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Eureca – European Ecosystem Assessment. 198519901995200020052010 SOER 2010 Brundtland report SDS 6 th EAP Rio Earth Summit Cardiff 6 th EAP evaluation.

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1 Eureca – European Ecosystem Assessment

2 198519901995200020052010 SOER 2010 Brundtland report SDS 6 th EAP Rio Earth Summit Cardiff 6 th EAP evaluation Kyoto Protocol COP15 UNFCC CBD MATEEB COP10 CBD Rio +20

3 MA follow-up MA Strategic goals Improving the knowledge base regarding ecosystem functioning and services Developing and applying tools for political decision making Outreach to stakeholders EURECA aims at getting formally acknowledged as SGA

4 Approach Initial high-level stakeholder survey (stakes) Initial overview of ecosystem status and trends (stocks) Parallel storyline-based assessments with lower-level stakeholder involvement (stories) Integral final assessment (conclusions) STOCKSSTAKES STORIES

5 Modular setup Pathfinder Europe-wide background picture Status and trends of European biodiversity (SEBI-based) Pathways into the future (scenarios, prospective study) Methods handbook / matrix of ecosystems and services No integral economic valuation of change! Spotmeters Zooming in on areas/services of interest Analysing consequences of context changes (on basis of scenarios) Exploring resilience Exploring policy options Assessing economic costs and benefits Integrator Overall assessment / conclusion

6 Storyline based assessment Spotmeters Food for Thought Food, fuel and the fate of the landscape Fish Behind the Net Exploiting the marine environment Natura2morrow Significance and robustness of the Natura2000 network Peak performance Mountain ecosystems under pressure Breaking the waves Biodiversity and flood prevention (scheduled to start 2009)

7 Methods ecological analysis indicator-based (e.g. SEBI) distribution and trends of habitats and species threats / pressures ecosystem resilience scenario development alternative pathways into the future DPSIR modelling spatially explicit output (distribution habitats / species) economic valuation (NB: per scenario) identification of relevant ecosystem services value of marketed and non-marketed services costs of relevant policy measures cost-benefit analysis under discounting over the scenario period. ecosystem accounting stocks (land cover units, species) flows of related ecosystem services modelling economic parameters (upscaling / benefit transfer)

8 Internal process Pathfinder Spotmeter Accounting Integral accounting (selected services) Partial story-line based analysis (selected issues / regions) Integrator CORINE SEBI

9 Stakeholder process Pathfinder framework Vulnerability maps Status and trends Methodology guideline Scenarios Storyline development Biodiversity assessment Spotmeter development Economic valuation Policy options Integrator Synthesis Recommendations Conclusions Stakeholders SEBI Countries Topic stakeholders countries Reachout event Startup event

10 Timetable 2008-2013 200820092010201120122013 Biodiversity Comm. 2nd progress report 4th pr. rep. 2010 eval. 7th pr. report 6th EAP eval. Marine strat.Entry into forceInitial assessment CFPRevision WFDRiver basin rep. CAP Health Check Commission proposal Reg. policyEx post eval.Proposal Natura2000Art. 17 reportingPossible guideline art.10 coherence Poss. revision HD / BD Climate change Communication on adaptation BioenergySust. criteria CohesionGreen paper Budget rev.Budget ’14-’20 Alp./Carp. C PathfinderIntegrator Food for Thought Braking the waves Fish behind the Net Natura2morrow Peak Performance SEBI report SoER CC rep.Biofuels rep. CAP report

11 Links to MA follow-up strategy Improving the knowledge base regarding ecosystem functioning and services SEBI integration, Country contributions, accounting framework Developing and applying tools for political decision making at European level Close link to main policy frameworks and timetable (CAP, CFP, Energy, WFD, BAP) Outreach to stakeholders Spotmeter storylines as basis for outreach

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