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Centennial Cheerleading CONGRATULATIONS! We are SO excited to have you be a part of the program! This year will be AWESOME !

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Presentation on theme: "Centennial Cheerleading CONGRATULATIONS! We are SO excited to have you be a part of the program! This year will be AWESOME !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Centennial Cheerleading CONGRATULATIONS! We are SO excited to have you be a part of the program! This year will be AWESOME !


3 Coaching Staff Coach Howlett: Varsity Fall, Varsity Basketball, State Squad, General Overview Coach Kati: Varsity Fall, Varsity Wrestling, State Squad Coach Blessman: Sophomore Fall, Sophomore Winter, State Squad Coach Bailey: Freshman Fall, Freshman Winter, State Squad Coach Sam: Middle School Camps, General Assistance, State Squad


5 Expectations of a Centennial Cheerleader

6 Program Book Overview ABSENCE FROM PRACTICES, GAMES, OR OTHER TEAM FUNCTIONS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! The only absences that will be deemed as excused are: Family emergency (i.e. death in the family) Academic reasons Personal illness Whether you are sick or making up a test with a teacher, your teammates were there working to get better and one may be rewarded by taking your place in a stunt, formation, or routine for the overall success of the team. In most cases, a cheerleader will not be withheld from an event because of an excused absence.

7 Program Book Overview Penalties for unexcused absences are as follows: Any unexcused Tardiness - withheld from ½ of competition (per Centennial High School Student Handbook Policy- greater than 10 minutes late, it counts as an unexcused absence) 1 st Unexcused Absence or 2 nd Tardy- withheld from next competition 2 rd Unexcused Absence or 3 rd Tardy- Indefinite suspension from competition 3 th Unexcused Absence or 4 th Tardy- Dismissal from team

8 Program Book Overview Lettering/Ending season in ‘good standing’ All Centennial Cheerleaders have the opportunity to end the season in good standing and Varsity cheerleaders may receive a letter based on the following specifications. Sophomores and Freshman do not have the opportunity to receive a school athletic/activity letter unless they hold a position on a varsity squad. Centennial Cheerleaders must have completed the minimum 5 hours of community service and have turned in completed forms to coach in order to end the season in good standing and/or receive an athletic/activity letter. Cheerleaders must have attended at least 2 fundraising events. Coaches will keep track of attendance at events.

9 Program Book Overview Nails Hair Jewelry Practice wear Gum/Food Additional clothing- No hooded sweatshirts or clothing with pockets ICCA and National Federation Rules

10 Program Book Overview Uniform: skirt, sleeves, shell, and cheer shoes. No t-shirts and skirt, no sweat shirts and skirt, no ugg boots and skirt etc. Only thing that can be worn in addition to uniform: ¼ zip (uniform material) no sweat shirt material Warm ups Never skirt and pants together When arriving or leaving a school event … Full warm ups (weather permitting) Change of shoes- Cheer shoes should not be worn outside of performance and practice. Instead, wear other appropriate athletic shoes. If weather drops below 32 degrees… Only black bras will be allowed under uniform. No exceptions.

11 Blue- Summer Calendar

12 Responsibilities of a Centennial Cheerleader

13 Yellow- Sponsorship letter Green- Community Service information

14 Sponsorships: Sponsorships will benefit the whole program. The business or individual is sponsoring the program’s success. Must be turned in by May 15 th in order to receive full benefits ~$200 Sponsor Letter Responsibilities

15 Fundraisers: - Sell 2 Cookie dough tubs - Helps you cover costs! - April 29 th - They are due by 3:30 - May 21 st - Pick up 4:30-5:00pm - Sell Cheer Calendar - Start of the school year Responsibilities

16 Fundraisers: - Work Jr. Cheer Camp/Fall Clinic - Varsity Only Summer camp - Fall Clinic: October 7 th and 9 th 5-7 pm. - Work Carwash - July 26 th or August 2 nd 12-5pm Community service events: - Need at least 5 hours. - How to submit hours: Hard copy or GoogleForms - 2 events already! Sign up today! Responsibilities

17 Proposed Purchases

18 Purposed Purchases Many items will be the same as last year. Returning cheerleaders have the option to purchase a new version, or keep what you purchased in the past. Mandatory Adidas Camp Clothing (includes 3 full outfits): ~$100 Additional Mandatory Gear: Game Day Bow: $13 (Varsity: 2 bows: $26) Briefs: $19 State Squad Bow: $13 (Same as last year) *Poms: $22 Black V-neck Sleeves: $38 (Varsity Only) Shoes: $50 Bag: $ 45Adidas Jacket: $90 Adidas Pants: $70

