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Fire Prevention Practices FS105 Instructor: Josh Shanley.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Prevention Practices FS105 Instructor: Josh Shanley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Prevention Practices FS105 Instructor: Josh Shanley

2 Fire Prevention Practices Important Dates: First day of class: April 20 Last day to drop class without a “W”: April 26 Memorial Day Weekend (May 28–30) End of term: June 28

3 Fire Prevention Practices Joshua Shanley, MS, MBA, EMT-P AIM: (413) 345-5063 Seminar: Wednesday 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM ET AIM Office Hours (EST) M/W/F 10am - 12pm EST Tu/Th 2pm - 4pm EST evening & weekends available by appointment

4 Course Objectives Discuss the history of fire prevention Discuss the philosophy of fire prevention as it applies to fire service organizations Describe the development of fire safety codes, inspection procedures, and enforcement Describe how the role of the fire service administration with regard to fire prevention, work municipal government Illustrate how fire service personnel are prepared for fire prevention functions within the fire service

5 Course Objectives GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English GEL-6.1: Demonstrate knowledge of various methods of research design.

6 Fire Prevention Practices


8 Assignments AssignmentUnit Written Assignment: History of Fire Prevention2 Written Assignment: Fire Safety Codes3 Written Assignment: Fire Disasters4 Presentation: Philosophy of Fire Prevention6 Written Assignment: The Role of Fire Service Administration7 Written Assignment: Preparing for Fire Prevention Functions9 Total Points (100 each x 6 assignments)600 points

9 Textbooks Principles of fire prevention, David Diamantes Rules for Writers

10 GRADING CRITERIA/TIMETABLE Projects submitted on time will be graded within five days Late work will be graded within five days of the submission date Seminar Option 1 grades will be updated within 48 hours of the scheduled seminar. Seminar Option 2 grades and Discussion board grades will be updated each week no later than Sunday of the week following the Unit’s completion.

11 LATE POLICY Grades for all late assignments will be lowered up to 5% Late assignments will not be accepted after 3 weeks from due date.

12 TUTORING Kaplan University Writing Center

13 SEMINAR GRADING CRITERIA Attend seminar sessions on time Actively participate throughout the entire session Makes frequent and informed references to unit material Interacts with peers & instructor throughout the session Provides original contributions that further the work of the class

14 SEMINAR GRADING CRITERIA Alternate assignments – Addresses the seminar topic – Reflects a viewing of the seminar transcript – Meets the length requirement of 300-500 words – Properly credits sources used – Follows basic standards for college-level writing – Submitted by the deadline to DocSharing

15 Grading Rubrics Discussion Board Rubric Timeliness and Frequency Breadth and Depth of Response references and citations primary and responses Clarity/Organization/Grammar/Mechanics Assignment Rubric Identify Research Analyze Mechanics/Style/Format/Language



18 Course Overview Basis for Fire Prevention Public and Private Fire Prevention Organization and Functions Fire Prevention Through the Code Process and Plan Review Inspections and Fire Protection System Testing Fire Prevention Through Investigation and Other Functions Public Education and Record Keeping Financial Management Personnel

19 Unit 1: The Basis for Fire Prevention The fire problem in the United States and the reasons for its existence. The fire record of the United States compared with other countries. Organizations that have been instrumental in our nation’s fire prevention efforts. The effect that timing has on the adoption and enforcement, or lack of enforcement, of fire prevention regulations.

20 Unit 2: Public and Private Fire Prevention Federal and state governments in the prevention of fires and the reduction of fire deaths and injuries. The fire prevention functions performed by traditional fire prevention bureaus, and non-traditional systems for delivery of those services. Private industry in local, state, and national fire prevention efforts. Insurance industry in fire prevention and risk management. The watershed federal fire programs and the events or natural conditions that led to their creation.

21 Unit 3: Code Process and Plan Review The major model code organizations and the evolution of model code organizations in the United States. The code change and adoption process used by state and local governments. The impact of the agendas of groups participating in the model code process. The reasons construction plans are reviewed prior to construction. The types of plans and potential items for review.

22 Unit 4: Inspections and Fire Protection System Testing The acceptable risk and its impact on the level of code enforcement. The potential impact of inspections and selective enforcement on a jurisdiction's fire record. The fire official's role in the inspection and testing of fire protection systems. The importance of systems acceptance tests, maintenance and periodic inspections, and retests. The system elements that contribute to reliability and the impact of unreliable fire protection systems. The various types of fire protection systems

23 Unit 5: Reading Week Unit 5 Assignment

24 Unit 6: Investigation and Other Functions About non-traditional government functions that are sometimes assigned to fire prevention bureaus. About potential negative impact on the organization's mission of fire prevention. The benefits of effective fire investigation. The local, state, and federal agencies involved in the investigation of fires. Various roles adopted by fire departments to investigate fires.

25 Unit 7: Public Education and Record Keeping "America burning" and its impact on the role of fire departments in public fire safety education. The five-step process for public fire safety education planning, and the importance of planning in the development of fire safety education programs. The role of media in public fire safety education. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and its impact on the day-to-day working of government. The benefits of electronic information management system in the operation of fire prevention programs and the potential impact of poor planning and implementation of electronic IMS.

26 Unit 8: Financial Management The purpose of public budgeting. How to use a budget as a tool for planning. About the difference between operating, capital, or capital improvement budgets. The use of line item budget and program budgets and the strengths and weaknesses of each. About the difference in user fees and taxes.

27 Unit 9: Personnel The benefits of staffing fire prevention bureaus with uniform firefighters, civilian personnel, and a combination of both. The value of national certification for fire prevention bureau staff. The NFPA professional qualification standards for fire prevention Bureau personnel. The term job performance requirement and the impact of JPRs on certification. Accreditation and certification as it applies to fire prevention bureau personnel.

28 Unit 10: Course Review Explain how your work in this course relates to the course outcomes, the program goals, and your own professional development.

29 Fire Prevention Practices FS105 Instructor: Josh Shanley

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