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Accelerating the Adoption of Wireless Technologies in the Industrial Sector Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance Hesh Kagan

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1 Accelerating the Adoption of Wireless Technologies in the Industrial Sector Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance Hesh Kagan

2 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 2 Promise of Wireless Wireless technology and wireless networking systems hold great promise to help industry use energy and materials more efficiently, lower systems and infrastructure costs, lower production costs, and increase productivity.

3 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 3 The Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance (WINA) A coalition of industrial end-user companies, technology suppliers, industry organizations, software developers, system integrators, and others interested in the advancement of wireless solutions for industry Launched as a result of Industrial Wireless Sensor Workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in San Francisco (July 2002) Focused on the unique needs of industrial adoption of wireless technology Open, Independent, and vendor-neutral

4 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 4 WINA Contribution WINA will contribute to the industrial wireless space by: -Helping industrial customers understand wireless applications, options, and benefits. Reduce the risk and uncertainty of adopting wireless -Representing the industrial user perspective to Standards Bodies. Act as an unbiased broker -Improving user confidence and access to solutions. -Help users reduce costs and help vendors connect with customers. -Provide end users with the information they need to make informed decisions. By focusing on these objectives, WINA anticipates that it will enlarge the entire industrial wireless market.

5 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 5 Current Activities Major support and development for SP100 Educative Webinars Developing Wireless Best Practices WINA Interoperability and Co-Existence Demonstrations

6 Coexistence - 1st look at Frequencies Different vendors may use different frequencies within the various ISM bands (green in the diagram). The ISM bands most commonly used are at 433, 915 and 2400 MHz.

7 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 7 ASI Trade Org. ProfiBus Int’l Many Others… An Abbreviated Snapshot of: The Standards / Organizations Landscape The Role of Standards. Wireless Orgs. Independent Bus Orgs. Security. ZigBee Foundation Fieldbus Wireless HART HART ModBus DeviceNet (ODVA) WiMax ISA SP100 IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.15.1+2 IEEE 802.16 IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE 802.15.3 Open Automation & Control Group OASIS/OBIX Many Others… Wireless Fidelity 1451.5 SP95 SP99

8 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 8 Circa 2006 RFID 1 RFID 2 This is The Wireless Landscape

9 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 9 A Complex Environment  sec msec 1 sec secs min hours

10 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 10 Engineering IT & Telephony Process Operations Maintenance Plant Security Supply Chain Personnel Safety Many Plant Areas – Different Application Requirements – Many Technologies Plant and Personnel Safety Process Control and Alarm / Alert Supervisory Control Open Loop Control Measurements Reporting Satellite WiMax WiFi Sensor Bus ZigBee RFID Ultra Wideband Bluetooth Cellular Video And many proprietary

11 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 11 A Secure Infrastructure for Multiple Applications

12 Coexistence Demo Participants:

13 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 13 How WINA Membership can benefit you Influence -Ensure your company has a voice in defining wireless industrial products. -Proactive influence in standards that will define the marketplace tomorrow Collaboration -Work together with other industry producers & end users -Exchange information in your development community Leadership -Gain the credibility of the industrial wireless community -Improve the product solutions of your organization Good Business -Through WINA membership, increase exposure to potential customers & partnerships.

14 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 14 Board of Directors 3eTI Steven Chen AccutechGene Yon Rosemont Jose Gutierrez Honeywell Anoop Mathur InvensysHesh Kagan OMNEXAke Severinson ORNLWayne Manges Apprion Peter Fuhr DustRob Conant

15 Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance 15 For more information Join the WINA Membership, Participate in the WINA Public Chat Forums, Get the Information You Need! Join the WINA End User Group:

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