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Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martina Hefner, Central Unit: Safety Engineering Tel.: -1950, mail: 15.10.2015 1 Instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martina Hefner, Central Unit: Safety Engineering Tel.: -1950, mail: 15.10.2015 1 Instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martina Hefner, Central Unit: Safety Engineering Tel.: -1950, mail: 15.10.2015 1 Instructions for office and computer work stations

2 Employee's obligations 2 In terms of occupational safety, all employees have certain obligations: To support all measures that are there for your safety and your health. To properly use Furniture, e.g. office chairs Equipment, e.g. shredders, computers Materials, e.g. cleaning agents, glue sticks Protective devices, e.g. hand protection for the paper cutter Personal safety equipment, e.g. ear protection, protective shoes.

3 Employee's obligations 3 To correct or resolve defects to Facilities, e.g. a trip hazard from faulty flooring, Materials, e.g. defective electric cables, Faulty work procedures or processes. If you cannot correct or resolve the defect, you must report it to your superior.

4 First aid 4 Everyone must provide first aid! You need to know the following: Who is the first aider in my department? Where are the first aid kits? Where is the first aid log book? Where is the nearest telephone? The emergency number is: 0-112 Read Kiel University's emergency brochure! You will find all the important information there. Become a first aider.

5 First aid 5 Enter every injury and the measures taken in the first aid log book. Report accidents and injuries to your superior immediately. If an accident causes someone to be unable to work for more than three days, he/she must fill out an accident report. Check the first aid kits regularly to make sure that nothing is missing and that the contents have not expired.

6 Fire 6 Fires start when a flammable substance, oxygen and a source of ignition all come together. So make sure you: safely store flammable substances, e.g. cleaning agents. do not smoke. do not use open flames such as candles or tea lights. dispose of empty boxes and packaging materials.

7 Fire 7 How to act when there is a fire: 1. Keep calm 2. Report the fire: Emergency number: 0-112 3. Save yourself − Warn others − Take helpless people with you − Close doors and windows to the area on fire − Follow the marked escape routes − Do not use the lift − Go to the assembly point If the fire is only small: try to put it out. People are more important than objects!

8 Fire 8 These points may save your life: Do not block fire doors or wedge them open. Look at the escape and rescue plans. Learn the escape routes. Keep escape and rescue routes clear at all times. Learn where the fire extinguishers are located. Do not block or cover up fire extinguishers. Practise how to use a fire extinguisher. In the event of a fire, do not use the lifts. Take part in a fire safety drill. Read Kiel University's emergency brochure! hilfe/dateien-arbeitsschutz/notfallbroschuere-englisch You will find all the important information there.

9 Fire 9 You should recognise these signs: Fire extinguisher Fire alarm Emergency exit to the left Assembly point Emergency exit with arrow showing direction Emergency escape hatch

10 Escape and rescue plan 10

11 Electrical equipment and devices 11 Only use verified electrical equipment. Defective electrical wiring, sockets, switches or equipment may only be repaired or altered by a qualified electrician. If a piece of electrical equipment is defective, do not use it any more. Report defective electrical equipment to the Facility Management, tel.: -2290!

12 Electrical equipment and devices 12 The following applies to electrical equipment:  Personal electric heaters without a ventilator may not be used.  Coffee machines and kettles may only be used on a fireproof base.  Disconnect kettles from the power source when you finish work - pull out the plug or switch off the socket.  Switch electrical equipment off!  Check all rooms when you finish work! Operating unattended electrical equipment is a big fire risk.

13 Ladders and stepladders 13 Do not climb on tables or chairs - they are not suited for this purpose. Use ladders correctly. Before use, ladders and stepladders must be checked for defects.

14 Office and computer work stations 14 Incorrect posture when seated can lead to numerous complaints. Adjust your workplace / station to suit your body. If you have any questions please contact the company physician, Tel.: -3267 or the Central Unit: Safety Engineering, Tel.: -1500. Computer work station Table height 72 cm maximum height of the top line

15 Office and computer work stations 15 Avoid reflections on your screen. Position of the screen for natural or artificial light. Natural Lightartificial lighting light up laterally across the workplace Inappropriate Movable wall Window e.g. Slatted blinds

16 Office and computer work stations 16 Prevent trip hazards from tangled cables.

17 Restricted access 17 Rooms that have restricted access may only be entered by / with authorised personnel. Instructions from authorised personnel must be obeyed.

18 Environmental protection 18 Use resources such as electricity, heating, water, paper, etc. sparingly. Tips can be found here: Ms. Stefanie Steinwender provides energy consultations for all employees: Tel.: +49 431 880-4990

19 Environmental protection - equipment 19 Be aware of energy efficiency ratings when purchasing new equipment. Tips for purchasing environmentally friendly products can be found here:

20 Waste disposal 20 Separate your waste! There should be two bins at your workplace/desk - one for mixed waste and one for waste paper. (If this is not the case, please contact the building management, tel.: -2305.) Please see the following website for information on disposing of toner cartridges, CDs, DVDs, bulky waste, etc.: Information on disposing of hazardous substances can be found at:

21 Office tour 21 Have a good look at your work area: o first aid kits and their contents, o first aid log book, o first aid posters, e.g. instructions o the emergency brochure, o signs with the names of first aiders / safety officers, o escape and rescue plans, o escape routes, o fire extinguishers.

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