19 Purposed Purchases UCA Cheer Summer Camp: Freshman: $330 Sophomores and Varsity: $340 Bus: $60 Camp Deposit: $200 Deposit is required TONIGHT and will not be cashed until cookie dough personal fundraiser is complete. Final camp payment will be adjusted based on fundraising. Deposit will go towards final payment. If not attending camp, your coach must be notified no later than May 27 th or your deposit will not be refunded.

20 Summer Schedule

21 Carbon Copy- Summer Attendance Form

22 Summer Informational meeting May 15 th 4:00pm - 4:30pm ACHS Commons OR May 19 th 7:45am – 8:10am NV Media Center. Discuss practice focus of stunting. Discuss summer attendance expectations. Turn in summer attendance form. This form is available for pick up at this meeting or can be downloaded from the cheer school fusion page under “Cheer Tools”. Varsity (Fall and Winter) will take poster/calendar pictures following the 5/15 meeting at 5:00pm-6:00pm. Location TBD. Summer Schedule

23 Summer Practice Focus will all be on stunting. Expected to be at summer practice Progress through stunt levels with attendance. The more consistent your attendance, the more advanced stunts you will be able to perform. Practice: Every Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 am -8:00am at ACHS starting June 9th through August 6th.

24 Summer Schedule Summerfest Practice & Parade Must attend practice to participate in parade. Expected to attend and represent Centennial Cheerleading in Summerfest Parade. Practice: Thursday July 9. 6:30am-8 am at ACHS. Parade: Saturday July 11. Roughly 8:00-11:00am. Northview Parking lot. UCA Camp Wisconsin Dells Chula Vista Resort & Dells Center Expected to attend and represent Centennial Cheerleading July 20-23 Freshman- UCA Summer Camp Sophomore and Varsity- UCA Stunt and Performance Summer Camp Yes, there is time to enjoy the water park

25 Summer Schedule Cheers and Chants Expected to be informally practicing all summer long. Cheers and Chants are available on the ACHS Cheer school fusion page (words and videos) Yearbook Pictures School pictures for ALL Fall Cheerleaders will be August 20 th at the Gatorade game. School pictures for ALL Winter Cheerleaders will be in November during the first 2 weeks of practice. Save the date now! Reminders will be sent out via email/celly. Tumbling Asked to look into taking a tumbling class this summer to help improve tumbling for our program. Many classes at APEX, Iowa All-Stars, and Koach All-stars. This is something that Centennial Cheer encourages, we are not paying for classes, tumbling is not required. Additional summer activities through Apex (optional): Apex Website: Register and look into options on this site.

26 State Squad

27 Centennial Competitive Cheerleading State Black Squad (Music) State Silver Squad (Cheer) State Stunt All Cheerleaders have the opportunity to be placed on a Centennial Competitive Squad. Coaches will determine cheerleader placement throughout try-outs and summer practice. Squads will be announced prior to Summerfest. Exact squad roster is subject to change based on each squads needs. State Stunt will be determined during the season

28 Choreography: Stunt Camp: July 28 th 5:00pm-8:00pm. Attendance is expected for all on State Squad. Choreography: July 29 th 9:00am-4:00pm. Attendance is expected for all on State Squad. Practice: Starting August 10 th -November 6 th Every Monday 5:30pm – 6:30pm at ACHS in the commons/cafeteria Every Tuesday 4:00pm – 6:00pm at ACHS in the commons/cafeteria Additional practice will be added towards the end of October. A more detailed schedule will be provided once squad is announced. Performances Homecoming for school/community at Pep Assembly: 9/25 Showcase for friends and family 11/3 AT 6:00-6:30pm at ACHS Main Gym Competitions: All Day Events Triton Challenge 10/25 or 11/1 - TBA State 11/7 Centennial Competitive Cheerleading

29 Fall Cheer

30 Fall Cheer- Projected Schedule School Practice: Practice will begin August 10 rd at be held at ACHS in the commons/cafeteria for all levels. There will be an additional FUN practice August 14. Time TBA. VARSITY:SOPHOMORE:FRESHMAN: Monday 4-5:30Monday 4-5:15Monday 4-5:30 Wednesday 4-6Wednesday 4-5:15Wednesday 4-6 Thursday 4-6Friday 4-5:15 Games: (Reference the CIML online for a more accurate schedule) Freshman and Sophomores: Thursday Varsity: Friday

