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Water Resources Management in Armenia Ashot Grigoryan Head of Water Resources Monitoring and Cadastre Division of the Agency on Water Resources Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Resources Management in Armenia Ashot Grigoryan Head of Water Resources Monitoring and Cadastre Division of the Agency on Water Resources Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Resources Management in Armenia Ashot Grigoryan Head of Water Resources Monitoring and Cadastre Division of the Agency on Water Resources Management 2012

2 1.Water Resources of the Republic of Armenia Total water resources – 46,6 Water resources utilized - 9,1 19.4% National water reserves - 35.8 77.0% Strategic water reserves - 1.7 3.6%

3 2. Water Relations Agency on Water Resources Management and Protection Agency on Water Systems Management Committee on Public Services Regulation National Water Council Committee on Disputes Resolution Committee on Disputes Resolution

4 2.1 2.1 Agency on Water Resources Management and Protection  Provision of water resources management and protection within the framework of the National Water Program  Participation in development and implementation of the National Water Program  Monitoring and distribution of water resources, their strategic management and protection  Maintenance of the State Water Cadastre  Water permits

5 2.2 Agency on Water Systems Management  Responsible for management and safe use of water systems owned by the state  Elaboration and implementation of the policy on water systems management  Monitoring of provisions of the permits for water systems use  Organization of works of non-competitive water-supplying systems

6 2.3 Committee on Public Services Regulation   Determination and implementation of the tariff policy in the area of water relations   Granting of permits on water systems use to the noncompeting water suppliers

7 2.4 National Water Council  Submission of proposals to the Government.  aimed at development of draft laws on the National Water Policy and National Water Program, other laws in water area, as well as amendments for improvement of these laws and normative acts and disagreements arising in activities  On annual reports regarding the implementation of the National Water Program and disagreements arising in activities of the bodies on state management in the area of water resources use and protection in the Republic of Armenia

8 2.5 Committee on Disputes Resolution  Acts in accordance with the procedural rules approved by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia  This Committee can act as the agent on resolution of disputes arose in water relations regarding the permits for water use and use mediation by consent of all parties for the final resolution of disputes. Decisions made by the Committee are not obligatory and in case of their nonfulfillment all disputes shall be resolved in a judicial procedure

9 3. Legilation   Water Code of the Republic of Armenia   The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On National Water Program”   The Law of the Republic of Armenia “General Provisions of the National Water Policy”   Decrees by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (about 80 decrees)   Official normative acts

10 3.1 Water Code Water resources use Regulation of water area using permits for water use Planning and provision of growth in demand for water use by population and economy sectors Water resources use on a paid basis applying guarantee a payments Water resources protection Enhancement of efficiency of water-supply and sewage systems Reduction and prevention of water resources pollution Restriction of water users demands satisfying on account of ecological release of water resources

11 3.2 National Policy in the area of Water Resources   Supply forms the demand   “The polluter shall pay” and “The user shall pay”   Provision of maintenance of the State Water Cadastre  Public awareness

12 3.3 National Water Policy The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On National Water Policy” was adopted in 2005. It is the concept of prospective development of the strategic use and protection of water resources and water systems. Basin management is being used in the area of water resources management since 2005 3.4 National Water Program The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On National Water Program” was adopted in 2006. The goal of this Law is to establish measures aimed at satisfaction of needs of the population and households, provision of ecological sustainability of environment, forming and use of strategic water reserve, protection of the national water reserve through the effective management of utilized water resources.

13 3.5 Basin Authority and Plans  The original source of the legal foundation of the basin management is Water Code, one of the fundamental principles of which is management of water resources on the basin principle.  On the basis of Water Legislation and on the assumption of the principles and strategy of the National Water Program:  Elaboration of Basin Management Plans  Decentralized management of water resources on the basis of water classification  Introduction of the system of water resources management using the system of water resources coding as the tool for information integration and charting on the level of basins, as well as for exchange of information.

14 4. Basic Principles of Water Resources Management   Integrated management   Basin management  Water permits  State water resources cadastre  Public participation

15 4.1 Integrated Water Resources Management Integrated management is based on the accounting of all available water resources within the hydrographic borders, links up interests of various sectors and levels of water use hierarchy, involves all stakeholders to decisions making and promotes effective water use in the interests of stable prosperity of the society and ecological security.

