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Parents’ Information April 2013 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents’ Information April 2013 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents’ Information April 2013 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

2 SATS Week Timetable DateLevel 3-5 TestsLevel 6 Tests Monday 13 th May English Reading Test Tuesday 14 th May English grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 15 th May Mental mathematics test Mathematics test A Thursday 16 th May Mathematics test B Mathematics paper 1 Mathematics paper 2 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

3 Explaining the SATS Levels C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013 Level 3: Below the nationally expected level for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 4: The nationally expected level for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 5: Above the nationally expected level for a pupil at the end of Year 6. Level 6: Well a bove the nationally expected level for a pupil at the end of Year 6. At school, we also use sub-levels as a, b or c (a being the highest). Eg. A level 4c is a low level 4, a 4b is a secure level 4 and a 4a is a high level 4.

4 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

5 Numeracy Tests There are three tests:- The mental test (20%) Paper A -no calculator allowed (40%) Paper B -calculator allowed (40%) C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

6 The tests cover Levels 3-5 The first questions in the paper are generally Level 3 questions, moving on to Level 4, with the more challenging questions at the end of the papers targeted at Level 5. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

7 Equipment allowed in each test No equipment allowed in the mental test. Pencil only. Children are allowed a pencil, ruler, tracing paper, protractor and mirror for Papers A and B, and a calculator for Paper B. They may not need to use all of these. School will provide the children with the equipment they need for each test. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

8 Mental test C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

9 Some examples of past papers showing the types of question the children are expected to answer at each level. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013




13 Literacy Tests The children will sit a new statutory test of English grammar, punctuation and spelling (SPAG test). Following an independent review by Lord Bew, the government have decided that writing composition should be subject to teacher assessment only, with the more ‘technical’ aspects of English – such as grammar, punctuation and spelling - assessed via an externally marked test. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

14 The Literacy Tests Reading Comprehension Test 15 minutes to read booklet 45 minutes to answer questions SPAG Test (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Paper 1 – Short answer questions (45 minutes) Paper 2 – Spelling (Approximately 15 minutes) There is no writing test this year, pupils’ writing will be subject to teacher assessment judgement. Pupils will receive separate test results for grammar, punctuation and spelling, reading and maths. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

15 SPAG Test ( Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar Test) C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

16 SPAG Test (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar Test) C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

17 Example Questions from SPAG Test – Paper 1 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

18 Component 2: spelling task The children will hear the following instructions: Listen carefully to the instructions I am going to give you. I am going to read twenty sentences to you. Each sentence has a word missing in your answer booklet. You should listen carefully to the missing word and fill this in, making sure you spell it correctly. I will read the word, then the word within a sentence, then repeat the word a third time. Do you have any questions? Spelling one: the word is dinner. We sat at the table to eat our dinner. The word is dinner. Spelling two: the word is following. The ducklings walked in a line, following their mother. The word is following. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

19 Literacy Tests At school level, the results of each test and assessment will also be published separately and the Department will not calculate a combined overall English level. This will enable schools, parents and the wider public to make informed judgements about schools’ performance based on each subject area. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

20 Reading Comprehension Test C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013 Some questions will ask the children to find answers directly from the reading booklets they are given.

21 C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013 Others will require the children to deduce answers by using words or phrases as evidence.

22 Some questions will ask the children to evaluate what they have read, again using the text to back up their answers. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

23 How you can support your child at home: Sensible bedtime. Healthy diet – eat breakfast. Drink plenty of water at home and school. Encourage your child positively, without putting too much pressure on him/her. Support with homework – provide a quiet place for work. Use revision guides and websites to support your child’s learning. Read with your child, discussing the content and choice of words the author has made. Ask your child questions about their reading, encouraging them to identify words or phrases to back up their answers. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

24 Revision Websites (remember there is no longer a Science SAT) This is an excellent site, providing revision help for KS2, KS3, KS 4 and KS5. This covers all subjects through activities and tests. A wide range of KS2 SATs questions, from both past papers and their own team of teachers. Revision pages at Woodlands Junior School. These revision pages support the work they do at Woodlands Junior School. They have been put together for their students to help them with their revision. Included are some sample questions taken from past Key Stage 2 SATs papers, as well as a whole host of interactive tests/quizzes. Booster maths games for children to look at the major topics. Not just for homework. This includes some excellent games, activities and help for maths. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

25 Thank you for your continued support. C. Devine KS2 SATS - May 2013

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