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The Science of Biology The study of living things.

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Presentation on theme: "The Science of Biology The study of living things."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Science of Biology The study of living things.

2 Study of Living Things Biology is the study of living things Comes in a variety of shapes & forms Biologists study life in many different ways Also the study of diversity (how living things work, interact in their environment, & how they change over time)

3 WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DEFINE LIFE? All living organisms share a basic characteristic

4 Properties (or Characteristics) of Life: 1. Cellular organization: all organisms consist of one or more cells (or order within internal & external parts and how they interact with the world) 2. Order: all living things are highly ordered…we have many different types of cells 3. Sensitivity: all organisms respond to stimuli 4. Growth, development, and reproduction: must pass on our genetics

5 Properties (or Characteristics) of Life: 5. Energy utilization: all organisms use energy in our body(this energy depends on metabolism) 6. Evolutionary adaptation: all organisms interact with other organisms & the environment for survival. 7. Homeostasis: internal conditions suitable for their environment

6 Think about this…. What must all living organisms be able to do to be considered to be living?….thumbs up if you know!

7 Hierarchical Organization of the Biological World: 1. Cellular Level 2. Organism Level 3. Population Level Know Page 3 in order of flow

8 Cellular Level Atoms are joined together into clusters called molecules Complex biological molecules are assembled into tiny structures called organelles Within the membrane-bound units we call cells The cell is the basic unit of life Many organisms are composed of single cells Atoms Molecule Macromolecule Organelle Cell

9 Atoms Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. atoms

10 Molecule Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. molecules

11 Macromolecule Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. macromolecule

12 Fig. 1.2a4

13 Fig. 1.2a5

14 Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Organismal Level Cells are organized into 3 levels or organization Tissues: the most basic level which are groups of similar cells Organs: are groups of tissues (i.e. brain is an organ made of nerve cells & connective tissue) Organ systems: are groups of organs (I.e. the nervous system consist of sensory organs used by the brain, spinal cord & neurons that send signals to & from them)

15 Fig. 1.2b1

16 Organ Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. organ

17 Organ system Fig. 1.2b3(TE Art) Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Organ system

18 Fig. 1.2b4

19 Population Level Organisms are organized into several hierarchical levels Population: (most basic) a group of organism of the same species living in the same place Species: its members similar in appearance are able to interbreed Community: all the populations of different species living together in one place Ecosystem: the community & habitat where it lives together in an ecological system

20 Fig. 1.2c1

21 Fig. 1.2c2

22 Fig. 1.2c3

23 Fig. 1.2c4

24 Scientific Method The experimental testing of a hypothesis formulated after the systematic, objective collection of data

25 The Nature of Science Biology is FACINATING…AND IMPORTANT Biologists are working on cures for disease such as AIDS & cancer Explains what our world is like Solve environmental problems Use and discover new technology

26 Scientific Method The methods of science are based on 2 principles: 1. Events in the natural world have natural causes Ex: ancient Greeks believed that lightning & thunder occurred b/c a supernatural god Zeus hurled thunderbolts from the heavens

27 Scientific Method 2 principles 2. Uniformity: is the idea that the fundamental laws of nature operate the same way at all places and at all times Ex: scientists assume that the law of gravity works the same way on Mars as it does on Earth.

28 How Science Is Done 1. Observation or Question 2. Hypothesis 3. Controlled Experiment 4. Data 5. Make Predictions (Conclusion) 6. Develop Theory Hypotheses are accepted or rejected based on experimental results.

29 Biologist reason in 2 ways: 1. Deductively 2. Inductively

30 Deductive Reasoning Applies general principles to predict specific results. Logic flows from general to specific Example: determining the species of a specimen from its characteristics used in math and philosophy

31 Inductive Reasoning: Applies specific principles to predict general results. Logic flows from the specific to the general Example: Cats have fur, dogs have fur, and every mammal you observe has fur, then you may infer that all mammals have hair. Often uses “If – Then” statements

32 Importance of Inductive Reasoning First became important to science in the 1600’s in Europe Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton & others began to use results of experiments to infer general principles about how the world operates

33 Establishing Controls (variables) Independent Variable: the manipulated variable (changing) Dependent Variable: responding variable, it is affected by the independent variable (happens because of something)

34 Using Predictions A hypothesis is most useful when it makes predictions, because predictions provide a way to test the validity of the hypothesis If experimental results are inconsistent with the predictions then the hypothesis must be rejected. If experimental results are consistent with the predictions then the hypothesis must be accepted.

35 Fig. 1.4 Observation Question Experiment Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 Hypothesis 3 Hypothesis 4 Hypothesis 5 Potential hypotheses Remaining possible hypotheses Last remaining possible hypothesis Reject hypotheses 1 and 4 Reject hypotheses 2 and 3 Experiment Hypothesis 2 Hypothesis 3 Hypothesis 5 Predictions confirmed Experiment 1 Experiment 2Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

36 Basic vs Applied Research Basic research expands the boundaries of what we know and is usually performed at Universities Applied research is conducted by scientists in industry. Example food additives, new drugs, testing environmental quality

37 Darwin’s theory of evolution illustrates how science works

38 The Science of Biology Nearly 180 yrs ago, a young naturalist named Charles Darwin set sail on a journey on board the H.M.S. Beagle His findings led directly to his development of the Theory of Evolution This theory has become the core of the science of biology

39 Charles Darwin English Naturalist: 5 year voyage around coasts of South America Studied and made observations for over 30 years of various plants and animals Wrote “Origin of the Species” Living things have changed during the course of life on earth His theory of natural selection did not challenge the existence of a Divine Creator-He believed that this Creator did no simply create things and then leave them forever unchanged. Instead He expressed himself through the operation of natural laws that produced change over time, thus evolution.


