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The Big Interview Marcia Ray EDU 650: Teaching and Learning in the 21 st Century Instructor: Dr. Wendy Ricci July 6. 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Interview Marcia Ray EDU 650: Teaching and Learning in the 21 st Century Instructor: Dr. Wendy Ricci July 6. 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Interview Marcia Ray EDU 650: Teaching and Learning in the 21 st Century Instructor: Dr. Wendy Ricci July 6. 2015

2 Marcia Allison Ray A.A & B.A. Early Childhood Education, Minor Child Development O Position Desired: Lead Teacher O Experience in Early Childhood Education as teacher assistance and teacher O Ability to lead and advise group in area of leadership O Committed to training in areas of weakness to help teachers and students excel in the area of learning O “Plan a program of study that meets the individuals needs, interest and ability of each student” (Newman, 2013 Ch. 14. 1 para. 1)

3 Job Summary My goal is to help the younger generation get a love of learning to excel to the next step and even higher. I want them to be able to experience the sky, as it is the limit to what they can have. As lead teacher, the students will be allowed to thrive at their own pace while getting a quality education provided by this school. I will help this school to turn things around by bringing learning to the forefront of the children’s education.

4 Philosophy of Education Instructions to become full time learners Assurance of the child’s best interest Preparedness and Readiness Most important aspect of the classroom The classroom aspect will include material the child and some parent may not consider as basis for classroom learning.

5 Classroom Management Plan The goal of my classroom plan is to keep the children busy while keeping the classroom organized, effective, and interesting. My classroom will be designed so that each child that enters will be comfortable, eager to learn, and disciplined. The materials needed will be prepared in advance and any item I need is readily available and no dead time present. The students will be advised of rules early and also advised that rules may change to fit the class or as needed to make the class a success.

6 School Models Public Schools Students within the covered district are allowed admittance. These schools are held at a higher standard of accountability as they are tested each year to determine their level of proficiency. Each teacher is required to have credentials provided by the state as funding is through the state level. Private Schools Independent owned and operated. Funded by students enrolled by charging tuition, or scholarships which may be available. Cost varies from school to school as most are exempt from educational regulations.

7 Effective Lesson Planning Lesson Plan Writing good learning objectives Use the six levels of Blooms Taxonomy to construct objectives “Clarity, completeness, and specificity are needed to drive the rest of the lesson plan” (Newman, 2013 Ch.9.1 para. 4). Use Common Core state standards

8 Backwards Design Approach Select a standard and the learning outcome Develop an assessment Develop learning experiences and activities TEACH Assess results from assessment Give feedback (Newman, 2013 Ch. 9 para.4)

9 Student’s Role in the Learning Process Complete all assignments Read every night (Lawson, 2012) Active Participation “Working together in groups” “Making connections between ideas” Teamwork “Organize information” “Strategies employed by the teacher” (Newman, 2013 Ch. 10 para. 1,2, & 3) Retain Information

10 Assessment Matters Educators should frame their view of testing as assessment, and that assessment is information. The more information we have about students, the clearer the picture we have about achievement or where gaps may occur. To balance both summative and formative classroom assessment practices, information gathered from student learning must occur. Formative and summative assessments serve different purposes, as they are used within a combined system of assessment, curriculum, and instruction (Rystad, 2013).

11 Professional Learning Communities As educators we can stay connected via a wide range of professional organizations. A few of them are listed below with their web address: Learning Forward- American Education Research Association- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)-

12 References American Education Research Association- Learning Forward- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)- Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Oliver-Lawson, V. (2012). A Student's Role In Education. Examiner. Rystad, M. (2013). Assessment for learning [Video file]. Retrieved from

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