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1/5 Topic: Immigration DBQ Aim: How do you write a DBQ? Do Now: Take a copy of the hand out and if you did not turn in a progress report before the break.

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Presentation on theme: "1/5 Topic: Immigration DBQ Aim: How do you write a DBQ? Do Now: Take a copy of the hand out and if you did not turn in a progress report before the break."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/5 Topic: Immigration DBQ Aim: How do you write a DBQ? Do Now: Take a copy of the hand out and if you did not turn in a progress report before the break please do it now.

2 Step #1 Read the historical context and the task:

3 Part I - Document Questions Look over the entire document carefully. Read every word that appears in the document. Including the title, captions, signs, and the publication information. Take into account the size & position of the characters in a political cartoon. Try to relate the question/answer to the document.

4 Part I - Document Questions If the questions says based on the document then the answer must come form the document. Do NOT leave anything blank.

5 Part I - Document Questions Label the document as task #1 or task #2 Under each document list O.I. that goes with it. Based on your O.I. pick 2 documents that address task #1 and 2 documents that address task #2.

6 1/6 Topic: Immigration DBQ Aim: How do you write a DBQ? Do Now: Take out your DBQ Packet

7 Day #2

8 At this point you should have.. Document questions are complete Label the document as task #1 or task #2. Under each document list O.I. that goes with it.

9 Now Pick Your Documents Based on your O.I. pick 2 documents that address task #1 and 2 documents that address task #2. Choose the documents that you have the most O.I. for.

10 Essay Outline

11 Outline Sheet Almost all of the information that you need for your essay will be filled in on your outline sheet except the hook. You will have to add citations, transitions, & punctuation when you type.

12 Part II - DBQ Essay Format Minimum of 4 paragraphs (Intro, Body 1, Body 2, Conclusion). Minimum of 4 sentences per paragraph.

13 Paragraph #1 - Introduction Hook Restate the historical context – Do NOT just copy it. You create your thesis by combining the two task bullets into ONE sentence. The last sentence of this paragraph will be your thesis statement.

14 Paragraph #1 – Introduction Re-state the historical context______________________________________ Thesis Statement – combine the task bullets into one sentence. This is the last sentence in this paragraph. Write your thesis below: ____________________________________ ____________________________________


16 Paragraph #2 & #3 – Body Paragraphs First Body Paragraph = Task #1 Second Body Paragraph = Task #2 Topic Sentence Pick 2 documents which answers/explains the task. Support each document with OI. Finish the paragraph with a concluding or transitional sentence to wrap up your paragraphs.

17 Write your topic sentence below: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Write in the first document you are going to use and the O.I. that goes with it below: Document # ________ Information from the document you are going to cite in your essay:___________________________________________________________________________ Outside Information (should be as specific as possible & relate to the document above) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

18 Write in the second document you are going to use and the O.I. that goes with it below: Document # ________ Information from the document you are going to cite in your essay: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Outside Information (should be as specific as possible & relate to the document above)___________________________________________________________________ Write in your concluding or transitional sentence here: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

19 Paragraph #4 - Conclusion Restate your thesis Restate your topic sentences and main ideas.

20 Paragraph #4 – Conclusion Remember to restate your thesis and topic sentences from each paragraph. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

21 Typing Your Essay

22 Paragraph #2 & #3 – Body Paragraphs Cite the documents and outside information by putting the cite at the end of the sentence. Fully explain your ideas using outside information…do not list. Cite a document and then explain it with outside information.

23 Paragraph #2 & #3 – Body Paragraphs Scarce land and the lack of quality schools were push factors for many immigrants coming to America in the late 1800's. England was in control of Ireland and only allowed the Irish people to have small pieces of land (doc 2). However in America the government was giving away land out west. They passed the Homestead Act gave settlers 160 acres of land as long as they farmed it for 5 years. Many immigrants took advantage of the act and received large amounts of land for almost no money (O.I). In addition to lack of land many immigrants left their countries because they could not receive a quality education there.

24 Paragraph #2 & #3 – Body Paragraphs Do NOT cite two documents together or O.I. with a document (Doc. #1 & O.I.). You need at least TWO outside information cites & TWO document cites per body paragraph. A minimum of 4 sentences per paragraph

25 Paragraph #2 & #3 – Body Paragraphs Do not list the information in your body paragraphs. Connect your documents and ideas within each paragraph by using transitional words/phrases.

26 Typing Type your thesis then body paragraphs then come back to intro. - Your final draft must be: a) double spaced b) 12 point font c) Times New Roman d) Title – 14 point, bold, Times New Roman e) have the proper heading

27 After You Are Done Complete the checklist Re-read the guidelines on the last page and online. Read the rubric Proof read your essay for spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes.

28 Point Value Documents = 12 points Outline = 20 points Essay = 100 points _______________________________ Total = 132 points

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