16 4.2 Management Tools  Water Permits  State Water Cadastre

17 Water Permit shall comply with the requirements of: In accordance with the requirements of the Water Code – each water user must get Water Permit for all types of water use, which shall comply with the requirements of:  Water Code  National Policy  National Program  Basin Management Plans  Water Standards  International Agreements of the Republic of Armenia

18 In 2003 the Agency on Water Resources Management affiliated to the Ministry on Environmental Protection of the Republic of Armenia started the establishment of the basis of State Water Cadastre maintenance based on the Decree by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

19 Significance of State Water Cadastre (SWC)  SWC enables obtaining information about the quantity and quality, intended use of water resources at the arbitrarily assigned territory or location of water resources in advance, as well as about water systems by means of which there is a waste water storage, transportation, distribution, treatment and disposal.  In future SWC will make it possible to simulate the stable environment of water resources for the purpose of water resources forecasting as a result of change of water abstractions, release of pollutants, climate change, as well as probability of emergency situations occurrence in water supply systems and assessment of risk territories. SWC will make it possible to simulate the stable environment of water resources for the purpose of water resources forecasting as a result of change of water abstractions, release of pollutants, climate change, as well as probability of emergency situations occurrence in water supply systems and assessment of risk territories.

20 Objective The main objective of the SWC is the establishment of developed information system to:  raise effectiveness of management of water resources and water supply systems providing stable ecological state  raise the level of involvement and awareness of public in relation to decision making in the area of water resources and water economy.

21 The structure of Water Cadastre also provides for :  Multiyear characteristics of water quantity and quality  Water and water economy balances not specified by kind and by basins  Development of data bases on water resources with ArcView GIS Software, which allows geographical reflecting, investigating, requesting and analyzing data about water quantity and quality, water users and hydraulic engineering structures, etc.  Overall assessment of water resources (constant cooperation) taking into account anthropogenic activity in modern conditions and in the long view  Introduction of modern system of water resources management based on maintenance of water cadastre using the system of water resources coding as a tool for information integration and charting at the level of the Republic.  Establishment of the communication systems for exchange of information, as well as web-page of the SWC.

22 Since 2004, the SWC is financed by the state budget of the Republic of Armenia within the framework of Program “Technical implementation of the State Water Cadastre” on the account of which the information system of the Cadastre was created with GIS is the component of the SWC  GIS of the SWC includes over 50 thematic layers of graphical data. It allows registration, systematization and data storage simultaneously with requests for and choice of information from the map and data base, s well as analysis and reporting about water resources and water users. In future data bases will be amended with new layers.

23 For these purposes SWC under the auspices of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) was provided with all required equipment, computer hardware and software. All employees of the SWC visited courses for professional qualification. In Armenia the Program on Water Resources at South Caucasus purchased and installed the server at the Department of Cadastre Maintenance and Water Resources Monitoring. This Server will raise the functional and technical efficiency of data exchange.

24 Data Base Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 Table 4.5 Table 4.6-4.10 Table 4.16 Table 4.17 Table 4.18 Havelvac 2 Havelvac 3 Havelvac 6 Havelvac 7 Havelvac 8 - Table 4.2 - Table 4.3 - Table 4.4 - Table 4.5 - Table 4.6-4.10 - Table 4.11 - Table 4.12 - Table 4.13 - Table 4.14 - Table 4.15 - Table 4.16 - Table 4.17 - Table 4.18 - Table 4.19 - Table 4.20 - Table 4.21 - Table 4.22 - Table 4.23 - Table 4.24 - Table 4.25 - Table 4.26 Requests and responses

25 agencies:  Environmental Impact Monitor Centre;  Hydrometeorology and Monitoring State Service:  Hydrogeological Monitoring Center;  Republican geological fund  Emergency Situations Office  Environmental inspection  Cumulative data from agencies are registered in 6 registers composed of 34 tables.

26 Further development of Information System of the SWC  Creation of links between all available data bases of all agencies involved and WRMA (Water Resources Management Agencies).  Operating extension and improvement of information system as related to documents processing, delivery of information upon demand and automatization of reports preparation with required content.  Application of tabular and spatial constituents of information system in five territorial departments of water basins management.  Forecasting modelling of surface river flows and river basins on the basis of digital maps.

27  In 2004, the web-page of the SWC was created under the auspices of the US Agency for International Development (USAID), where all legal frameworks for maintenance as well as the structure of the state water cadastre were posted. At present this web-page is not active as in 2006 the structure of cadastre was changed for the purpose of its improvement. At this stage a new structure of web-page is under development to guarantee the integrity of information which will be agreed with the Government of the Republic of Armenia. At this stage a new structure of web-page is under development to guarantee the integrity of information which will be agreed with the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

28 Thank you!

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