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DoING Science: Science Process Skills Science is a process through which we learn about the world. We not only learn about science, we actually DO Science!

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Presentation on theme: "DoING Science: Science Process Skills Science is a process through which we learn about the world. We not only learn about science, we actually DO Science!"— Presentation transcript:

1 DoING Science: Science Process Skills Science is a process through which we learn about the world. We not only learn about science, we actually DO Science! In this slideshow, you will review a few of the many skills involved in doing science. Since they all involve DOING something, I like to think of them as the Science INGs.

2 OBSERVING using one or more of your five senses to collect information about an object or an event.

3 Classifying grouping objects according to similar characteristics.

4 PREDICTING Forming an idea about what will happen in the future based on observations and prior experience or knowledge Which car will travel faster?

5 INFERRING Drawing a conclusion based on your observations and/or past experience. What happened here?

6 MEASURING Using a tool to describe an object’s properties in units ruler, thermometer, scale, etc. length, temperature, mass, etc. centimeters, degrees, kilograms, etc. Examples of tools: Examples of properties: Examples of units:

7 EXPERIMENTING Conducting an investigation to test a hypothesis or to solve a problem.

8 MAKING MODELS Making a representation of a real object or event.

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