41 Darwin’s Evidence Drew ideas from Charles Lyell’s “Principles of Geology- species were becoming extinct while others were emerging 1.Observed fossils of extinct armadillos (Glyptodonts) that were similar to armadillos still living in the area-Why would similar living and fossil organisms be in the same area unless the earlier form had given rise to the other? In rock strata, progressive changes in characteristics can be seen in fossils from earlier and earlier layers.


43 2. Geographical Distribution a. Lands with similar climates (Australia, S. Africa, California, and Chili), have unrelated plants and animals indicating that diversity is not entirely influenced by climate and environment. b. The plants and animals of each continent are distinctive. 3. Oceanic Islands a. Endemic species show relatedness to one another- This suggests that they developed after their mainland ancestors reached the islands. (Galapagos tortoises) b. Species on oceanic island show strong affinities to those on the nearest mainland. (Galapagos finches)

44 In the Galapagos On the Galapagos Islands, Darwin studied many species of animals and plants that are unique to the islands but similar to species elsewhere. He realized that individuals struggle to compete in changing environmental conditions.

45 Galapagos tortoise are the largest On Earth, different from other Tortoises in body size and shape Galapagos marine iguanas Eat algae from the ocean Large claws help to cling To slippery rocks Galapagos finch Is adapted to feed On cacti.

46 Natural Selection Natural selection is a mechanism for change in populations. It occurs when organisms with favorable variations survive, reproduce, and pass their variations to the next generation. As a result, each generation consists largely of offspring from parents with these variations that aid survival. In nature, organisms produce more offspring than can survive Darwin proposed this idea of natural selection to explain how species change over time

47 Section 15.1 Summary – pages 393-403 Darwin explains natural selection In any population, individuals have variations. Fishes, for example, may differ in color, size, and speed.

48 Section 15.1 Summary – pages 393-403 Darwin explains natural selection Individuals with certain useful variations, such as speed, survive in their environment, passing those variations to the next generation.

49 Section 15.1 Summary – pages 393-403 Darwin explains natural selection Over time, offspring with certain variations make up most of the population and may look entirely different from their ancestors.


51 The Effects Of Natural Selection Natural selection can significantly alter the genetic equilibrium of a population’s gene pool over time Significant changes in the gene pool could lead to the evolution of a new species over time

52 Speciation The evolution of new species, a process called speciation occurs when members of similar populations no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring within their natural environment.


54 Geographic Isolation Geographic isolation occurs whenever a physical barrier divides a population Isolated habitat fragments are similar to islands in the way in which the species living there are effected.



57 Artificial Selection artificial selection is the process of intentional or unintentional modification of a species through human actions which encourage the breeding of certain traits over others Darwin hypothesis that there was a force in nature that worked like artificial selection

58 Adaptations for Evolution According to Darwin’s theory, adaptations in species develop over many generations.

59 Evolution after Darwin: More Evidence More extensive fossil record -support Darwin’s theory of natural selection Mechanism of heredity-Genetics accounts in a neat and orderly way for the production of new variations in organisms Comparative Anatomy Molecular evidence: -DNA evidence

60 Other Evidence Anatomy Analogous Structures: Similar body parts in function w/ no evolutionary origin Homologous Structures: Similar In arrangement, function or in both Vestigial Structure: A body structure in a present day organism That no longer serves its original purpose, but was useful to An ancestor

61 HumanCat Bat Porpoise Horse

62 Fossil Evidence Fossils are important in Evolution Because they provide a record Of early life and history

63 Fossils – the clues to the past About 95 percent of the species that have existed are extinct— they no longer live on Earth Among other techniques, scientists study fossils to learn about ancient species.

64 4 Themes that Unify Biology

65 1. The Cell Theory: Hooke: discovered cells Leeuwenhoek:cells in pond water Schleiden: all plants made of cells Schwann: all animals made of cells 3 parts to cell theory: 1. Living things must be made of at least one cell 2. Cells are the units of structure and function 3. Cells come only from other cells

66 All living organisms are made of cells

67 2. Molecular Basis of Life Genes are made of DNA Heredity depends on the copying of DNA from one generation to the next Genome: entire set of DNA instructions within a cell

68 DNA Double Helix

69 3. Diversity of Life 3 Biological Domains: 1. Bacteria (prokaryotic cells) 2. Archaea (prokaryotic cells) 3. Eukarya (eukaryotic cells) A. Protista B. Plantae C. Fungi D. Animalia

70 Biologists categorize all living things Into 3 groups called domains

71 4. Unity of Life Evolutionary Change Biologists believe: Organisms descended from one another Homeodomain proteins provide good evidence

72 Homeodomain compares how closely related organisms are: Categorized:Brown, green, & blue (based on their sequence)

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