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Overview of Technology Strategy Board’s Nuclear Energy R&D Study Dr John Rigby Manchester Business School, University of Manchester.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Technology Strategy Board’s Nuclear Energy R&D Study Dr John Rigby Manchester Business School, University of Manchester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Technology Strategy Board’s Nuclear Energy R&D Study Dr John Rigby Manchester Business School, University of Manchester

2 2 Background to the Review Restructuring of UK nuclear industry resulted in fragmentation and loss of “national role” associated with UKAEA and BNFL Increased investment and interest in nuclear from RDAs and Research Councils Recognition that nuclear fission energy key part of the UK Government’s Energy Policy TSB interest in nuclear in enabling technologies to be taken from R&D and science base through to commercialisation “Currently identified uranium resources are sufficient to fuel all NPPs in the NEA high scenario to 2030”. Study commissioned in context of new nuclear build to identify any suitable opportunities

3 3 UK Forward Programme Continued operation of existing reactors Legacy waste management / decommissioning New nuclear build Geological disposal Plutonium stockpile disposition Naval propulsion support programme Advanced reactor (Gen IV) and fuel cycle R&D Space Propulsion systems Security, non-proliferation & safeguards Deterrent technologies Nuclear Fusion

4 4 Wide UK experience with different systems Sodium-cooled fast reactors DFR PFR 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Present Gas-cooled reactors Magnox AGR Water-cooled reactors SGHWR Sizewell B PWR HTR

5 5 UK Public Sector Fission R&D Funding

6 UK Public Sector Fission and Major Comparable Countries (OECD, 2008) 6

7 7 UK Energy R&D Landscape Research fundamental?applied DevelopmentDemonstrationDeploymentMarket Figure 3: Vision ETF Legislative Incentives & Market Mechanisms National Programme ETF RDAs, Wales & Scottish Enterprise Devolved Administrations International Co-Operation Driving Innovation

8 8 Background to Consortium Dalton Nuclear Institute at The University of Manchester – UK’s largest academic nuclear capability Manchester Business School Battelle Memorial Institute – Run Idaho, Oak Ridge, Brookhaven, Pacific Northwest National Labs UK National Nuclear Lab Dr Norman Waterman (private consultant)

9 9 Review Criteria Does the technology have potential for impact in the right timeframe? Commercialisation within 10 years Is there a UK capacity to develop and exploit the technology and become a leading global player? Is there a UK and global market opportunity for exploitation? Is there a clear role for public sector intervention and support that adds value above and beyond that of private investment?

10 10 Scope Predominant focus will be on new nuclear build, but links to other aspects of the industry such as legacy waste management will also be explored Specific activities included: –RDAs perspective –SMEs –Namtec Supply chain report on New Build –UK Materials work

11 11 Key topics addressed as part of TSB study. 1.Key technology challenges and required R&D. 2.UK nuclear R&D landscape across the full supply chain 3.UK strengths, opportunities and technology gaps. 4.Identify technologies where the UK could play a supporting role or act as an informed customer. 5.Spill-over benefits and technologies. 6.UK nuclear Materials R&D capabilities and opportunities. 7.Prioritised R&D opportunities and technologies for public sector interventions 8.Barriers to implementation of an R&D portfolio

12 12 Research Methodology Background material gathered from other studies: UK, European and US RDAs and TSB engaged 1:1 interviews conducted in UK by Dr Norman Waterman and in the US by Dr Paul Kearns Stakeholder workshop held with industry, academia and government organisations Steering Committee assembled and consulted: – Regis Matzie –Westinghouse – Peter Storey – HSE – Bill Bryce – NiA/Doosan Babcock – Stephen Garwood – Rolls Royce – Joe Flanagan & Kevin Warren– NWDA (representing other RDAs) – Steve Walsgrove - DECC

13 Fuel Cycle Capability (OECD 2008) 13

14 14 Summary of Technical Opportunities 1.Technology Based  NDE/NDT novel approaches  Condition monitoring  Materials assessment  Digital C&I 2.Infrastructure Based  AMRC  Modularisation  Advanced Fuel Manufacture  Fuel recycling and Fuel assessment 3.Knowledge-Based  Knowledge Capture and Transfer  Virtual reality / simulation  Advanced modelling

15 15 Conclusions 1. Range of UK nuclear capability is extensive and coordinated / coherent promotion would be beneficial 2. Real commercial opportunities ranging between £1m and £100m are accessible to UK organisations including SMEs. 3. Support from TSB, RDAs and other organisations in UK energy landscape is required….thus public sector intervention is necessary 4. Large Tier 1 organisations keen to be involved 5. Spin-in / spin-out opportunities are available

16 16 Report available on TSB website

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