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National Perspective and Local Opportunities for Meeting Affordable Housing Needs Come Learn With Us! Public Engagement Sessions Town of Chapel Hill, NC.

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Presentation on theme: "National Perspective and Local Opportunities for Meeting Affordable Housing Needs Come Learn With Us! Public Engagement Sessions Town of Chapel Hill, NC."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Perspective and Local Opportunities for Meeting Affordable Housing Needs Come Learn With Us! Public Engagement Sessions Town of Chapel Hill, NC April 9, 2015 Lisa A. Sturtevant, PhD Vice President of Research, NHC

2 National Economic and Political Context Rising housing affordability challenges → Increasing housing costs → Slow income growth Shrinking federal affordable housing resources Heightened focus on flexible and market- based solutions Need for innovative, local strategies

3 Local Approach Assess current housing gaps Link housing needs to regional economic growth Take into account broad demographic changes Effectively communicate about the need Draw on relevant best practices

4 Assess Current Housing Gaps    Source: Arlington County (VA) Affordable Housing Needs Analysis, 2014. Online at

5 Link Housing to Economic Growth Net new jobs Housing units needed Wages Workers’ Ages Household Sizes Locations Types Prices/Rents Source: See Housing the Future Workforce in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Online at

6 Consider Demographic Changes

7 Communicate Needs Effectively Source: National Housing Conference

8 Rely on Relevant Best Practices

9 Local Approaches to Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing Financial Tools Land Use & Regulatory Tools Services Federal & Local Funding TOOLS

10 Local Approaches to Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing Financial Tools Land Use & Regulatory Tools Services Federal & Local Funding TOOLSGOALS Build Housing Reduce Cost Burden Create Partnerships

11 Build (& Preserve) Housing Increase density and tie density to affordability requirements (Land Use) Cambridge, MA Santa Monica, CA

12 Build (& Preserve) Housing Identify unsubsidized, market-rate affordable housing Create financial incentives to keep homes affordable (Financial) →Property tax exemptions/abatements Portland, OR King County, WA

13 Build (& Preserve) Housing Reduce regulatory burden / streamline development review process (Regulatory) Montgomery County, MD Consolidate the multiple reviews involved for many projects into a single application Require a concept plan to be submitted for staff review prior to submission of the application that will be reviewed by the Planning Board Allow certain details to be reviewed and approved after plats have been recorded Encourage public input at key specific points in the process.

14 Build (& Preserve) Housing Design and adopt a Form-Based Code in additional neighborhoods throughout the town Arlington, VA

15 Reduce Cost Burden Offer local rental housing grants (Financial) →Targeted at most vulnerable, in-need populations Provide assistance to first-time, moderate- income homebuyers (Financial)

16 Reduce Cost Burden Modify zoning to encourage smaller (more affordable) units (Land Use) →Accessory dwelling units →Units in “transitional” zoning districts Ann Arbor, MI Charlotte, NC

17 Reduce Cost Burden Create subsidy through the use of public land and the integration of housing with community facilities Washington, DC Arlington, VAAlexandria, VA

18 Partnerships Not a goal by itself but rather a means to achieving affordable housing goals Engage the business and development community →Ask for community input early and often Promote regional collaboration when possible

19 Final Thoughts National context is important, particularly with regards to federal sources of funding →But local context matters more Consider local economic and demographic trends and local market conditions →Be forward looking Build consensus around the kind of community you want to be Match affordable housing tools to goals

20 Contact Lisa Sturtevant Center for Housing Policy and National Housing Conference 202-466-2121 x234

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