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Text features are ____________ ____________ text other than the body that help the reader ____________ ____________ more clearly.

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2 Text features are ____________ ____________ text other than the body that help the reader ____________ ____________ more clearly.

3 Headings Headings give the reader ______________________ about what will be found in the text below it. ______________________ a specific fact, figure out where to find the information ______________________ to focus on purpose of reading Think of headings as ______________________ and subheadings as ______________________

4 Footnotes Located at the ______________________ Provide ______________________ about something in the body of the text Usually linked to that text with a ______________________ “Isabella worked hard for her new owner. She plowed, planted, and harvested his fields. Mr. Dumont said, “She could do as much work as half a dozen…people.” But Isabella did not benefit 1 from her hard labor. She was still a slave.” (Roop, P. & Roop, C. Tales of Famous Heroes) 1 benefit: to be helped by

5 Captions Lions are the laziest of the big cats. They usually spend 16 to 20 hours a day sleeping and resting. (Fact from Out to Africa website)Out to Africa Captions give explanatory text about specific published ______________________. Captions tell the reader the reason for putting the picture or illustration in the text Captions say in a few lines what the author takes paragraphs to explain

6 tm


8 Table of Contents One of the ______________________ of the book and the page numbers they begin on.

9 Table of Contents Introduction to BakingI Chapter 1: Cookies1 Sugar3 Oatmeal5 Chocolate Chip8 Chapter 2: Cakes10 Butter Cakes13 Sponge Cakes16 Chapter 3: Brownies20 Cakey23 Fudgy25 Chewy28 Glossary30 Index35 Look at the following example of a table of contents page. On what page would you look for oatmeal raisin cookies? Where would you find the word sift?

10 Table of Contents Introduction to FrogsI Chapter 1: Types1 Chapter 2: Living Environments10 Chapter 3: Anatomy20 Chapter 4: In the Media30 Chapter 5: Amusing Facts40 Glossary50 Index55 Test your knowledge about table of contents on the following example question. According to the table of contents, where would information about Kermit the Frog most likely be found? A. page 1 B. page 10 C. page 20 D. page 30

11 Index Alphabetical list of ______________________ and their page numbers Generally found in the ______________________

12 On what pages would you look to find information about the Boston Celtics? Where would you most likely find information about Michael Jordan? Basketball  Basketball quiz 211-223  College Teams 172-182  Equipment 98-112  Famous Players of the NBA 309-345  History 1-26  Rules of the Game 27-39  Teams in Europe 114-171  Teams in the US 184-208  Women Players 224-266

13 Glossary alphabetical list of ______________________. a tool to help you understand the language of the subject

14 Chemistry Glossary acid a compound that yields H + ions in solution or a solution in which the concentration of H + exceeding OH -. acid ionization constant the equilibrium constant describing the degree of ionization of an acid. actinides the row of elements below the periodic table, from thorium to lawrencium. alkali synonym for base. alkali metals the column of elements from lithium to francium.

15 Additional text features All of these are getting you to ______________________ and ______________________ Each is saying ______________________ BoldfaceItalicsColorUnderline

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