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Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT (JANA) & Junior Achievement Southern Alberta (JASA)

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Presentation on theme: "Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT (JANA) & Junior Achievement Southern Alberta (JASA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Junior Achievement Northern Alberta & NWT (JANA) & Junior Achievement Southern Alberta (JASA)

2 Key Topics The Junior Achievement Model: Championing the Entrepreneurial Spirit Overview of JA programs and their impact on youth in Alberta Putting Entrepreneurial Qualities into Practice How volunteering with JA will benefit Economic Developers Enhancing your Community’s Entrepreneurial Spirit!

3 What does it mean to have an “Entrepreneurial Spirit”? Are optimistic Think BIG Adapt Invent Are pioneers Not afraid to TRY LEAD Recognize opportunity WORK hard

4 Entrepreneurship Essentials Why is Networking Important? Networking means interacting with other people to exchange information and to develop contacts to further one’s career You will never get a second chance to make a first impression so make it count!

5 Essential Quality #1: Need to Network! Write down three things about yourself that you think others might find interesting Line up in two rows facing one another, one row will speakers and one will be listeners, 8 rounds The “You Impressed Me” cards are kept till the end of the round and you will give them to the two people who impressed you the most Activity #1 Instructions:

6 What We Do at JA Junior Achievement engages local business and community leaders in its mission to inspire and educate young Albertans to succeed in the global economy by developing entrepreneurial, financial literacy and leadership skills

7 JA’s Mission, Core Purpose and Vision Mission: To inspire and educate young Canadians to experience free enterprise, understand business and economics, and develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills. Core Purpose: To inspire and prepare young people to succeed in a global economy. Vision: We will be recognized by our stakeholders as vital to the success of our youth in reaching their potential through partnership with business and educators in the nationwide delivery of relevant business learning experiences by inspired volunteers.

8 Did You Know? 1/4 students in Alberta who begin Grade 10 will not complete high school within 5 years *Alberta Education High school grads expect in 10 years to be earning 3 times the national average income *National Report Card on Youth, 2011 75% expect to purchase a home within 10 years of high school graduation *National Report Card on Youth, 2011 Average Canadian consumer debt is $28k *TransUnion, 2014

9 75% of JA graduates believe JA programs had a significant impact in developing their financial literacy and decision making skills, analytic capabilities and business sense. *Boston Consulting Group 2011 56% of students considering dropping out changed their mind after participating in a grade 9 JASA program *Framework Partners 2009 JA students are 3 times more likely to spend less than they earn and 20% less likely to be unemployed or need social assistance. *Boston Consulting Group 2011 JA creates an annual return to the Canadian economy of $45 for every $1 spent *Boston Consulting Group 2011 The JA Impact

10 Our School Programs

11 Entrepreneurship Essentials Encouraging Innovation Innovation is key when considering entrepreneurship, so what is innovation? A new idea, or more-effective device or process. Innovation can be viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs Making a positive difference in people’s lives is key to innovation Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

12 What is an innovative entrepreneur? JA Canada Digital Resource Portal:

13 Essential Quality #2: Encourage Innovation! Picture an empty aluminum pop can. Now think of all the possible uses of aluminum cans. But there’s a catch – those uses cannot be to store food or drink. You will have 4 minutes to brainstorm any and all ideas. Write down all ideas, even if you think the idea isn’t a very good one! Find a partner and lets get those creative juices flowing! Activity #2 Instructions:

14 Table Discussion - Innovation What is the EDO role for encouraging innovation in your community? What innovation opportunities are emerging from today’s challenging economy?

15 Entrepreneurship Essentials Create the Pitch! Successful entrepreneurs create ideas and opportunity, but also need to persuasively communicate their ideas. Do your research, know your product or idea Anticipate opposition and be prepared to address it Confidence is key! Be memorable – say or do something they won’t forget!

16 Essential Quality #3: Create the Pitch! Select two words from the next slide Working in your group, come up with a business idea based on the two words Develop the product pitch – 5 min. Present your pitch to another group and have them rate your pitch’s effectiveness. Activity #3 Instructions

17 COMPANY PROGRAM Creativity - Pick two numbers - Combine the words - Come up with a business idea

18 COMPANY PROGRAM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Café Watch Sign Motorcycle Umbrella Bike Cellphone Lamp Toilet Dog App Candy Game Guide Calender Balcony Mailbox Gloves T-shirt Radio Tools Perfume Car Candle Socks Flowers Glass Shampoo Paper Fruit Animal Lunch Jacket Wallet Bag Postcard Tub Ring Makeup Marker

19 Table Discussion – Pitching Ideas Share some of the unique characteristics of your community How would you pitch your community or idea to attract new investment or business opportunities?

20 Entrepreneurship Essentials Recognize Opportunity! What is your community missing? What role do EDO’s play in identifying business opportunities? Apply your understanding of target market to a potential business idea needed in your community

21 Essential Quality #4: Recognize Opportunity Activity #4: Recognize Opportunity Complete the activity in your workbook and once complete pass it to the person on the right for some constructive comments When you receive the feedback ask yourself how would you change or redefine your target market?

22 Table Discussion – Recognize Opportunities What can you do in your EDO role to enhance the entrepreneurial spirit in your community? Why role does resiliency play in economic development?

23 Mentoring the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Be adaptable to changing conditions Don’t be afraid to try and FAIL – it’s how we learn! F=First A=Attempt I = In L = Learning Explore the “Maker Movement” and how it develops the entrepreneurial spirit for Alberta youth: -spirit-the-maker-movement-and-education-in-alberta/

24 Mentoring the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs Be resilient – are you? The 3 E’s of Education in Alberta: - Engaged Citizens - Ethical Thinkers - Entrepreneurial Spirit

25 Social Impacts of Volunteerism Enhances the social connections between different sectors, builds the bridges for governments, enterprises, and employees* Helps build a more cohesive, safer, stronger community, increasing the social network between communities and neighborhoods* Delivers some parts of public services such as education, healthcare, social services, and environmental protection * Promotes individuals to be more active in civic engagement, strengthening our communities* *Points of Light Institute, 2011

26 Economic Developer Benefits Help shape the future business leaders in your community Bring practical and personal business expertise into the classroom; Teach a program that utilizes your existing experience, skills, and education ; Network with members of the business and education communities; Develop your presentation and public speaking skills; Gain exposure in your community. Participate with co-workers for a unique team building activity Share your knowledge and experience with students

27 @JA_northalberta Connect with us: @JASouthAlberta

28 Karen Vavrek Director, Regional Operations 403.506.0672 Britni Brady Regional Program Coordinator 780.428.1421 ext. 229 Contact Us!

29 Thank you!

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