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Inventory C Defence Environmental Co-operation and Country-specific Needs in the Baltic Sea Region Nele Veski MOD Estonia + 372 6406 129

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Presentation on theme: "Inventory C Defence Environmental Co-operation and Country-specific Needs in the Baltic Sea Region Nele Veski MOD Estonia + 372 6406 129"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inventory C Defence Environmental Co-operation and Country-specific Needs in the Baltic Sea Region Nele Veski MOD Estonia + 372 6406 129

2 Purposes To clarify past, ongoing and planned co-operation and projects To clarify specific country needs for action and timeframe To clarify specific country needs for co- operation

3 Questionnaire Defence environmental multilateral and bilateral co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region Country-specific needs of defence environmental action

4 Classification E (Education and training) MP (Management Plans) EMS (Environmental Management Systems) NP (Nature Protection) CU (Clean up) PP (Pollution Prevention) N (Noise) WM (Waste Management) SE (Something else)

5 Response Germany Estonia Latvia Lithuania Sweden Russia US Denmark

6 Past and on-going co-operation 1 Germany - 6 projects in past, 7 on-going - types: E (1 project in past, 1 on-going) MP (1 project in past) NP (1 project in past, 3 on-going) EMS (2 projects in past, 1 on-going) N (1 on-going) General (3 projects in past, 1 on-going) - partners: Russia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden

7 Past and on-going co-operation 2 Estonia - 4 projects in past, 5 on-going - types: E (1 project in past, 1 on-going) MP (1 on-going project) CU ( 1 project in the past, 2 on-going) N (1 project in the past) PP (1 project in the past) EMS (1 on-going project) - partners : Sweden, USA, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland

8 Past and on-going co-operation 3 Latvia - 4 projects in past, 3 on-going - types : E (2 on-going projects) MP (1 project in the past) PP (3 projects in the past) CU (3 projects in the past) SE (1 on-going project) - Partners: Sweden, USA, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, Finland, Germany, Romania, Russia UK

9 Past and on-going co-operation 4 Lithuania - 2 projects in past, 4 on-going - types: E (1 project in past, 2 on-going) MP (1 project in the past) EMS (1 on-going project) WM (1 on-going project) - partners: Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, USA, Canada, Denmark

10 Past and on-going co-operation 5 Sweden - 5 projects in past, 9 on-going - types: E (3 projects in past, 3 on-going) NP (1 project in past) CU (1 project in past, 2 on-going) EMS (1 project in past, 1 on-going) N (1 on-going) SE (2 on-going) - partners: Estonia, Russia, USA, Lithuania, Latvia, Canada

11 Past and on-going co-operation 6 Russia - AMEC (Arctic Militarty Environmental co-operation) Partners: Norway, UK, USA, Russia Projects in general: Waste management (WM), radiation, non- radioactive projects (CU and EMS) - FEDULOVO Partners: Germany, Russia Projects: Concerning CU - Bilateral co-opeartion with USA Currently suspended but projects included: oil contamination at ariforce bases (CU), elimination of adverse consequences of space rocket activities environmental training (E)

12 Past and on-going co-operation 7 US - EUCOM Pfp Environmental Conference Baltic Group – (6 conferences in past) - Riga Initative Conference (BARDEC) (1 conference in the past, 1 on-going) - AMEC (7 projects in the past) - Baltic/Swedish/US security program (on-going) - Environmental considerations in the Systems Acquisition (on- going) - partners: Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Macedonia, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Russia

13 Past and on-going co-operation 8 Denmark - 6 projects in the past, 6 on-going - types: EMS (2 projects in the past, 1 on-going) NP (2 projects in the past) E (1 project in the past, 1 on-going) WM (2 project on-going) N (1 project on-going) SE (1 project in the past, 1 on-going) - partners: Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway,

14 Future projects 1 Germany - EP (International Symposium) - sept 2004 - partners: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Russia and NATO - E (data exchange for environmental education) - 2004 - partners: Lithuania - EM (EP on training areas) - aug 2004 - partners: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

15 Future projects 2 Estonia - no information given Latvia - WM (waste segregation in the NAF units) - 2003 - partners: Denmark

16 Future projects 3 Lithuania - MP (Gis database) - 2003 - partner: Germany - PP (Energy saving) - 2004 - partner: Germany (Environmental solutions for shooting ranges) - 2004 - partner: Sweden (Environmental considerations in acquisition process) - 2004 - partner: Sweden

17 Future projects 4 Lithuania - CU (Pollution maping) - 2003 - parnter: Denmark

18 Future projects 5 Sweden - E (Education in CU) - 2003 - partner: Russia Russia - no information given US - TBD

19 Future projects 6 Denmark - Plans to continue the present co-operation, no other project presently planned

20 Country-specific needs 1 Germany - no information given Estonia - E (environmental training multimedia tools) - MP (environmental management plans) (forest management plan for CTA) - CU (mineharbour aquatory investigation and clean-up)

21 Country-specific needs 2 Latvia short-term - MP (Base management plan for Aluksene) - N (Noise regulations in Adazi base) - E (soldiers environmental quide) - SE (Environmental impact) - SE (Environmental regulations on militarty –EU regulations implementation

22 Country-specific needs 3 Latvia Long-term - CU (Liepaja harbour) (Lielvarde air field) (Air Force apron at Riga airport)

23 Country-specific needs 4 Lithuania short-term - PP (Phase-out of Ozone Depleting substances) (Environmental rules during military operations) (optimisation of washing installation – no need for co-operation ) (optimisation of local water supply sources – no need for co-operation) - E (Revision of environmental training programs) (Training on specific environmental issues) - NP (Forest management plans – no need for co-operation)

24 Country-specific needs 5 Lithuania Long-term - PP (Hazardous material management) (Complete optimisation of sewage systems – no need for co- operation) (Complete optimisation of rainwater systems – no need for co- operation) (optimisation of fuel supply systems – no need for co-operation) (complete optimisation of heating systems – no need for co- operation) - N (noise management)

25 Country-specific needs 6 Sweden - SE (Interregional co-operation with BARDEC countries) - N (Noisereduction with BARDEC countries) Russia - E (military environmental education and training) - CU (development and application of innovative technologies for remediation of air pollution at military sites - PP (ellimination of air pollution at military sites

26 Country-specific needs 7 US - TBD, but general view is to countinue to support regional co-operation on military/environmental issues Denmark - The Environmental Strategy of the Danish Ministry od Defence is presently under revision, Denmark will be able to list their country-specific needs for environmental action after the revision work is finished (the end of 2003)

27 Contacts for further information Germany – GE Joint Support Command Estonia – Nele Veski (, tel: +372 6406 129) Latvia – Zanda Sproge (, tel:+371 768 6378)zsproge@h Lithuania – Irma Jakimaviciute (, tel: +370 5 273 5568) Sweden – Lars Josefson ( Russia – no information given US – Kurt Preston (tel:+ 1 919 549 4234) Denmark – Margit Malmsten (, tel:+45 33 92 24 54)

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