 2-SIZE Image title Cusco urbs nobilissima & opule[n]tissima Peruani regni in occide[n]tali parte sita,... Place image published [Frankfurt am Main] Image publisher Theodorum de Bry Image date [1596] Image function plate; following p. 4 Technique engraving Image dimension height 28.9 cm. Image dimension width 40.2 cm. [both pages] Page dimension height 34.9 cm. Page dimension width 44.4 cm. [both pages] Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description A bird's-eye view of Cuzco in present-day Peru. Built environment includes walls, temple (showing Atabalipa [or Atahualpa], the last independent Incan ruler, being carried on a litter), and dwellings. At bottom the title of the plan is flanked by men playing a ball game and standing on their heads juggling logs with their feet and by men holding exotic animals [a turkey (?) and bird with a fish tail (lindworm?)] and an idol or god. Also includes golden or precious items and jewels. Source Title [America. Pt 6. Latin] Americae pars sexta, sive Historiae ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[s]se scriptae, section tertia Source place of publication Fra[n]cofurte[n]se [Frankfurt am Main] Source publisher Theodoro de Bry Source date M D XCVI. [1596] notes This work was published by Theodor de Bry and is derived from the third part of Girolamo Benzoni, Historia del mondo nuovo, Venice, 1565. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 6. Latin. Imprint information from colophon. Time Period 1492-1600 References Church, E.D. Discovery, 158; Kagan, R.L. Urban Images of the Hispanic World, Fig. 4.29, p. 96-98 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1865. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Geography, maps, city views and plans Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Cuzco (Peru)--Maps

4 ------------- Image1 ------------- Field Data Accession number 04056 Record number 04056-12 JCB call number J621 P565 / 1-SIZE (copy 2) Image title [View of Cuzco with royal carriage] Place image published [Linz] Image date [1621] Image function plate; following p. 70 Technique engraving Image dimension height 17.5 cm. Image dimension width 28.8 cm. Page dimension height 31.3 cm. Page dimension width 19.5 cm. Materials medium ink Materials support paper Languages Latin Description Spanish priests and soldiers take the Inca ruler [Atahualpa] and his retinue in a carriage drawn by llamas to the settlement of Cuzco in background. The ruler carries a symbol of the sun. Also includes horses, cross or crucifix, gun or muskets, war clubs, feathered headdresses and garments, flag, litter carried by horses, and fortifications. Source creator Philoponus, Honorius Source Title Nova typis transacta navigatio... Source place of publication Linz Source date 1621 notes This image shows the capture of Atahualpa or Atabalipa by Francisco Pizarro at Cajamarca, Peru. Atahualpa, in a desperate attempt to buy his freedom, offered Pizarro a room of gold. The ransom was in vain; Pizarro had the Inca king executed as soon as the ransom was collected. Wolfgang Kilian (1581-1662), an Augsburg printmaker, is presumed to be the artist for all the images in this book not obviously derived from the Petits Voyages and Grands Voyages of Theodor de Bry. Honorius Philoponus is a pseudonym, probably for Caspar Plautius to whom this book is dedicated. Image placed horizontally on page. Time Period 1601-1650 Provenance/Donor Acquired before 1900. Owner and copyright ©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912 geographic area Spanish America Subject Area Artifacts, industry, and human activities Subject Area Indigenous peoples Subject headings Incas Subject headings Indians of South America

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