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Rickett’s Point - Preparation. What will we be doing? ACTIVITY ONE We will be assisting to maintain the area by Gardening, involving both weeding and.

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Presentation on theme: "Rickett’s Point - Preparation. What will we be doing? ACTIVITY ONE We will be assisting to maintain the area by Gardening, involving both weeding and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rickett’s Point - Preparation

2 What will we be doing? ACTIVITY ONE We will be assisting to maintain the area by Gardening, involving both weeding and clearing rubbish around the Marine Sanctuary. Weeding and clearing the area helps conserve that natural environment. ACTIVITY TWO Riding along the bike path and looking at the effect of the Urban build and environmental impact of storm water entering the bay.

3 Important Information What where when? Students must meet at South Road gates by 1.00pm. 4:30 pm return to school. Must be wearing a shirt with long sleeves and long pants and have shoes that cover your feet. ( you can bring Bike Pants if you would like to ride in them) Have in your back pack Sun Hat Sun screen Full water bottle

4 Reflection: Portfolio What is a Marine Sanctuary & why do we need to protect and conserve environments like Rickett’s Point? What things impact negatively on our environments? You can take photos and document your experience at Rickett’s Point to add to your portfolio.

5 Resources That may help Research Marine Sanctuary – why have they been established ?What do they do to conserve the natural environment? Find specific information about Ricketts Point w=article&id=1&Itemid=194 w=article&id=1&Itemid=194 What are the threats to Marine sanctuary's? How can we minimize these threats?

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