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Religion A social institution characterized by sacred stories, symbols and symbolism, the proposed existence of immeasurable beings. Power, states, places,

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Presentation on theme: "Religion A social institution characterized by sacred stories, symbols and symbolism, the proposed existence of immeasurable beings. Power, states, places,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion A social institution characterized by sacred stories, symbols and symbolism, the proposed existence of immeasurable beings. Power, states, places, and qualities; rituals and means of addressing the supernatural; specific practitioners and change.

2 Common characteristics of all Religions
Composed of stories that members believe are important Extensive use of symbols and symbolism Propose the existence of power, states, places and qualities that cannot be measured by science Include rituals and specific means of addressing the supernatural Specific individuals who are experts in practicing the religion All religions are subject to change

3 TO GIVE LIFE MEANING Cosmology - A set of principles or beliegs about the nature of life and death. The creation of the universe, the origin of society, the relationship of indicuals and groups to one another, and the relation of humankind to nature. Holocaust survivor ; Victor Frankl – those whose lives have meaning (religtion) will be the ones who stay alive in hopeless situations. (1946) Religion not always used for good. Ideas Jonestown Heavens Gate Branch Davidians Islamic Jihad

4 George Gmelch (2000) Baseball Magic Article
Magic used in pro baseball for hitting and pitching

5 SOCIAL ORDER Through religion beliefs about good and evil are reinforced by supernatural means of social control. Initiation rites always include information about cultural practices and tradition

6 Sacred Narratives NOT Creation Myths
Holy stories held true by members of the religion. Tell of historical events, heroes, gods, spirits and origins Malinowski with Hopi Indians These stories are not idle tales “but a hard-worked active force; the function of myth, breifly is to strenghten tradition and endow it with a greater value and prestige by tracing it back to a higher, better, more supernatural reality of initial events.” (380).

7 Symbols & Cross, star of david, krishna, swastika, crescent moon and star, buddha Multivalent – containing many different sometimes contradictory meanings

8 Netsilik Inuit Souls of bear, caribou, and seal are very important
NO RELIGION CAN PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD World populated by nonempirical beings or spirits Anthropomorphic Zoomorphic Naturalistic Anthropopsychic The term GOD is used for a spirit who created or has control over some aspect of the world. Some have high creator gods (ultimate power) Creator god Igbo of Nigeria … only accessible by prayer to lesser spirits. India – has millions of gods all aspects of one divine essence RC – Father, Son, Holy Spirit Tricksters – out for their own benefit – not always evil could be mischeieveous as well Devil (evil) African spirit tricksters are monkey and hyena Native American coyote Mana – religious power that is in individuals and objects Doorways and Gates Hair The Craft Netsilik Inuit Souls of bear, caribou, and seal are very important If it was treated properly it would be reborn and let the same hunter kill it again. If you treat it wrong it could come back and terrorize or hurt people.

9 Ways of addressing the supernatural
Ritual – patterned act that involves manipulation of religious symbols Rite of Passage – a ritual that marks a person’s transition from one status to another. Three phases Seperation – detachment from original status Liminal – limbo – not yet at the new status yet Reincorporation – symbolically completed new status achieved

10 Rites of Passage Ritual Transvestism – Japan (crossdressed dancing)
Wubwang’u ritual – Ndembu of Zambia (m & w insult each others sexual abilities) Hijras of India are seen as permanently in liminal state

11 Rites of Intensification
Rituals structured to reinforce the values and norms of a community and to strengthen group identity Nazi Nuremburg Rally ( ) Totems – Australian aborigines Emile Durkheim(388) American Pep Rallys with animal mascots

12 Prayer - any conversation held with spirits or gods. Not always spoken
Prayer - any conversation held with spirits or gods. Not always spoken. Not always pleasant. Buddhist hoist flags, and spin wheels with prayers written on the inside of them Native American in American NW would yell insults at the gods when bad things happened Sacrifice – offering made to increase the efficacy of a prayer. Food from a harvest, animals, humans. Lent / Cattle sacrifice in East Africa (Nuer and Pokot) – no refridgeration so cattle sacrifice may be the only way to have fresh meat, meat divided among comm. By age and sex no quarrels – taboo in having milk and meat on the same day gives those without meat milk to drink Magic – attempt to control the supernatural, if it fails its because the ritual was done wrong not that the spirits refuse to act Imitative magic – procedure resembles result – voodoo doll / baptism / Contagious magic – an object that has been in contact with a person retains a magical connection with that person – voodoo with clothing / signed baseballs, tshirts, documents,/ Asaro of New Guinea (389) Divination – a religious ritual to find hidden objects or information, predict the future/diagnose a disease. Tarot cards/palm reading/coin tossing Naskapi of the Labrador Peninsula Scapulomancy (390)

13 Shamans & Priests

14 Witches and Sorcerers

15 Religion and Change

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