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The Reform of the Sacraments Vatican II. What is a Sacrament? Catechism from Trent: “An outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” Note: Until.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reform of the Sacraments Vatican II. What is a Sacrament? Catechism from Trent: “An outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” Note: Until."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reform of the Sacraments Vatican II

2 What is a Sacrament? Catechism from Trent: “An outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” Note: Until the Council of Florence, there were hundreds of sacred rites - all called sacraments!

3 The 1994 Catechism: A sacrament is an efficacious sign of grace through which divine life is conferred to us (# 1131) “Powers that come forth” from the Body of Christ Which is ever-living and life-giving… (see Luke 5:17) They are actions of the Holy Spirit at work in the body, the Church. They are the masterworks of God in the new and everlasting covenant. (# 1116)

4 Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Reconciliation Matrimony Anointing Holy Orders

5 Baptism Remove original sin from the soul Only the baptized will see God in Heaven Official naming Hidden sacrament, after Mass in the back of the church Joining the church community where grace is shared Initiation! Begin the “journey of faith” During Mass with the community present

6 Confirmation Soldiers of Christ - a paramilitary idea The slap! Memorize the catechism to prepare $3 and a card - for most it’s really a sort of graduation Confirms what happened in baptism Learn how to live the Way of Christ: forgiveness, a love for the materially poor, and all the rest!

7 Eucharist Focus very much on the Host The priest was the only one who really had to be there Mass in Latin with people in the pews praying missals and rosaries Focus very much on the Body of Christ Christ is really present (1) in the Word, (2) in the Community, (3) in the Person of the Priest, and (4) in the Bread and Wine

8 Reconciliation Focus on sins And on the sinners Very private rite Dark confessional, slightly scary, a bit of “magic” in the forgiveness Focus is on the mercy of God God’s unconditional love for us Much more of a community center: sins separates us and this restores us to life in community

9 Healing Extreme Unction (circa 1237) When you saw the priest coming, you knew you were at the end! Focus is on getting rid of those last sins The focus is on healing - in the context of the community God does not want us to be sick Connects to viaticum

10 Marriage Great focus on procreation and raising the kids as Catholics Not much room for divorce, even when love was gone Marriage laws of the 17th Century Focus is also on the mutual love of the couple The domestic church is where we live Can we support love wherever we find it?

11 Ordination Focus was on having a sacred power which no one else has The old ordination rites help us see this Focus is on bringing “holy order” to parish life A gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church Not the same as the baptismal priesthood The new rites help us see this

12 Other sacramental moments Almsgiving Care for the materially poor Campaigning for Social Justice Profession to religious life Getting pregnant or adopting a child Sharing supper with someone “Neighboring”

13 Other sacramental moments Times of great awe Being in touch with the inner voice of God Burying the dead Caring for the environment Moments of friendship Spontaneous acts of goodness and kindness

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