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Published byAvice Cathleen Tucker Modified over 8 years ago
PP 9 SLOVAK HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE (SHMI) SLOVAK HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE (SHMI) Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Bratislava, SLOVAK REPUBLIC PROJECT HYDROCARE 2 nd Assembly of Partners Bratislava, 27th-28th June 2006 Ing. Lotta Blaškovičová et al. Activities Report
selected area
Action No. 3.3 Analysis of hydrological and meteorological data to be used as inputs for hydrological models based on GIS technique Climatological data preparation and analysis in GIS (stations, precipitation, air temperature, evaporation) – Morava River basin Hydrological data analysis (stations, water stage, discharge, water temperature, suspended sediments, balance profiles, manipulation on water reservoirs, water transfer) Hydrological balance – period 1995 – 2004 (precipitation on river basin, evaporation, runoff) Water resources balance (1995 – 2004) preparation of map sources of selected area in GIS (DEM, geology, land use, soil types, river network, hydrological station network...) methodical procedures and standardization assessment of the degree of affection of discharges in the selected river basin by water utilization and manipulation on water works reports, final report
Technical – scientific progress June 2006 Action 3.3 Analysis of rain-gauge stations network in selected area, presentation in GIS Analysis of monthly precipitation and air temperature for the selected period (1995-2004) Start of spatial analysis of monthly precipitation Analysis of water-gauging stations network in selected area, presentation in GIS Analysis of data from water-gauging stations in selected period (1995-2004) – water stage, discharge, water temperature, suspended sediments Preparation of GIS layers of selected area (DEM, water courses network, watershed contour lines, soil types, geology, land use) Methodology for assessment of the degree of affection of discharges in the selected river basin by water utilization and manipulation on water works.
Climatological data preparation and analysis in GIS The air temperature (12 stations), precipitation and water equivalent of snow cover (56 stations) data sets are available within the area of interest in the period 1995 – 2004 (Fig. 1 and 2) Climatological data sets are under investigation of quality and data integrity executed in SHMU Mean monthly temperatures and monthly precipitation totals will enter into the spatial temperature and precipitation analysis; water equivalent of snow cover will be evaluated for set dates The spatial climate analysis of selected meteorological components is realized in GIS – GRASS 6.1 and ArcGIS 9.0 environs – RST 3D-interpolation (RST – Regularized Splain with Tension) is used for reaching the sufficiently correct results
Detailed classification of available climatological (synoptic, INTER, classic) and precipitation gauging (automatic, classic) stations in selected area
Mean monthly air temperatures in December 2004 [°C] – demonstration of spatial temperature analysis results
Monthly precipitation totals in December 2004 [mm] - demonstration of spatial precipitation analysis results
Water equivalent of snow cover (WESC) - March 6 th, 2006 [mm] - demonstration of spatial WESC analysis results
Water-gauging station network of SHMI Morava River Basin
Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Geology Morava River Basin
Soil types Morava River Basin
Action No 3.4 Assessment of presently used flood forecasting methods by Slovak Hydrological Service for application of the standardized hydro-meterological data collection and exchange in the CADSES region Description of operative inputs Co-operation on transboundary waters (providing of measured data) Data analysis, user outputs (user interface) Forecasts (tables, figures) Software specification for warnings Description of methods – in operation Description of methods - planned Legislation – Flood forecasting, Warning system The way of communication (present status) N-year discharges (design values) Preparation of HYDROCARE meeting in Bratislava (June 2006) Snow conditions - water supply in the snow cover New software for flood protection (specification)) New software for flood protection (testing in 2007) reports, final report
Technical – scientific progress June 2006 Action 3.4 Selection of the area of interest, geographical description of the area Identification of the network – basic information (water-gauging stations – primary, secondary, regime), map interpretation, rain-gauge stations (synoptic and other), radars Forecasting: preparatory works – identification of possible inputs into the hydrological models Analysis and description of forecasting methods for forecasting profiles Morava - Moravsky Jan, Morava - Zahorska Ves, Dunaj-Devin, Dunaj – Bratislava Legislation: Analysis of Act No. 666/2004 and regulations, where the duties of hydrological service during the flood situation and outside it are defined; working process of solving of emergency situations in different stage of flood risk Analysis of current status of communication mode Organization works for preparing of the HYDROCARE meeting in Bratislava 27th – 28th June 2006
Region of interest Part of Morava and Danube river catchments
The list of hydrological gauge stations in selected area Prime stations (PS) DB č. StationRiver 5040 Moravský Sv. Ján Morava 5085 Záhorská Ves Morava 5127DevínDunaj 5140BratislavaDunaj Secondary stations (SS) DB č. StationRiver 5010LopašovChvojnica 5011KopčanyMorava 5013BrodskéMorava 5017Brestovec Brestovecký potok 5020MyjavaMyjava 5022JablonicaMyjava 5025SobotišteTeplica 5030Šaštín-StrážeMyjava 5087 Vysoká pri Morave Morava 5095JakubovMalina 5120BorinkaStupavka 5125 Devínska Nová Ves Morava 5170 Svätý Jur Šurský kanál Regime stations (RS) DB č. StationRiver 5021 Brezová pod Bradlom Brezovský potok 5027KunovTeplica 5028SenicaTeplica 5057SološnicaRudava 5060Sološnica Sološnický potok 5065RohožníkRudavka 5070StudienkaRudava 5072 Veľké Leváre Rudava 5074 Rudava, náhon 5090KuchyňaMalina 5100LábMočiarka 5105LábOliva 5110Zohor Suchý potok 5128 Devín lom Dunaj 5130SpariskáVydrica 5135 Červený most Vydrica 5160PezinokBlatina 5180Vajnory Račiansky potok 5190 Nová Dedinka Malý Dunaj 5200Bernolákovo Čierna voda 5210Modra Vištucký potok 5260PílaGidra
Frequency of forecasting information provided by SHMI Regular daily information reports Special reports – during flood situation Warnings – in extreme situation
INPUT DATA Hydrological data Hydrological water gauging stations Water stages Discharges Water Temperature Air temperature Precipitation Meteorological data Meteorological stations Precipitation Air temperature Radar Precipitation total Intensity of precipitation Models - ALADIN Precipitation
Forecasting Methods A. The accrual method according to water stage (H) B. The accrual method according to discharge (Q) C. The methods of corresponding discharges D. The methods of peak discharges/flood crests relation and lag time E. The rainfall - runoff relation to the API with numerical and graphic expression
SHMI provides in selected area sets of forecasts as follows Numerical forecasts of water stages /discharges on 24 hours for three prime profiles - Moravský Sv. Ján – Morava : A, B, C, D - Devín – Danube : A, B, C, D, E - Bratislava – Danube : A, B, C, D, E Forecasting trends of hydrological situation on 24 hours for 1 prime profile: - Záhorská Ves – Morava : A, B, C, D - Záhorská Ves – Morava : A, B, C, D Forecasting for 48 hours and trends on 3 days are provided only for profile - Devín - Danube - Devín - Danube
Act No. 666/2004 Coll. Of Laws on Flood protection in the Slovak Republic Act No. 666/2004 § 4 Competent authorities The Ministry of Environment Regional environmental offices District environmental offices Municipalities § 8 – information responsibilities Forecasting Flood service - SHMI Ministry of Environment Regional environmental offices District environmental offices The Slovak Management Enterprise Regional Fire and Rescue brigades District Fire and Rescue brigades Early Information and Warning Ministry of Interior- Regional and District Offices- Municipalities Ministry of Environment The Slovak Management Enterprise Regional and District environmental offices
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