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Rise of Organized Labor Assembly lines create more ___________ Assembly lines get work done faster… NOW there’s a “mad dash” to see which companies will.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Organized Labor Assembly lines create more ___________ Assembly lines get work done faster… NOW there’s a “mad dash” to see which companies will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Organized Labor Assembly lines create more ___________ Assembly lines get work done faster… NOW there’s a “mad dash” to see which companies will make MORE products FASTER

2 ______________ begin to take over the jobs people had performed in the past Example: converters could mix metals, cook them at right tem, produce perfect steel A growing sense of powerlessness leads workers to join together in UNIONS Rise of Organized Labor

3 New Workplace – Before: small factories, family owned, very personal, good wages – By 1802: Large, crowded factories No personal relationships Low wages (skills easily replaced by machines) WHAT IS A PUDDLER?: _________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________

4 ___________________: workplace where people labor long hours in poor conditions for low pay begin to crop up. Most workers were young women & children

5 Children - _________________children under 15 working in sweatshops - Textile mills, tobacco factories, garment sweatshops, coal mines - No school or rest = _______________________________________________________ Vicious cycle (what was our “vicious cycle” during Reconstruction?)

6 Hazards » Lung damaging dust » _________________ » Gas explosions » Molten metal spills » Health problems & _______________ 195 die in Pittsburgh in one year alone

7 Organized Labor Many workers unhappy with conditions & find ways to fight back _________________________ – Informal – organized by workers in individual factories – Pushed for better conditions, but most failed (unorganized) I’m not being treated well!!! My lungs are bleedinggg!

8 Knights of Labor Knights of Labor: 1869 an American labor organization to protect the rights of workers Elected Terence Powderly as president – He opens membership to » __________________ » African Americans » __________________ » Unskilled workers

9 Rallies in Favor of __________________ End to child labor Equal pay for men and women Workers and employers share ownership & profits 1885: ___________ people join KOL

10 Haymarket Square Workers at McCormick Harvester Co. in _____________ go on strike – (not-endorsed by KOL) McCormick (like many others) hired ___________________: replacements for striking workers May 3, 1886: workers clash with strikebreakers outside the factory – Police open fire, 4 workers killed

11 Next day thousands gather to protest killings, rally led by anarchists: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ – Bomb goes off & kills 7 policemen Haymarket Square

12 8 anarchists arrested for part in Haymarket Riot: labor rally in Chicago in 1886 that ended in violence when ______________________________________ » 4 men were tried, convicted & hanged with no proof » Many Americans linked unions to dangerous anarchists Result: ____________________________________ Haymarket Square

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