31 Brief Overview about Squads Varsity- 30 cheerleaders Sophomore- 24 cheerleaders Freshman- 24 cheerleaders

32 Winter Cheer

33 Winter Cheer- Projected Schedule School Practice: Practice will begin middle of November (9 th or 16 th ) at be held at ACHS in the commons/cafeteria for all levels. The first weeks will have a different schedule. VARSITY BBALL, SOPHOMORES, FRESHMAN: Monday 4-6 Thursday 4-6 VARSITY WRESTLING: Monday 4-6 Wednesday 4-6 Friday 4-5

34 Winter Cheer-Projected Schedule Games/Meets- (Reference the CIML online for a more accurate schedule) Basketball: All Levels: Tuesday and Fridays (occasional Saturday) All Varsity BBall, Sophomore, and Freshman will cheer Basketball Games - Varsity: All home and away games - Sophomore and Freshman: All home games Wrestling: JV and Varsity: Tuesday and/or Thursdays Meets, Saturday Tournaments (all day) All Varsity Wrestling, Sophomore, and Freshman will cheer Wrestling Meets - Varsity: All home and away meets - Sophomore: All home JV meets - Freshman: 1-2 away JV tournaments

35 Brief Overview about Squads Varsity Basketball- 14 cheerleaders Varsity Wrestling- 13 cheerleaders Sophomore- 10 cheerleaders Freshman- 24 cheerleaders

36 Parent Participation

37 ALL Parents can sign up tonight for summer events Fall Parents can sign up TONIGHT where you would like to help out during the season! Winter parents can sign up during the winter Parent Meeting, first weeks of winter practice Parents for each grade level, season, and event! Your support is needed for a great season! All your help is greatly appreciated! Parent Group Members assist and/or lead: Fundraising: Yard Signs, Calendars, Car washes, Cookie Dough Support: Snacks/locker signs/signs etc. Homecoming/Snowcoming Banquet

38 Communication We want responsible cheerleaders- have them contact us with advanced notice about situations! Website (new one in the fall), Celly, and emails are #1 for info! Instructions to join or edit celly are on the website! Do that now! We will send test celly’s later in the week! Instructions to join or edit celly are on the website! Do that now! We will send test celly’s later in the week! You can personally message coaches on the Celly app.

39 Cookie Dough

40 Adidas

41 5/1/15

42 What Questions do you have?

43 Stations of Information Adidas Clothing Try on clothing and shoes prior to ordering for accurate sizes! This will be your only opportunity!! Ask questions to our Rep Brett Van De Pol Other Orders (Poms, Bows, Spirit Jerseys) If you need poms or a bow this season, new or first time- place your order today- pay later! You can get an option FUN shirt- spirit jersey! Order this today, pay later! Cheerleader sign-ups: Fundraising, Community Service and Cookie Dough Packets Pick up cookie dough packet Sign up to work Jr Cheer Clinics/Camps Sign up to work Car Washes Sign up for up-coming community service events- Track: TOMORROW 4/21 at NV 4pm-6pm Relay for Life: June 5 th 6pm-8pm ish at Prairie Ridge

44 Stations of Information UCA Camp: Select roommates and pay deposit 6 cheerleaders per room- select 2 other cheerleaders you would like to room with and coaches will catch you up! Turn in camp deposit of $200 to hold room. We will assume that you are not going camp if you do not turn in a deposit Parent Sign ups and Questions Parents sign up to help events! Summer events Fall Parents Ask Coach Howlett any persona; questions you may have Contact information Enter emails, phone numbers, basic contact information

45 Stations of Information Adidas Clothing Other Orders (Poms, Bows, Spirit Jerseys) Cheerleader sign-ups: Fundraising, Community Service and Cookie Dough Packets UCA Camp: Select roommates and pay deposit Parent Sign ups and Questions Contact information Stop by ALL stations! It is important! Enter win free spirit jersey! Get “Station Ticket” signed/checked off by all stations, put it into the tub on the way out to be in the drawing! Enter win free spirit jersey! Get “Station Ticket” signed/checked off by all stations, put it into the tub on the way out to be in the drawing!


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