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What denomination of Christianity is this female Bishop part of?

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1 What denomination of Christianity is this female Bishop part of?

2 Different Christian attitudes to equal rights for women in religion By the end of this lesson: You will know the different attitudes Christians have to equal rights for women. Understand why they have these different views.

3 A.In your groups – read the cards. B.Decide which Christian view they reflect: 1. The traditional attitude of Protestant Christianity 2. The modern attitude of Protestant Christianity 3. Catholic attitudes to the roles of men and women. Make sure can JUSTIFY how you have come to that conclusion.

4 Traditional Protestant Christian Protestant ChristianCatholic I grow my hair long and keep it covered in Church. It’s my role to bring up the children and run a Christian home. I wouldn’t speak in Church! St. Paul taught that women should not teach or speak in Church. It has been the tradition of the Church that only men should have leadership rights. Adam was created first, before Eve, so men have more rights than women. I have been a female minister for over a year now. I have been a female vicar for six months now and I really enjoy it. God created male and female at the same time and of equal status – in the image of God. In the Gospels Jesus treated women as his equals i.e. women stayed with Jesus whilst he was crucified. There is some evidence that there were women priests in the early Church. I would certainly say that I am equal to men in every sense but if I wanted I could not become a priest! I’m equal to men in every sense but I could never become part of the ordained ministry. All of the apostles were men. Jesus was a man and the priest represents Jesus in Mass. The Catechism teaches men and women are equal and should have equal rights in society.

5 Agree Disagree “ Women should have equal roles in Christianity”

6 Sikhism and equal rights for women in religion

7 The religious attitude The cultural attitude Men and women are completely equal. Men and women have different roles and therefore they cannot be equal. Women are responsible for bringing up the children and taking care of the home and therefore cannot be religious leaders. Guru Nanak taught male and female should be seen as two halves of a whole. Guru Granth Sahib – God is neither male or female. In the Punjab women are not given equal rights to men. Punjabi society girls are seen as property of their father or husband.


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